


3 years, 4 months ago


Name: Pippa Katzley

Series: Animals

Age: 11 (4 in the first story arc and 11 in the last)

Gender: Female (she/her/herself)

Species: Minx Cat

Favorite Food: Chicken Tenders

Element: Neutral

Powers: None

Catch Phrase: "My sister is so cool!"

Likes: Sunny days, summer, helping the community, pop music, cookies, and making people smile.

Dislikes: Bitter foods, seeing her friends upset, spiders, ghosts, and scary stories,

Personality: In contrast to her jerkish older sister, Pippa is a cheery and friendly girl who doesn't have a mean bone in her body. Pippa almost always has positive thinking and loves to encourage her friends to do their best. She also has a strange admiration for her older sister Veronica, who is aloof towards her. How Pippa is unable of her sister's rude demeanor is a mystery, but if anyone can see the good in Veronica it's Pippa.

Home: Animal Planet: Miniman Town

History: Pippa was born in Miniman Town to wealthy parents. She has an older sister (Veronica) and unknown relation to Pluff-truff (they appear to be family, but he's a dog and everyone else is cats...). Pippa has looked up to her sister from a young age and wants to be "cool" like her.

Current-Bio: Pippa currently goes to school and is in the same grade as Colors' sister Sally, who she is also in the Charm Scouts with. When not in school she's often seen with her scout troop, but will also sometimes tag along with Veronica.

Meta-History: Pippa was originally a faceless, designless character whose name would be mentioned but herself never seen (Trixa shares this origin). I eventually gave her a design: (the middle design) Testing but even then her relationship to Veronica was not there and she was  just a random classmate of the main characters. Eventually I decided that Sketches and Lightning shouldn't be the only characters with siblings so Pippa got rebranded as Veronica's younger sister and eventually got redesigned to look the part.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Veronica: Pippa looks up to her older sister and wants to be just like her. Unfortunately Veronica is a bit distant to her.

Pluff-truff: Pippa and Pluff-truff are close, but neither one will disclose how they're related (if at all)

Sally: Pippa and Sally are best friends.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later.