


7 years, 29 days ago


Swildow "Swil" Nopsakäpälä




swildow universe

All sorts of ninja dogs, gathering dogs to fight a giant bear and all kinds of other silver fang stuff. But then also sled dogs, humans and the like.


  • Swil is a lovable weirdo. A manic pixie dream girl who went to war and grew up. A traumatized child. A depressed workaholic. The class clown. A mother who abandoned her babies. Someone who has lived a full and long life.


  • Honey brown fur with white markings. Squirrely ear tufts and super bushy tail.
  • Cat-like retractable claws.
  • Black, round eyes. Black nose, pink paw pads.
  • Light turquoise plastic diamond on a string around her neck.
  • After the battle: three giant scars on her back.

Fun facts

  • Nopsakäpälä means nimble paw in finnish.
  • Swil is originally from a tallini.fi rp, where I was writing two word answers and my rp partner was just typing out Silver Fang's story. (The rp happened before I knew anything about Silver Fang, and that's actually how i got into it.)
  • Swil's favourite colour is light blue, favourite foods are fish and hazelnuts, her favourite time of the day is dusk, and favourite weather is rainy weather.
  • She claims that instead of being just a wolfdog (wolf + east siberian laika + norwegian elkhound), she also has squirrel, cat and mole relatives – things that support her claim: the look of her ears and tail and ability to climb trees, love for squirrel food, her claws, but an amazing ability to dig through ground. But probably she's just weird like that.
  • Even if I might technically like some of my characters a bit more than Swil, she will forever hold the most special place in my heart...
  • ... and in my username
  • That being said she is not a fursona or anything like that. i just stole (a variation of) her name when i needed a nick for a silver fang fan forum.... and somehow i'm still calling myself that over fifteen years later...


››ok ok so this is actually the first time i've ever written her story in like one place, so it's pretty.... whatever... i'll proofread and edit it some day
›› uhh, this character was created in 2006 or so, when i was still a small child lol, so cliché and boring and just plain weird are also possibilities.
›› there may be some gaps here and there, bc i've never actually finished her story and it's been more or less "heyy, i guess this happened to her that time!".
›› there's probably way too much unimportant stuff to make this interesting to anyone but me.
››why did i write it in english???

››the pictures are placeholders, i AM going to draw simple pics of everyone one day

3344276_1za_909638.png?1550106215 Winia, mother
3344276_1za_909638.png?1550106215 Ishmaeto, father
3344276_1za_909638.png?1550106215 Iroko, Abatsi & Tiikki, siblings

Swil's father, Ishmaeto, is the most popular boy in school male in the pack and has a lot of admirers, one of them young Winia. Winia and Ishmaeto start a relationship that, after a while, leads to them having four puppies. Three girls, Swildow, Abatsi and Tiikki, and a boy, Iroko, are all small and adorable, and Winia is very happy to be a mother. But turns out Ishmaeto isn't the ideal partner and father he originally seemed to be. He becomes mean-tempered, angry and even violent, and Winia ends up running away with her puppies, leaving the pack altogether.

Swil and her siblings are now living somewhere out of the reach of their abusive father they didn't even know about, and they are happy. Winia worries, but for a while it seems, for nothing. Until one day Ishmaeto finds them. He's incredibly angry at Winia for leaving him. In blind rage he attacks her, beats her up, possibly kills her, and then starts to took out his rage on the poor puppies.
Swil manages to escape, and I guess she hits her head, or something, because she loses her memory. For some reason.

A nice gray dog, Bill, finds her and takes her home to her friends (maybe sister and a girlfriend, i don't remember), Jess and Ida. The three dogs nurse Swil back to health, and because she doesn't remember her own family or have a home anymore, they kind of adopt her. Swil grows up with three loving guardians, doesn't remember enough of her original family to miss them, and things are happy again for a while. This time it's a random wolf pack that attacks the dogs. Swil escapes again, and leaves Bill, Jess and Ida behind to be killed or eaten or enslaved or whatever. She doen't stick around to find out.

