Asami Kishii (Personality)



Asami was once a truly happy-go-lucky kind of girl. A girl who never thought anything bad could ever happen and as such had no reason to worry. However that girl was gone, replaced by a woman who, after a paradoxically long short life, has become bitter, cynical, and cold. After a life of keeping people at arm's length, never wanting to seem weak or vulnerable, Asami has effectively declared war on everything and everyone. If anyone were to come too close, do anything she didn't want, or try to force her hand she would fight, and fight, and fight to the bitter end even if it left her alone on terms that only she could dictate. To Asami she has been pushed around by life for far too long and she isn't having it anymore. She controls everything as best she can. Even when people enter her life and just how much they actually know about her. Something that, if she feels that the closeness in question is progressing too fast for her liking she will instantly respond with putting up walls and hiding behind until they go away because Asami would rather be alone than be hurt by anyone she let herself trust ever again.