Öklö †



7 years, 1 month ago



(finnish; gross)











not a member



  • no ears
  • blind eye
  • sturdy wolf

›› Öklö is not very tall, but stout and heavyset. She has a fluffy coat, that is brown and white. Her eyes are blue.

›› Both of her ears have been torn off and her right eye is blind. There are four ragged scars on her snout.


›› Öklö means gross in finnish. I wanted all my Andriaana characers to have names starting with different letters, and I was pretty sure I wouldn't have one beginning with an "ö". Disgusting was probably just the first ö-word that came to my mind...

›› Öklö was created for the sole purpose of dying.

›› She was short-lived, but her legacy lived on when I gave her loyality and the need for someone to tell her what to do to Ilo, her earless-ness to Oda, her eye injury to Susi, her quietness and stoic-ness to Nuh, and so on and so on... Finally I stole her colours too, for Äkä - which i'd been meaning to do for a very long time as her design was always my favourite part of her.


song name -

artist name


aloof / devoted / unwavering

›› Öklö is quiet, stoic, absolutely loyal, and always needs someone to tell her what to do.


›› Öklö and her three brothers were born to normal parents living in a small wolf pack. Her brothers never really appriciated her humourless nature and frequently made fun of her and played, sometimes even pretty cruel, pranks at the expence. Öklö, being the violent brute she was from the very young age, just got revenge by physical fighting. Of course, three against one were not the best odds, so often times she got thoroughly beaten up, on top of all.

›› Their father was always just encouraging both sides; the brothers to bully Öklö and Öklö to retaliate with force. Their mother, on the other hand, wasn't too keen on all of this. The time when Öklö came home with her ears practically ripped off was bad enough to make the mother furious, but not for them all to stop the fighting. Öklö came home with deep wounds across her snout, but ok ok, that's a thing that has happened before, she'll get over it. But one time one of the brothers accidentally scratched her eye pretty badly. He hadn't meant any actual harm, it just happened, but Öklö lost her sight completely in that eye.

›› She herself didn't think too much of it, because the brothers were immediately acting very sorry and ashamed, and what was done was done and nothing you can do about it. But that was finally enough for the mother to put her foot down and forbid the children from fighting all together. One of these days someone would loose their life, if this kept going on!
Respecting their mother and being obidient little wolves, they did stop. Only the mother had never said anything about the humiliating pranks, it was just that Öklö couldn't defend herself anymore.

›› Growing more and more fed up day after day, Öklö finally decided to leave the pack altogether and let her brothers keep being childish with just each other. So that's what she did.

›› After just wandering around for a while, Öklö found another wolf pack and joined that. For a while she was living extremely pleasant life, finally free from her stupid family.
But there was some kind of secret society in the wolf pack, and being someone who needed a purpose for her life and someone to tell her what to do, Öklö joined that too.

›› She made a pretty great underling, didn't ask questions and followed orders, but to be honest, she probably never really even knew what the purpose of all that was. For her it was just serving her leaders and being the best at that.

›› Then there was something funky going on with another branch of the society overseas, Öklö and some other members of the society were sent to investigate and possibly slaughter all the wrongdoers. Things didn't go as well as planned and Öklö was unceremoniously killed during a big fight. Good riddance?


An island of Andriaana somewhere in the middle of the ocean, where six canine packs live their lives without human intervention.

Things would be pretty peaceful for the inhabitants of the island, if there weren't the somewhat supernatural religion, Lahko, trying to convert everyone - either by choice or by force. There are also those who fight against the Lahkoians.

Lahko has it's own language that you'll automatically learn when you join. You can be either born into Lahko if one or both of your parents are members, or you can be converted by saying a certain prayer in the language of Lahko.
There is no leaving the cult once you've joined. Once your'e in, you're in for life and have no choice but to devote your life to Herra, the lord, who demands regular blood sacrifices. Some people prefer to sacrifice pray animals, some turn to sacrificing other canines.

›› Andriaana

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