Asami Kishii (Relationships)



729843?1528184474Shizuki Kishi [Sister]
Not a day goes by that Asami doesn't end up missing her little sister. Growing up? Asami did her best to be the best big sister that she could be. Shizuki never got picked on thanks to her sister's protection, always had someone who not only listened to her but treated her like a grown up, and this continued until the day they last saw each other. When Asami was kicked out, she didn't get a chance to grab some permanent reminder of her sister and life she lived afterwards probably would have meant that any memento she did have would have either been lost, stolen, or sold for the sake of survival. However, Asami remembers everything about her old life despite everything. From the layout of their house to that street address of her grandparents. Maybe one day they'd meet again but, if Asami was being honest with herself, a part of her thinks that it might be better for Shizuki that she not try to find her. Not only does she assume that Shizuki assumes she's dead but she isn't sure how'd she react to find out her little sister had turned against her. Something that she doesn't need to worry about if anyone's been in her corner after all these years it's still her little sister. 
933480?1528184082Mackenzie Kishi [Cousin]
Asami and Mackenzie were fairly close as cousins. Asami's side of the family was the side that had a bit more money to their name and as a result it wasn't uncommon for Mac to come and visit and the two of them wasting time playing around with the coolest and newest thing on the market. There's plenty of memories of Asami's that involve the two of them playing some new console game into the night or at least until Mac had to go home because her parents were their to pick her up. Asami wonders what happened to Mackenzie and at the very least hope nothing bad happened to her since she was always good to her.