3344276_1za_909638.png?1550106215 Bill
3344276_1za_909638.png?1550106215 Jess
3344276_1za_909638.png?1550106215 Ida

from this on Swildow's story comes from the rp she was originally made for. i hadn't watched Silver Fang so i didn't realize for the longest time that at some point my rp partner had started just retyping Silver Fang’s story, almost word for word. so like the middle part of Swil’s story is straight from Silver Fang, and from time to time I’ve tried to figure something else out, but so far ehhhhhhh. So hip hip, she's a silver fang fan character now...
also, i guess "Shoji" and some of the happenings are © arabisiittola-fire / zaki, if i remember their name correctly (it was in '06, after all lol)

also2, this summary might be.. not very summarized.. but also not too.. descriptive.. like a weird not-good middleground

3344276_1za_909638.png?1550106215 Shojito
3344276_1za_909638.png?1550106215 Mimi
3344276_1za_909638.png?1550106215 Belladonna & Jackal

Swildow literally runs into a into a male dog who introduces himself as Shojito. They band together and really hit it off almost immidiately. They are swimming and playing in a small pond when Shoji hears something and goes to investigate. The noise came from a strange masked dog, who isn't that happy to be followed and throws Shoji off a rock or something. He hits his head, but isn't hurt other than a small wound. Swil is worried and honestly kind of scared. Shoji insist on following the strange dog, and not wanting to be left alone, Swil follows. They do find them, but also two other similar dogs, and a fourth dog that is dead and being eaten. Gross.

Swil would still rather just run away again, but Shoji bravely confronts the weird dogs and threatens to kill them. It's no use, though, because the dogs just laugh at him and leave. Swil is relieved when Shoji doesn't try to follow them. They bury the dead dog and find shelter in an empty cave. They settle in for the night and swap some stories about their pasts. Shoji doesn't remember much, but is pretty sure his whole pack is killed by humans, or maybe by other dogs. Swil confesses she doesn't remember her own family at all.

In the morning their moods are better, they play in the rain and hunt some breakfast. Swil tells a terrible joke about Mr. Bearkiller Shoji, and laughs hysterically for way too long, Shoji eats and Swil laughs, Swil eats and laughs. Maybe it's the stress, maybe she's just weird. Then Shoji brings up the cannibals again and Swil doesn't laugh anymore. She's still worried about Shoji's injury, but he insists and again, Swil doesn't have a choice but reluctantly follow.

There's some climbing on trees, talk about Swil's supposed squirrel grandmother, and traps that don't manage to trap them. They find the masked dogs again, find out their names, Jackal, Belladonna and Mimi, and even thought they try to be quiet they're noticed. A fight ensues. Shoji is fighting Mimi, the one that seems to be the leader, and Swil manages to push Belladonna off of a cliff. Mimi and Jackal flee, but Shoji's injured further and one of his legs is pretty much useless for the moment.

Swil and Shoji set their course back to the cave, but they are ambushed and surrounded. Swil manages to jump to safety, but Shoji with his hurt leg can't run so he's captured. For once, Swil doesn't run away, but she tries to sneakily follow Shoji and the mask-dogs. Not sneakily enough, though, because they notice and manage to elude her and dissappear into their hideout. With Shoji. Swil is lost, lonely and doesn't know what to do. Shoji is been captured by dog-eating freaks and probably thinks that she's abandoned him, and she doesn't have any idea how to break him out.

