Tara Ahearn



General Information: 

Name: Tara Louise Ahearn (Pronounced as: t-air-ah lew-ease aye-her-n)

Alias(es): None

Gender: (Trans) Female

Birth Designation: DMAB


Sexual Orientation: Bisexual (with a strong leaning towards men)

Romantic Orientation: Bisexual (with a strong leaning towards men)

Age: 19

Species: Human

Race: White

Ethnicity: Irish-American

Birthday: January 27th

Sign: Aquarius


Appearance Information:

Height: 5'11''/180cm

Weight: 143lbs | 65Kg

Build: Upside-down triangle; although slim her shoulders are a tiny bit broad
Distinguishing Features: 
• Freckles

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Light Red

Skin Tone: White

Handedness: Left-handed

Scents: Paper and ink

Scars and Injuries: None

Body Modifications:
Ear piercing - lobe - Both ears


Personality Information:

Personality: Tara tends to keep to herself and is something of a wall flower, even more so in professional settings, but just because she might not say something from time to time? That doesn't mean she doesn't hear anything. The type to overhear, and very rarely engage it, gossip. She is the type to keep that information for future use if it is relevant. Tara has a goal in mind and she is willing to do what she can to make sure she hits it. Not near the goal but the goal itself. However, a few times this can result in her overcompensating and going a bit to far from time to time. While more often than not this mostly results in her getting a bit burnt out? On rare occasions it can come back to bite her.

Positive Personality Traits: 

• Diplomatic
• Just
• Respectful
• Polite
• Resolute
• Ambitious

Negative Personality Traits: 

• Stubborn
• Irritable
• Avoidant
• Ambitious

• Tara taps her pencil, or whatever she's holding, with her off-hand whenever she's scrolling on her phone with her dominant hand and at a desk.


• Being outed
• Creepy middle of the nights


• Thrillers
• Stove top ramen
• White noise
• Zebras
• Crabs
• Tea on a rainy day
• Pop music


• Horror movies
• Snakes
• Cats
• Traffic
• Not getting her morning coffee

Pet Peeves: 

• Tara dislikes it when people cut in front of her for any reason but even more so when she's trying to get on an elevator or use a printer
• Tara gets mildly annoyed when people go on and on about things like aliens and ghosts like they're real
• Tara will twirl her hair around her index finger when she's nervous

Mental Health Issues: 

Speech Patterns: 
Tara speaks with a fairly consistent clip, doing her best to cover information as quickly as possible, but making sure that it is understood. She does her best to remain articulate at all times and as a result almost never mumbles unless she's embarrassed. However, because of this is it incredibly easy to tell her mood by the tone of her voice. (e.g. When angry, annoyed, or irritated there is a clear frustration in her voice as well as a slight waver when she's sad to the point she can't exactly hide how she feels at all.)

Who are you? 
"My name's Tara. Tara Ahearn."

Can you tell me a bit about yourself? 
"What's there to talk about? My parents are Billy and Elizabeth Ahearn. You probably know them, especially if you are from around here, and, yes, really, they are actually my parents. Though, I wouldn't fault you for not knowing that. I never exactly made it a priority to get in front of the camera when they go out at all those fancy shindigs. I prefer to stay at home. I work for the city council. Go to Lakeside Community when I'm not there. Pretty typical stuff honestly."

What is your orientation? 
"I'm into guys. Mostly. I mean, there are some, really, cute girls out there. So, yeah, but mostly into guys."

How old are you? 
"Nineteen coming up on twenty."

How tall are you? 
"Tall, I guess. Though, not that tall. It's not like I'm six feet tall or something."

How many languages do you speak?
"Right now, just English. I'm trying to learn Spanish but only just started trying to learn that. Figured it might be helpful to know if just because I can imagine a few instances where it might be useful."

Do you have any family? 
"Other than my parents? No. I'm an only child. I don't even have any uncles, aunts, or cousins, or anything to the best of my knowledge. Things are fairly quiet on my side of the family tree."

What about friends? 
"I have a few friends. I guess. Well, for one there's Alex. Alex is...She's something I'll say that. Just a ball of energy and goodness. It's, like, she has enough of a presence that she alone could probably count as a few friends because she brings that much to the table. Smile to light up a room, always a beacon of sunshine, she's just kinda great. Oh, there's also Maxx and Jack. I've known them about as long as I've known Alex. They're great too."

