


3 years, 6 months ago




Full nameMelina
NicknamesMellie (by some of her fellow rookies)

PronounsShe / Her
Height160 cm / 5'3"
(Horns not included)
LanguagesDemonic, can speak and understand most languages

RelativesGoddess of Death

(Mentor / Mother figure)

Ayla Royra



Energetic and often too talkative for her own good, Melina is a younger breed of succubi, being only a few hundred years old.

Still considered very much a rookie, she's being trained by 
Yserlith, who she has grown very attached to and fond of over time.

Melina's spunky attitude and antics often get her into trouble, as she quite rarely thinks before acting. Despite her succubus training, that part of her nature seems to be hard, perhaps even impossible for her to control.


Melina is spunky and energetic, more often than not too much for her own good. Shunned by her peers, Melina often tends to feel like she's inferior to others for being a 'late bloomer', meaning that she hasn't ascended, meaning that she's yet to earn her fully sized wings and horns.

All of this has lead to her having dependable personality, one that is often very clingy to those she feels closely attached to. This can often make or break what few relationships she has, as her overtly energetic nature and her need for validation and support tends to be too much for most beings.

Melina is also often made fun of not being very smart, as she's definitely the type who tends to act a lot more based on her impulse than to think things through first.


Melina is a relatively young succubus (in human years she's equivalent to that of a young adult). When she was created, the Goddess of Death assigned her to Yserlith, fully knowing how mismatched they were personality wise. Knowing that it wasn't wise to argue with the Goddess' decision, Yserlith begrudgingly agreed and took Melina under her wing, training and guiding her as her mentor.

Despite her best efforts, however, Yserlith hasn't been able to help Melina ascend yet, despite her best efforts. Melina's energetic nature tends to make her bad at focusing on typical tasks that are expected of a fully grown succubus, as most of her missions end up being a failure due to her low attention span and low interest in matters she's not interested in.

On top of this, she has yet to fully master her usage of her feral form, which is especially dangerous since it has been observe to be unusually strong, especially for someone who hasn't ascended yet.

Melina is still loyally sticking to Yserlith's side, doing her best to not worry so much about what others might speak about her behind her back. She's currently assisting Yserlith in order to work as interdimensional messengers between the land of the living and the land of the dead to assist Risyss and Gabe on their mission. It was through them that she also met Ayla Royra, who she instantly fell in love with, despite the feeling seemingly not being as intense both ways.



Yserlith has been Melina's mentor and closest friend ever since her birth. Even though the two of them personality wise are very much opposites, over the years they have grown very close, even if Yserlith herself would never flat out admit it, she still looks after Melina and is very protective of her; even going as far as to consider her to be almost like her own daughter. This is unusual for succubi, as usually they don't develop bonds quite as strong as this one with their fellow kin.


Risyss is someone who Melina happened to meet through Yserlith. Seeing Risyss as a big-sister sort of figure, she's both very fond of her and admires her a lot. Risyss is one of the few high ranking demons who seem to not only tolerate her, but actively defend her and even enjoys her company.


Melina met Gabe when she was summoned by Risyss in order to help her and Gabe out. She immediately took liking to her, not really realizing that Gabe wasn't quite as comfortable with her yet as she was with her. She has since learned some respective boundaries, especially since Gabe is already in a relationship. In general, Melina finds Gabe cute, be it too quiet and reserved to her personal liking. She still enjoys her company, especially since she seems to make Risyss happy.


Melina met Ayla when she was attending a demon festival in Sleethill. Despite causing Ayla some property damaged, the two did seem to quickly hit it off.

Ayla has been one of the few people who Melina feels like have actually listened and cared about her. Melina is now hoping that someday Ayla would feel as strongly about her as she feels about them.


The Goddess of Death is creator of all demons, Melina included. She rarely cares or even acknowledges most of her demons, let alone ones that aren't inside of her most inner circle, but Melina is a name that she remembers due to her antics. Were it not for Risyss, there is a chance she would have eradicated Melina long time ago.


- Melina's favorite colors are black and yellow.

- Melina's favorite flower is carnation.

- As Melina's wings can't yet carry her, she prefers to float instead.

- Melina is partially color blind.

- Melina enjoys talking with animals and gets exceptionally well along with them.

original design by realtense
code by zodia