So she wanders around for a bit, meets briefly a white wolf called Jääsilmä, but it doesn't take long for Mimi and Jackal to find her. They threaten to hurt and kill Shoji, if Swil doesn't comply and come with them. Swil doesn't see any better alternatives, so she loses her freedom, but gets to reunite with Shoji. Shoji is touched by her sacrifice, but now they're both in the same mess with no way out. They're locked in a room with no windows, and a locked door. Swil tries to stay optimistic, but just manages to ramble incomprehensibly, when Shoji tries to actually find some more practical solutions. He finds a blanket and tries to get some sleep while Swil tries to scratch their way out through the wall. Mimi comes to bring them some meat (deer, not dog). Shoji eats and Swil tries to find the wall's weak spot. For no avail.

Finally Shoji manages to convince her to come to sleep. They share the blanket, and while it's nice to lay next to each other, both of them find it hard to fall asleep in this place. They do manage to get a few eyefulls of sleep, but get a nightly visitor from Jääsilmä's pack. She can't help them out, but tells what the mask-dogs are planning to do, which is to brainwash them to join their gang, and that Jääsilmä and others will try their best to help them. Swil is suddenly very interested in fighting the mask-dogs and starts yelling and scratching the door until Mimi opens it.

Mimi and Swil fight, but it's kinda unfair, since Mimi is way more experienced fighter. But luckily, Shoji comes to aid and him and Swil manage to knock Mimi out. She wakes up soon, but apparently this has broken her brainwash, because she's horrified of what she's done, and attacks Jackal who's just arrived and offers for her to come and eat a dog he's just stolen from humans. After that it's a bloodbath. Swil is having a great time, cracking jokes and punching mask-dogs, not at all scared anymore. Not that interested in revenge and rather just wanting to get out, Shoji and Swil escape, a mask dog named Robert right on their heels.

They manage to run from the mask-dogs, lose Robert and get to relative safety, but get separated briefly. Swil runs into an angry bear, screams so loudly that Shoji hears her, they meet up and start running from the bear. But Mr. Bearkiller Shoji apparently doesn't do running away, because after stumbling a little he decides to attack the bear. Swil thinks this is a stupid idea and hides. Shoji kills the bear and Swil is reasonably impressed.

Then here comes Akakabuto.............

3344276_1za_909638.png?1550106215 Robert
3344276_1za_909638.png?1550106215 Jerry Smith
3344276_1za_909638.png?1550106215 Gin

Shoji wonders why he hates Akakabuto so much, while Swil starts to run away. Again. This time Shoji follows, wondering aloud if he ever had another pack that was killed by humans or another pack, afterall. That's when Robert finds them. And they fight. Again. And there's a bear. Again. Robert's brainwash was broken too, and right before he dies, he gives Shoji - who tried to save his life - the command of his pack. They meet the pack, and it accepts their new leader, and Shoji assumes the role so quickly that Swil is kinda just left there, hanging out awkwardly and confused.

Shoji and Swil sleep the night side by side, but things have clearly changed. It's not the two of them against the world anymore, but Shoji is now obsessed with killing Akakabuto. He points some members of the pack to lead their own teams to gather more dogs to join their ranks. Swil doesn't get her team to lead. Maybe because she's rambling and being weird again. Shoji is all leader-ly and Swil doesn't really care for all that, she's bored and confused. Then, as if an afterthought, Shoji tells which team Swil should join, and that's pretty much it for them.

Swil now has to make new friends with her teammates, which is easier said than done. They're nice enough, but Swil doesn't want nice, she wants Shoji. Especially she clashes with a dog named Jerry Smith (not to be confused with the Smith from silverfang, that might've originally had Jerry's role..), and really isn't a fan of him. They bicker a lot and Swil has a really poor time. One time she wanders off and finds a pretty necklace, unknowing that it's actually her mother's old necklace. She keeps it.

Then they meet a young puppy called Gin.

And Swil doesn't care, because she's still having a really poor time. She's grumpy, snappy and doesn't want to go along with her stupid team's hijinks. There's again some bear fighting and cliff jumping and Swil hates it. Everyone is always fighting and it's becoming quite tiresome. And on top of all that, when they meet up with the whole pack again, Gin calls Shoji a father. Swil, who has been harboring a growing crush on Shoji is shocked and honestly a bit heart-broken. Turns out that Shoji isn't actually Gin's father, Gin just feels like he is, and Swil feels like she can breathe again.