What do you do for a living or what do you want to do? 
"Right now I am working down at city council. Interning rather. In particular I work down in city administration.  Might be a small part right now but I like to think I'm helping keep things running. Even if all I'm doing is getting coffee for or helping with paperwork that the people who have the real power need doing. Though, and you didn't hear this from me, I'm doing most of the work sometimes but I digress. As for what I want to do? Well, running for public office is something I've wanted for awhile. Don't get me wrong. I'm not dumb enough to think I could run for president or something. Although, given some of the people who run it might not hurt to throw my hat in the ring, but y'know, something important one day.

Are you religious? 
"As much as everyone else."

Are you seeing anyone? 
"No, not at the moment, although there's someone who I've had, an eye on, I guess, for awhile. Though, there's probably nothing that can come from that so who knows."

Do you have any favorite foods? 
"I'll eat anything really. Except for anything that's been anywhere near peanuts or peanut butter. I promise it's not a prima donna thing. I'm allergic. Can't have that stuff."

What do you do for fun? 
"I watch a lot of movies when I have time off. A lot of thrillers and espionage stuff. Gives that same sort of rush as a horror movie just without all the jumpscares and it can also be a great workout for your brain. Other than that? I guess, I just listen to music, clean a bit, sometimes if I really need a pickmeup I'll go to the park or the zoo that's a bit out of town. All the people and greenery just is a really great mood helper."

Do you anything you want to say to anyone who might read this?
"Kinda putting me on the spot. Well, just remember to try and help others, be good to each other, and vote. In everything. Local elections too. I'm serious it's not just the presidential ones every four years. Half the people on the city council have kept their jobs for years because they run unopposed. It's kinda nuts."


Other Information:

Languages Spoken:
• English
• Spanish (attempting to learn it)


• United States


• Full-time college student
• Inter/Temp worker for the local government
Marital/Relationship Status: 


• Christianity (Protestant)

Current Residence: 
Portgate, California, United States

Windfall, Indiana, United States

Immediate Family: 

• Billy Ahearn (Father)
• Elizabeth Ahearn (Mother)


Criminal Status: 

General Health: 


• Peanuts

Blood Type: 

Clothing Styles: 
Tara tends to dress very femininely, picking outfits that tend to accentuate her legs and draw attention away from her shoulders, things like knee-length skirts and dress as well as shorts. Color-wise she tends to lean towards very bright colors such as whites, yellows, and blues.

Voice Claims:  Ashly Burch  

Miscellaneous Notes: 

• Tara's freckling is thickest on her face, neck, and shoulders but is prevalent all over





Billy Ahearn
FatherDespite being the first and only child of Billy's? The man wasn't super active in Tara's life. This was partly due to a combination of work and philanthropy efforts proving to be the primary source of his attention as more often than not, while he did see Tara every day for her early life, most of those were were for periods that lasted less than about thirty minutes a day. As a result Tara is kind of distant from her father.
Elizabeth Ahearn
MotherDespite being the first and only child of Elizabeth's? The woman wasn't super active in Tara's life. While she was more present than Tara's father Billy and was often the person that signed off on things for Tara's sake? Doing things like bringing Tara's request to get on HRT before her father and being the main one of the two that actually secured it. Tara was mostly raised by a rotating crew of babysitters until she was old enough to watch herself. Often only really speaking to her mother at the dinner table. Tara is kind of distant from her mother. 
Alex Raneri
Best-Friend/CrushMeeting while Alex was temporarily staying with her cousin while her father was deployed and her mother was busy traveling for work, resulting in Alex being enrolled in Tara's school, the two instantly hit it off and became friends given Alex was the only one to really strike up a conversation with and get to know the then loner who kept to herself. Overtime Alex managed to pull Tara out of her shell, leading to meeting or getting to know better the people she now considers close friends, and even being one of the instrumental figures to first listen to and encourage Tara when she came out leading to her transition. While Alex would move away when her parents were able to return she came back midway into the next year. The two of them became best friends but as they headed off to college those feelings shifted into romantic ones on Tara's end for Alex that she both feels guilty for having, since she has a crush on her best friend, but also not simply because of just how much Alex makes her happy. She's attempted to confess these feelings multiple times but always hesitates and has aborted the effort. Eventually she does want to tell Alex how she feels.  Tara has a deep crush on Alex that's been slowly growing over the years that they've known each other and while its obvious to everyone else? Alex doesn't seem to notice.
Jack Bernard
FriendTara met Jack shortly after she had met her friend Alex. With the latter being the one to introduce the two together. Initially things were awkward between the two, given Tara wasn't the most social person in the world, but as Tara managed to come out of her shell she and Jack started talking more eventually helping Tara to put into words something she had been feeling forever and first introducing her to the idea she might be trans. While she didn't come out until a bit later, first coming out to their mutual friend Alex instead, when Tara did come out to Jack he was another major form of early support. As the years went on Jack became a regular fixture in Tara's life. Often getting her to get out and enjoy life rather than focusing entirely on her future to the point she wasn't living in the current. While Tara can think that Jack is a bit of a dork and Jack thinks she can be a bit of a busybody they are good friends nonetheless. 
Maxx Bautista
FriendMeeting when they were really young Maxx and Tara became friends by proximity. Often finding themselves seated near each other, going to the same places, doing much the same things? Eventually they began to sit next to each other simply because they were the one consistent thing they recognized. It wasn't until late middle school that they actually began to talk to each other, getting to know each other, and became friends. And, more often than not, the both of them stepped in when the other might find themselves as a target of bullying. Often by giving the other an out to simply walk away from whoever was pestering them. When Tara came out as trans it wasn't long after that that Maxx himself came out, a bit inspired by Tara to do some research himself, which led him to discovering things about himself. Since then the two of them have been just as stable a fixture in each other's lives. With Tara often running ideas, plans, just things in general past Maxx and listening to his, somewhat, cynical takes on everything as a form of check to make sure she wasn't overlooking anything and likewise Maxx turned to Tara as something of a positive and yet still grounded figure to give him something to work towards.They are good friends who have known each other for seemingly forever.
Archer Zhu Huang
ProfessorAssuming that her English comp class would be a breeze? Tara had gone in not expecting much only to be caught off-guard by just how seriously professor Zhu Huang pushed his students. Something that initially caused a dip in her average that she quickly had to correct something that while it did annoy her also managed to teach her not to let down her guard. Along with that Tara often tries to stay on the professor's good side. It isn't uncommon for her to try and strike up conversations with the man in an effort to firmly secure herself as the teacher's pet just in case she needed him to say a good word in her favor down the line. They have a standard student-teacher relationship although Tara does suck up now and then to attempt to stay on the professor's good side.


