


3 years, 6 months ago



Name Murma
nickname(S) Swamp Monster
species Elemental
Pronouns 1 Mu / Mur
pronouns 2 She/Her
alignment ????
element Swamp Goo
magic Mediocre
role Swamp Mom
theme song [song]

STORY Brighter
importance ★Beloved


   Murma is a very caring individual, who also doesn't seem to care at all how you perceive mur. Mu just wants to live mur peaceful life out in the midlands, and would prefer to stay out of the Moon/Sun Kingdom drama. Mu's very accustomed to living in the midlands, and is very happy to call the whole thing mur home. 

  Mu lives with Beanpole, who is the love of mur life. Murma is grateful to have be around, and is always glad for ber support. Murma always carries a very positive calming vibe to them, but also sorta has 'crazy wine aunt' energy. Mur is often very tired, but does a great job of hiding it.


10382752?1616206512BEANPOLE --- [Partner]
Murma met be when mu was young, and they've been together ever since. The two of them care deeply for each other and have been through tough times.  
4285234?1593564330SOLINE --- [Little Traveler]
"What a cutie, I'm glad so's not traveling alone,"
Murma is very fond of Soline, and is happy to give so shelter for the time they're passing through the midlands.
8066873?1656017784MONDAI --- [Bigger Traveler]
Murma is greatful for the tips Mondai has to offer, mur feels a lot of sympathy for mo, and tries to give mor the peace of mind mo clearly needs. 
6616721?1656017346BELB --- [Angry Traveler]
"I didn't think so had it in sor, but i'll be alright darling."
Be's so angry, and so mad, there's so much pent up emotion here, mur only wants to try and help be. 

  Born in the midlands, and raised by no one. Murma has not had it easy. They've had to figure out how to live by themself, and have faced lots of danger. They quickly learned the big fragments were to be feared, and the small ones were friends, and that although the ruins made for the best shelter, they were often where the most big fragments lay, so it was usually best to avoid them. 

   Eventually, Murma ran into a lanky stranger, who refused to give out their name. Murma simply started calling them Beanpole, and the two of them decided to travel together. They would set up home somewhere, then be forced to move, so the two of them got used to living a very nomadic life. They were happy together, despite all the danger, they grew happy with each others company. 

Some things happen. Including the acquisition of a tea set. 

  Beanpole and Murma were very saddened, life would never be the same. Murma is very closed off for a very long time, and Beanpole grows very worried. Though, time helps heal the wounds, and eventually the duo devote themselves to learning more about the history of the midlands, and protecting people from their mistake. 53097471_78FiolhyrC3YKkl.png

+ Usually calls Beanpole, Beanie
+ Mur main defense mechanism is sinking into the swamp and blending in
+ Has a deep fear of being suffocated to death
+ Loves to dance, especially on hard surfaces so that mur hooves click

+ Very droopy, though not in attitude (unless sad)
+ One horn, like a unicorn
+ Has a couple 3 petaled flowers, feel free to draw as actual flowers
+ I mean, mu's pretty simple