Fates Gambit

I fixed the code so now I can edit it again wOOO, code is still a wip tho

The characters within this folder/story may contain images/mentions of sensitive things that may not be suitable for some. (Click to view warnings)
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  • Blood/Gore
  • Character death
  • Forms of abuse such as: physical, mental, emotional, etc.
  • Homophobia/Transphobia
  • Uneasy/Unsettling Imagery

Fates Gambit
A story I'm currently in the process of working on! Don't mind the incomplete stuff ^^
Fantasy. Found Family. Adventure.
A small group decides to head out on a mission for the greater good, but is it really all that great in the end?

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Fates Gambit
Not everything is as it seems.


Aster Alexandria Estrada













I know who you are now.


She's a more serious person and isn't one to really relax because she feels she constantlly has to be working or doing something. She's always found it hard to get along with people despite being outgoing as a kid, Lucius was a person who also kinda struggled with making friends and the two ended up bonding and becoming close friends :) Aster can sometimes be blunt unintentionally, she doesn't mean to be rude that's just how she speaks.


Aster is an angel who lives in the realm of Aeris and works under Celeste's rule. She is seen often by Celeste's side and assists the ruler in tasks and keeps guard while Celeste runs her experiments. Aster has many points in her childhood and life before where she feels like there's big gaps of her memory missing but is unsure of how. Sometimes she almost remembers things but in the end she just can't figure it out no matter what she does. As a child she used to be a very outgoing and talkative person, that was until Celeste disliked that and would make comments about it and so out of fear Aster forced herself to become more quiet in order to avoid being disciplined for it and thus becoming mute as a child and refusing to speak at all unless Celeste asked.

Aster was convinced to join this group by Layla and now acts as the leader of this group of theirs. She found this as a way to escape from Celeste and doesn't want to go back anytime soon.



  • Stars
  • Reading
  • Sword fighting
  • Rain


  • Celeste
  • Thunder
  • Bright Lights
  • Dishonesty


  • She flaps her wings when she gets happy or excited about something
  • She can't cook,,,,it's a mess man HAHA
  • She used to sleepwalk when she was younger
  • Could beat you in a staring contest
  • Has precognition as a result of being Lilith's vessel. It only works however in the form of dreams but Aster doesn't realize this


Lucius Emile Castro













What's the softest way to say you took away my friend?


He can be intimidating at times but he can be nice once someone gets to know him more. He likes to spend time alone but often ends up being with the others. He tries to put on a facade of being "tough" and "unbothered" by things, one might think he does this to appear intimidating but really it's just because he doesn't want to deal with being hurt. He is a very very good listener and is really good when it comes to giving advice. He's constantly trying to be better and do what he can to be of service because feels that if he can't do anything then he's nothing (good lord Celeste what did you drill into this mans head).

He may seem like he doesn't care but trust me, deep down he really does. He just refuses to let himself show any vulnerability :(


Like Aster, Lucius worked closely under Celeste's rule for the majority of his life, at least until he got demoted suddenly. It shocked him obviously and Lucius started thinking he had done something wrong, so he tried doing whatever he could in hopes of getting promoted and regaining his spot. What Lucius never knew however was that this would be pointless as Celeste had no intention of giving him his spot back.

He started overworking himself and because he practically lost his only friend, he began to shut down and close himself off from people, he felt alone again. The other angels would describe him as reserved and snappy and would seem to get upset at anyone who talked to him, so of course people just started avoiding him again. It repeated.



  • Reading
  • Singing
  • Journaling
  • The number 3
  • Windy days


  • Bugs
  • Big gatherings/Many people
  • Being stared at
  • Incompetence


  • Despite being part moth he has a fear of bugs
  • He can see really good in the dark
  • Lucius sleep talks,,,,a lot
  • He is very very ticklish
  • His eyes glow while his magic is active.


Layla Michelle Flores















I know I took the path you would never want for me, I know I let you down, didn't I?


She jokes a lot and likes to playfully bully/tease the others, although some cases this backfires on her as sometimes they end up taking her seriously without realizing she was just joking. Layla can be serious if needed but that doesn't always stop her from cracking a small joke here and there. A bit reckless to be honest. She's very outgoing and enjoys being around the others. Layla takes her family very seriously, especially now that all she has is her little sister. She would do anything if it meant that Iris got to live a good life.



