


3 years, 4 months ago


Name: Chad

Series: Animals

Age: 15 (8 in the first story arc and 15 in the last)

Gender: Male (he/him/himself)

Species: Minx Cat

Favorite Food: Sashimi

Element: Neutral

Powers: Basic ninja techniques (hiding in the shadows, throwing stars. clone technique, ninja log, etc)

Catch Phrase: "The road to being a ninja is paved with hardships."

Likes: Baseball, ninjas, Naurto, appearing cool and mysterious (he's not), Saturday morning cartoons, and lava lamps.

Dislikes: People who doubt his ninja skills, thunderstorms, reading novels, due dates, and stairs.

Personality: Chad is best known for his obsessions and his passions for them. His current passion will almost always dictate his personality: with baseball he is very hyper and excited; with ninja arts he is serious but not above nonsense. Chad is known to be a bit eccentric and is known to have a strange thought process, but he appears to be unaware of this and how easily he confuses others. Despite being mostly carefree, Chad will die before admitting that he became a ninja after watching Naruto.

Home: Animal Planet: Miniman Town

History: Chad was born and raised in Miniman Town and is an only child. He met many of the other characters in school, and discovered his passion for baseball there. At one point in the story, Chad disappears for a large amount of time and finally reappears as a ninja, leading the others to theorize that he was gone for so long because he was watching all 720  episodes of Naurto.

Current-Bio: Chad currently goes to school with the others. When not in school he often appears at random, usually in the middle of a "ninja test" that he needs the other characters assistance for. Despite his current obsession being ninjas, Chad still plays baseball often with the others. Despite having some fighting skills, Chad very rarely joins the others on adventures.

Meta-History: Chad was created around the same time as Manx and Veronica. My reasoning behind his existence was that I had made a lot of girl cat characters and I needed a boy cat. I never really used him much however and he just sort of exists. He's also one of my few characters to share a name with someone I know in real life (in this case, my cousin) but this wasn't intentional. He's also one of the first Animals characters I don't have a last name for. :U More of those will have bios soon.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Sketches: Chad and Sketches are friends.

Lightning: Chad and Lightning are friends, but they don't always get along despite both of them liking Naruto.

Sparky: Chad and Sparky don't know each other too well, but are still friends.

Kitty: Chad thinks Kitty is one of his closer friends, but this isn't quite true.

Racket: Chad and Racket are friends. Racket is one of the few people to take Chad seriously.

Colors: Chad and Colors are friends.

Manx: Chad and Manx are friends, but Chad thinks they're closer than they actually are.

Veronica: Chad and Veronica annoy each other for different reasons.

Trixa:  Chad and Trixa are good friends. Both share a love of baseball, but  Chad's love of it is much more passionate than Trixa's.

Carmen: Chad and Carmen get along.

Unseen Ninja Master: Chad idolizes his ninja master and gets angry whenever the other characters doubt him.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later!