


3 years, 5 months ago


Name: Sally Mander

Series: Animals

Age: 11 (4 in the first story arc and 11 in the last)

Gender: Female (she/her/herself)

Species: Colors Dragon

Favorite Food: Yogurt Parfait

Element: Earth/Dragon

Powers: Can change the color of her skin to match the environment and also with her mood (pink = content), spiky tail attack, dragon breath, (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "Wanna buy some cookies?"

Likes: Scouts, cookies, jewels, sweets, crafts, and helping the community.

Dislikes: Strangers, spicy foods, violence, and greedy people.

Personality: Sally is a bit shy and withdraw around strangers. Because of this, she has a tedency to hide behind her brothers. She's a sweet, friendly person about people that she's comfortable with, and is said to not have a mean bone in her body. She dislikes violence and rarely fights battles. Unlike her brother Colors, she's not insecure about her lack of wings.

Home: Animal Planet: Miniman Town

History: Sally is the youngest sibling in her family and has two older brothers, Colors and Seville. One year before the story, her family moved from Spiky Desert to Miniman Town. When she was old enough she joined the Charm Scouts (similar to Girl Scouts). Unfortunately, Sally has become a target of SAC for unknown reasons.

Current-Bio: Sally currently goes to school, but is several grades below the main cast. She's in the same class as Veronica's sister Pippa. When not in school, she's usually seen around Colors or with her scout troop. She's also unfortunately sometimes kidnapped by SAC, but is usually saved by the main characters.

Meta-History: Sally, like Colors, is based on an old creature my brother and I came up with as kids that was also named Colors, but they currently look nothing like the  original. The original Colors was part of an evolution line of a dragon that started off as a spikeball that resembles the Gordos from the Kirby series. The second form Colors and final form Colors Dragon both featured the spiky ball on their tail, although the original designs always had a face on the spikeball regardless of what form they were in. Colors current design is more or less inspired by the Pokemon Ampharos. Sally herself was created to give Colors some family, while her being a Charm Scout is somewhat inspired by my brief time as a Girl Scout.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Colors: Sally looks up to her older brother and wants to spend more time with him.

Seville: Sally looks up to her older brother Seville, who pays more attention to her than Colors.

Striga: Sally has a good relationship with Striga.

Sicily: Sally is suspicious of Sicily.

Pippa: Sally and Pippa are best friends.

Pluff-truff: Sally and Pluff-truff are friends.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later.