Not that that happiness lasts long, Shoji sends the teams all over the country, and since Swil is now a part of a team, she has to go too. Or maybe doesn't have to, but goes anyways. Even if she would rather not fight and not run around looking for fights. But Shoji wants her gone, so she is gone. They meet the all the cool kids, like Akatora, Kurotora and Chutora, fight again, and Swil is less than enthusiastic, but does manage to get her spirits up every once in a while. Jerry and Swil get into some pretty dangerous situations and become something like friends. She also starts to like the puppy, Gin, because he's more fun than the others.

But mostly she's just there when all the Silver Fang stuff happens, and tries to make sense of everyone's weird reactions to things happening. Then again, some times she's way weirder than any of them, getting those hysterical laughing attacks and speaking nonsense. But she's still probably fairly liked and maybe her team mates even respect her. No one seems to remember her closer relationship to the leader, though.

the rp died out somewhere around benizakura joining the gang. i don't remember at which point i realized the silver fang connection, but whatever the point was, swil was already in love with "shoji" and i had dreamed up a version of a future for them. which of course was impossible, because Shoji wasn't Shoji at all, but Riki all along and anyways i've never been into shipping my character with canon characters and and and... however, in Swil's world, something like this happens:

3344276_1za_909638.png?1550106215 Jerry Smith
3344276_1za_909638.png?1550106215 Rosie
3344276_1za_909638.png?1550106215 puppies

The dogs have now gathered more dogs and are ready to fight the fricking bears, so they return home. Swil is ready to fight the fricking bears too, but still, mostly because that's what Shoji wanted. She hasn't seen Shoji in ages and their parting was pretty cool, but she's had time to think and has came to conclusion that she's head over heels in love with him. Which sucks, because he's all great leader nowadays. The night before the big fight Swil is downright depressed; she's thinking that Shoji never cared about her, their friendship was a complete lie, and everything sucks and feels useless. Good thing there's a quite possibly lethal fight with some bears coming up! Shoji finds Swil in dark thoughts, and finally the two talk. And talk. And sleep together. And then talk some more.

The big fight is over faster than Swil ever could've imagined. Shoji-Riki is dead, Gin is the new leader, and Swil is gravely injured and possibly dying.

Jerry Smith saves her life by taking her to a human, who tends to her wounds. Swil gives him her necklace for safe keeping. Swil is confused, she's still so in love with Shoji, but he's dead, and now she has also some sort of weird feelings for Jerry, who is her friend, who risked her life by carrying her to the humans even if he was injured himself at the time. But mostly Swil is just numb and doesn't want to think about it. Also she's pregnant. And injured.

Swil is now in the care of a human, and doesn't have the energy or will to even try to escape. She gets better and gives birth to two puppies. She names the other one Shoji Jr or Shoji II, and the other one Edward. The human had a german shepherd named Rosie, who Swil is in friendly enough terms with. Rosie promises to care and later keep track of the puppies, if Swil ever comes back and wants to know what happened. Swil is pretty indifferent and even if she really cares for her kids, she knows, that she isn't in the best mindset right now to raise puppies.

3344276_1za_909638.png?1550106215 Rex
3344276_1za_909638.png?1550106215 Max
3344276_1za_909638.png?1550106215 Don
3344276_1za_909638.png?1550106215 Buck
3344276_1za_909638.png?1550106215 Dagger
3344276_1za_909638.png?1550106215 Dallas & Wendy

And then she's sold as a sled dog. She's again, not that into making new friends, but is in friendly enough terms with her new team; Rex, the leader, Max, a quiet boring one, Don, even if he always picks fights and is generally pretty annoying, Buck, a big friendly malamute, and Dagger, who is a wolf-dog like her. They do their jobs without complaining, Swil is snappy and pretty unfriendly, and they mostly leave her alone. Time goes on, and even if Swil is still pretty closed off and cold, she gets to know her team mates and begins to even like them. Almost all of them have some sob stories, some share them, the others, like Swil, don't. For example, Dagger's brother, Rocky had gotten sick (rabies) and been shot right in front of him.