⭐ Tara comes from money, in particular, her parents made their money on a combination of inheritance and investments, often buying up franchises to major companies in their county and others, and gathering their share of the monthly profits. This has given the Ahearns a level of status in the area that they turned towards advancing interests and causes they either have a personal stake in or simply do because they can. This most obviously takes the form of their philanthropy and political fundraising which keeps them, minus Tara, busy a lot of the time. The result of this is that Tara grew up mostly taking care of herself.

⭐ Tara has been on HRT (hormone replacement therapy) for about a year and a half, being put on it as soon as possible after coming out to her parents, although she can't help but wonder at times if they did this because they were good parents or simply because it might help their image, it is for that reason that she tends to avoid events that her parents attend, out of a desire to avoid being that public image boost, along with that Tara has no desire to have SRS (sexual reassignment surgery).

⭐ Tara can play the violin, or rather the fiddle, but she does not advertise that fact that between the red hair, freckles, and the fact her family is Irish American? She really hates the typical jokes it earns usually around St. Patrick's Day. She also avoids wearing green during the month of March for that same reason. 

⭐ Tara is a massive skeptic, in contrast to a few of her friends, and doesn't believe in things like aliens, ghosts, demons, or anything like that. In fact this goes so far as being part of the reason why, if asked, she would describe herself as more agnostic or atheist, despite regularly going to church since she isn't entirely sure if she believes in the concept of a god or afterlife either. 

⭐Tara aspires to one day enter politics on the national stage, and while she doesn't want to ever run for the likes of president due to the fact that she doesn't think she could handle the global responsibility that such a job would entail? She does see a job such as a governor or senator being more something she could at least comprehend the responsibilities for. As a direct result she actively works towards that future career with everything from her working with her local city council, to organizing grassroots movements, to even the few aforementioned political events she does go to with her parents.

⭐ Tara tends to wear, and love, wearing bright colors such as yellows and oranges in part because when she was a younger teenager she tended to wear dark and baggy clothes as a way of letting herself trying to blend in. It wouldn't have been uncommon to see her wearing a black hoodie, with the hood up, even during summer in an attempt to try and not draw attention to herself. This changed when, after she came out to her best friend, Alex, the two of them decided to see if they couldn't update Tara's wardrobe. It was Alex's suggestion that Tara looks good in bright colors and since then she has opted to brighten up her clothing choices a bit.

⭐ Tara, as mentioned above, had a period in which she actively went out of her way to avoid other people. Isolating herself to avoid negative experiences and while she believes she lucked out with the friends she has now? It is still immensely difficult for her to make friends with new people. Either coming off as too stiff and formal, distracted and flippant, or simply too busy. Something she knows she comes off as but something she finds incredibly hard to get over.