Layla lived with her family until an accident happened and her and her sister Iris were left being the only ones to live. She took it upon herself to support Iris but it was difficult to get enough money, she eventually resorted to her last option; becoming an assassin. She was skilled with her weapon and it wasn't an uncommon thing to become in the town she lived in, how hard could it be? Time went on and she got more and more jobs and was able to make enough money to get by. She eventually teamed up with a group for a greater mission and finally found a small group she could call her friends. Everything was good, her and Iris had roof over their heads and even some friends they could rely on, or at least that's what Layla thought.

She doesn't talk much about her past and if she does she'd just brush it off with a lighthearted joke. However she has not given up on helping her sister live a better life, thus that's what brought her to Aeris.



  • Dancing
  • Spending time with Iris
  • Messing with people
  • Cooking
  • Knitting


  • Swimming
  • Being alone
  • Cold weather
  • Fires
  • Many choices


  • She uses an axe to fight
  • Really good at math
  • She knows how to knit and sew and would often make things for her siblings
  • Used be part of an old mercenary group before they suddenly betrayed her and left her behind
  • Layla has electricity-based magic


Kenji Oliver Reis













I've got so much left to prove


He's a really nice guy and a fun person to be around and is very outgoing. Similar to Layla he also likes to drag the others along with him to go and do things together. He's a bit dumb because he acts before he thinks most of the time. He isn't very,,'careful' I guess would be the word, and often gets himself hurt but that doesn't stop nor bother him. He honestly doesn't like conflict and whenever fighting/arguing occurs within the group he will sometimes step in to stop it, but the majority of time will just end up getting away from the situation to let someone else handle it instead.

While Kenji is usually in good spirits he does have some issues he doesn't really speak about. Kenji's bloodline is well known for doing acts of good, some even calling them "saints". Of course Kenji always felt a big pressure to be great like them and live up to the family name, who wouldn't? He doesn't want to be looked down upon by others, or even worse; ruin the family name after his parents passed, he'd be letting them down. So when he came across the others he saw this as a chance to finally prove himself. Maybe he can truly be good.


Kenji used to live on his dad's ranch in Lizora with his brother Silas, the two used to live with their parents here before they had passed. Before, Kenji used to help out his dad with things on there while Cain would help their mother. Along with the ranch his dad was the leader of a small group of cowboys and they would go around doing good things for the people, everyone loved them and saw them as the protectors of their small town and appreciated them greatly. While life was good for them a sudden turn of events cause the two brothers to become distant, eventually causing Kenji to run away. Silas was rarely home he wouldn't notice.

He didn't have a place to go after running away and would find shelter in abandoned buildings, thus grew his love for abandoned places. He loved the peace and tranquility that came with them, he never saw them as places to be afraid of, but instead as places to escape from the world to.



  • Cats
  • Going to abandoned places
  • Messing with people
  • Helping


  • Being lied to
  • Ghosts/Spirits
  • Mirrors


  • He can eat most inedible things. How? Idk he built different
  • When Kenji was younger Silas told him something as a joke but Kenji took it seriously as a kid and now has fear of mirrors HAHAH
  • He likes to play with people's hair, especially Lucius's bc it's long
  • He can use his tail to hang from somewhere and sleep upside down (strong tail),,,he's done it a couple times
















The Dark

Remember when I told you that's the last you'll see of me?


Tired. He's really sweet and honestly just wants to help in whatever way they can. They don't really stand up for themself but would defend someone else without having an issue with it, like bro please help ur self too :( Deffinitely the most protective of the group, just trying to keep them alive and safe,,,They love the group so much. He's definitely very nice but not someone who you would want to get on his bad side with.

Soren struggles a lot with who he is now because this..this isn't him...it just can't be. Can it? Sometimes he just doesn't even recognize himself anymore, they wish for things to go back to how they were in the past, when he was himself. Thankfully though during his time with the group he is very slowly starting to accept this new him and realize it may not be that bad of a thing.


Soren may not look like it but they were quite the troublemaker back in the day. They were one of those kids people would find annoying or constantly be complaining to his moms about. He would go tresspassing on people's property, steal and pickpocket, and even sometimes bully and tease other kids. It's not that they were "raised wrong" or had bad parents like everyone said, no no they had great parents, he just liked the feelings that came with it; the adrenaline from running away after being caught stealing was his favorite. Now the bullying part was simply because they found it entertaining, seeing kids be afraid of him, it felt...good. He's a bit embarassed to bring this up to be honest. One day though, his troublemaking ways landed him in some trouble. He found out something they weren't suppossed to know about and yet when they tried to do something about it he ended up banished. Now they had seen the few times people were banished and people always told him he would wind up like them but he brushed it off because he never did anything that would deserve a banishment, but they never in their life would they have thought they were to be the one being banished that day. After all that happened they were sent to the Facility to get experimented on.

