

8 months, 14 days ago



Prodigal Report



FORM 010A: Basic observations recorded for individual.

Emery Espada
Emery, Elois, "E"
Female, She/Her
Bisexual (Male preference)
Early 20s
February 16
4'11" / 149.86 cm
Admin. Member (Protege)











I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the provided information is true and correct.


Mentor Signature

FORM 010B: Behavioral information of individual.











Sensible - Empathetic - Resourceful - Clever

Emery Espada will be the youngest of the small number of the Prodigal's Administration Member, but her age is no factor to her maturity, kind demeanor, and sensible attitude. Among all the existing administration members, none of them appear to have any disdain towards her upbringing. As someone who is generally critical to the absolute minimal of their characteristics, she may lack the necessary strength and ambition needed to progress her own self which could be self-destructive in the future. However, she appears to have some sort of ability to ease most tensions between the most stubborn members in the meetings, because of how optimistic she views the world. It only makes sense that this protégé should remain to work for the Prodigal, even if she doesn't live up to the expectations of Grandfather.

Putting relationships aside, Espada has shown herself to be competent, proving herself worthy of wearing the Prodigal's clothes very soon. Very observant and insightful, there are times where she has difficulty putting her opinions and advice into words - it all depends on how confident she is in the situation.

She claims that she's not as "friendly" as what others assume. Instead, which is very beneficial to the organization, she prioritizes making useful connections. Even before her introduction, she is already well acquainted with the youngest generation of a tightly organized and powerful Triad Syndicate (Laohu Triad) and has been in friendly terms with the son of a world famous German-chocolate company. And since her mentorship with Maximille, she's been in contact with several more notable figures that could be benefit the group.

Emery is well aware that she's not as physically capable as the organization's Specialists, but it matters little among the Administration. As a protégé, she cannot be given as much protection since Espada is still in the process of her mentorship. However, she has a eccentric circle of friends that will protect her... many of them could be potential prospects for the Prodigal Specialist Agents if they're still seeking to add more to their numbers.

Added 12/03/20XX:

Because of previous events in these last few years, it should be necessary to include the change in Emery since the event of her kidnapping. I will be adding a brand new application to include "Elois," a persona that Emery has unintentionally built as a defense mechanism to protect Emery's state of mind. In the most simplest terms: Emery developed DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) or Multiple Personality Disorder. This personality that's been developed is so drastically different, that it'll be more a hindrance to fully explain this new identity here instead of a blank slate.

However, since the forthcoming of Elois, Emery has become more reserved in the Prodigal. Her mental health has deteriorated overtime due to two main factors:
1) Emery has been feeling a sense of inferiority to Elois. Emery appears to have accepted that she is only the lesser person between the two of them, and that Elois is far more capable in the Prodigal than she could ever be.
2) Elois, unfortunately, only cares about Emery and only her. She doesn't seem to get along well with those around her. This persona has been abruptly ending and cutting off relationships of those in her circle. Administration Member Hope, who had been Emery's closest confidant and romantic partner, is no exception.

We recently requested Grandfather to take a closer watch over Emery.


Emery is mild-mannered and often pleasant. She has a hard time finding confidence in herself, but when she appears so - a smug look can appear across her face.

She has an interest in developing one's appearance. Perhaps being under Maximille's apprenticeship over a long period of time has influenced her views. She enjoys dressing people up, and particularly nitpicky with certain outfits. Especially if she has been developing her craft in tailoring suits - in only makes sense she has a hobby making clothes for not only herself, but for her loved ones.

Emery is born blind on her left eye, making her physically incapable to see almost all things on her left side. However, she's developed an acute sense of hearing and even a higher sense of awareness on this particular side. Thus, acting as if her vision was never impaired in the first place.

It doesn't take too much to convince Emery to perform certain things. In fact, she'd be more willing to do it out of kindness instead of her own benefit. However, in the offer of taking her to a new restaurant or a cafe, she would become more lenient.


Emery speak more casually than the majority of the Administration's more preferred formal speech. However, if necessary, she is familiar speaking in such a manner. Born raised in southern California, Emery has neither "valley girl" or "surfer dude" accent. However, she still continuously brings up California slang such as "dude," "bro," and "hella." She has also been more self aware of the notorious Californian verbal pause (ex. "I mean, like, yeah!") that has been brought up several times in the meetings.

She is not as versed in different languages compared to her partner Hope. But growing up in a Filipino household, Emery can understand Tagalog but her Tagalog appears to be "butchered." However, she's slowly picking up both Japanese and French languages.

In comparison to her speech, she is more familiar and comfortable communicating through text instead of her voice. Her writings have spent years of proper refinement, making herself more excellent writing speeches than speaking them.

FORM 010C: History known of individual.