Eventually Swil becomes the co-leader of their dog team pack. There's also two new members, siblings Dallas and Wendy. Swil not very forgiving boss and pushes the team and herself to their limits every time. Working is her life now, so even if the others don't think that way, they should not make her look bad! Everyone must give their best and even more!

Swil is slowly working herself to death and making her new friends hate her, and doesn't even care. Then one time they run into an angry bear, and everything Swil has tried to keep out comes flooding back. Buck dies while defending her, and Swil realizes she can't stay here. Working as a sled dog isn't her and she doesn't want to live the rest of her life like this. So she runs away and goes home. Or would go, if she had a home. She goes back to Rosie, finds out where her puppies are, and sets out to find them.

from here things are a bit hazy and since my notes and drawings are literally all around and buried in piles and piles of other old drawings, i couldn't find what happens and when. there's a dog gang who rips either eyes or ears from their puppies, but i don't remember where that uh.. plotline was ever going....

3344276_1za_909638.png?1550106215 Shoji Jr
3344276_1za_909638.png?1550106215 Edward
3344276_1za_909638.png?1550106215 puppies

She does find them, but obviously they have changed. They're young adults now, with their own problems and honestly she doesn't know them anymore. Shoji Jr still looks painfully like Shoji, but he wants nothing to do with his past or her. Also he isn't on speaking terms with his brother, Edward.

At some point Swil reunites with Jerry Smith, finally breaks down and lets anyone (Jerry) see that she's not actually a machine. For the longest time Jerry is just a shoulder to cry on, but as time goes on Swil can't help but fall in love with him. They start a family, Swil is pregnant again, and this time she's ready to be a mother. Two puppies are born and she names them Swift and Smile. Jerry wasn't there, because he has just left to accompany some Very Important Person™ on a Very Important Mission™, but he was supposed to come right back.

For some reason he doesn't. Swil is alone with the two new born puppies, when something (???) makes her flee with them. She escapes the whatever-threat and loses the puppies on the way. Which sucks, because this time she was so gonna do this right!

Instead of her puppies she finds an even bigger surprise; her adoptive mother, Ida, and with her, her sisters Abatsi and Tiikki. That's quite a shock, even if Swil doesn't really remember her sisters. There's some faint echoes and she totally recognizes Ida. Tiikki has a boyfriend/mate/whatever, Nikolas, who's ok. They are struggling to have puppies and that makes him and Tiikki very sad:: (

3344276_1za_909638.png?1550106215 Ida
3344276_1za_909638.png?1550106215 Abatsi
3344276_1za_909638.png?1550106215 Tiikki
3344276_1za_909638.png?1550106215 Nikolas
3344276_1za_909638.png?1550106215 Wohka
3344276_1za_909638.png?1550106215 Minja

here is where things get even more hazy, so here's just some random things that also maybe happen after all that:

Ida gets killed by being shish-kebabed on a spear. That's also very sad. There is someone named Wohka involved.

Swil and Jerry adopt a puppy called Minja.

At some point maybe their family is all gathered, Swil, Jerry, Shoji II, Edward, Smile, Minja, but maybe not Swift.

Swift has probably grown up believing that he's an orphan. He's a total asshole. He meets his parents and maybe is not that big of an asshole anymore. Also he meets a girl called Mind.

Minja also meets someone, because she has three puppies, Dis, Dolce and Doyja.


3344276_1za_909638.png?1550106215 Dis
3344276_1za_909638.png?1550106215 Dolce
3344276_1za_909638.png?1550106215 Doyja