Emery was born from a lower-middle class family. Due to California's economic situation, her family has lived in a more modest household and sometimes they've struggled trying to keep up with certain payments. However, none of them are drastic enough to really hinder the family's lifestyle. Her parents only have such a small limit of what they could afford for Emery's own personal interests during childhood. Despite this, she still remains to live comfortably and nowhere has experienced any form of financial hardships. The limits made by Espada's parents had made her more kind and humble.

She's lived quite close to the beach, but nowhere near her home is a beach house. Having easy access and so close to the downtown area, she finds comfort living in the urban city instead of the countryside. Due to her parents very limited spending, she entered into a public school all her life and entered University through scholarships. Despite having a large number of friends, Emery still keeps in constant contact with her tightly knitted circle that she's befriended in her highschool years.

Her first awareness of the Prodigal was through Hope, an already existing Administration Member of the Prodigal. Hope's social class appears drastically different from Emery, but through the friendship of Emery's mother and Hope's father - they've been in enough contact for Emery to hear about the organization.

Turning Point

Emery would be seventeen years old when she became a prospect for the Administration, thought the recommendation of Hope. At this time, the Prodigal seemed desperate for more numbers and Espada was welcomed into the Prodigal at the age of eighteen. It would have been Hope's role as Emery's mentor but Hope was called to deal with the Prodigal's other issues, leaving him absent for a month to respond to the his high priority request in Japan.

To temporarily take his place would be Hope's former mentor, Dr. Konstantinov. Though his guidance remained effective to Emery's progression, he had handed off his mentorship to Maximille Durand after only a month. He remained adamant to his reason, as he claims that he and Hope's mentorship would be entirely biased and Espada wouldn't reach her highest potential under both of their wings. Instead, he offers the suggestion of handing over Emery to someone who is "willingly unbiased, but also compatible."

Emery's sudden change in her path did not drastically hinder her development. Even if Durand has a history of being "ultimately strict" and "hard to please," Espada successfully got along well with her new mentor and remained pleasant during their first few months. She eventually picked up the same craft of tailoring through her apprenticeship because of their aligned interests.

Prior to finishing her apprenticeship under Administration Member Durand, the protégé was taken by an unidentified party and left Espada's whereabouts unknown. Due to her protégé status, there was little to no resources to help pinpoint where this unknown party could have taken her. Even if the Prodigal had prioritized the search, there is only so much the organization, Grandfather, and their agents could do to find her.

The search for Espada lasted for approximately twenty-nine (29) days. Which is longer than usual period of search parties carried by the Prodigal's Specialist Agents before the responsibility would be passed to federal agents. The search party was prolonged due to the stubbornness of Kirisawa, Konstantinov, and Durand. Until Emery had miraculously appeared. with only little to no bruising on her body, she came home safely due to help of Johannes Fertig.

The hostile party that had kidnapped her belonged to a small affiliate to the Yamatando clan (whose main head quarters remains in Japan). Though not directly related, they were given a large sum of money to retrieve information regarding the Prodigal's plans directly related in Tokyo. Fortunate that Kirisawa was vague regarding the request as mentioned earlier, when Emery reported she had given their opponents absolutely nothing. However, everything after the first interrogation session became blank and Espada could not recall as to how she escaped the "prison" she was trapped in. Instead, Emery has surprised a number of Administration Members by unconciously showing a more "awakened state" also known as "Elois." Under multiple surveillances, along with a second, and perhaps third opinion from a Psychologist, Emery has been diagnosed with Mulitple Personality Disorder due to the trauma she experienced firsthand.


After a whole year of being a Maximille's protégé, Durand recognized Espada as a full-fledged Administration Member. However, in Emery's more reserved state since the kidnapping event, Espada wishes to remain a protégé for a longer period until she feels confident... without the help of Elois' state. She continues to be Maximille's apprentice in the tailor shop, but there's very little that Durand could teach her - both the subject of tailoring and the Organization. During this, Emery is slowly becoming more reserved and eventually isolates herself from those she calls friends... and Hope appears to be have been out of the picture due to Elois's over-protectiveness. Concerned of her well-being, she requests the help of Grandfather himself.

However, there is not Grandfather could do without putting force on Espada's situation without triggering Elois in the process. Instead, Grandfather could only reassure that Emery is being carefully watched by him and his personal agents.

Added 01/19/20XX:

Emery's last whereabouts remain unknown once again and it has been several days since she came to work. On behalf of Administration Member Durand, he requests another search party to Grandfather but was immediately rejected.

To which Grandfather responds soon after: "A search party is no longer necessary; it's under control."

Updates regarding Emery became more scarce as time passes. After a month of her disappearance, she is announced "DEAD" to the public until further notice.