Soren doesn't like talking about that time. They escaped thankfully, but everything was so different after he got out. He was found by a kind stranger named Elias who let them stay in his home. Elias made it his mission to try and give Soren their wings back but eventually decided he needed better ingredients and thus left in search of them. Soren hasn't seen him since. Soren spent a lot of his time in the home after that reminiscing and thinking about everything before, before this, before the facility, before they bacame this, before they were banished...

He came across Aster and the others eventually and at first didn't really want to join, but gave it some thought and felt it might do them some good to get out and do something, even redeem himself. Maybe they'd be able to see their moms again...no...why would they want to see them again. After all he's done? No, they're probably better off without him.



  • Gardening
  • Reading
  • Dense forests
  • Warm beverages
  • Cozy environments
  • Physical contact


  • Needles
  • Vincent
  • Small spaces
  • Losing control
  • Feeling isolated or alone
  • Loud and chaotic environments


  • They have the ability to change their voice however they want to. Has definitely pulled pranks on the others using their voices.
  • They like to rest their head/chin on the others' heads and does it often.
  • His tail is kinda heavy-like if you got smacked with it, it would hurt a bit.
  • Soren has a lot of knowledge on potions because he would help Elias with his potions.






39 at death











I am the righteous hand of god. I am the devil that you forgot.


The god who's thirst for revenge got her killed.

Lilith has...a big ego and is very over confident in herself and her abilities. She knows how to get under people's skin and does it very often. She is a confusing person to understand, she can be all confident and rude towards others but will show nothing but kindness the next time. Sometimes the way she acts feels fake, even Mara can't figure it out, perhaps it's all a facade? Sure she's a bad person and has done bad things but to her, she has good intentions; her goals are good in her eyes and doesn't believe herself to be a bad person.


Lilith lived with her sister Mara in the temple and would assist Mara when needed. She would help her sister come up with plans or ideas when the realm needed help or something. Lilith was a very shy person surprisingly back then and she didn't want to be the one speaking to people so she had Mara share her ideas, however; Mara took credit for all of Lilith's ideas. It didn't bother her at first but once she started seeing people praise her older sister for her own ideas, she started getting fed up. Eventually it led into the two getting into an argument that got physical and resulted in Lilith's banishment from Aeris. She went on to live her life but over time found that the next time she'd cross paths with her sister would be when Lilith got revenge over something Mara did.

Of course this would result in not only Mara's death but her own, but she wouldn't be gone forever, she would return again.



  • Flowers
  • content
  • content
  • content
  • content


  • Mara.
  • People taking credit for everything
  • content
  • content
  • content


  • content
  • content
  • content
  • content
  • content

X Fates Gambit NEEDS ICON Adult Needs Code F Art Fight Links Chimeran AU H Ship HCS 3 Why r u blue PURGE A 1 FOBO AF 4 Tbn hell Sona SS Angel tbn hell AF 1 UFO Needs Ref EO SKEPTICS LF Pride Art Writing AF 3 Needs ref Demon Avian Verdelis Comfort AF 2 Humanoid CAE WISHLIST Redesign Old Deity INTERACTS ota x The Eyes art yuh OK 2 Dragon Cosmosire Reworking Code Sillies Human cat Main Cast Shifter Hub canine Beloveds Zine dog CRYPTIDS humanoid RESEARCHERS tag anthro Cat Monomorph CLOSED MLP need profile need icon The Council feline Wolfblood wolf My little pony Leader Dragonoid Facility masc YEE HAW Ufo Anthro Guardian links ok Dragonblood The Five Starborn feral need to draw Shapeshifter single brown male djkittenm3 commission Art angel cultwarden black Free free adopts Canine fem minor Seraphs adopted Needs Art Pokemon deity Base tbn Adopt offer pink fox shadow dragon blue FTU Dog Werewolf splatoon bunny pokemon love em ufo SALE Beast gift Feral adopt Furry Free to use Wip High Council Sale white tiger Free Art Powers wings silly Moon NEEDS REF cow magikitt family oc espeon Bean CORRUPTEDSOULS semi open soodapops mermaid n sea gang Exiled cowboy aesthetic plushie nb For Sale female milk Fluffy mothman Serval Silly lil guy traveler comfort Flareon Autumn_ lynx Raccoon mammal Bunny eye imagery Green Tiger Denzen sad Spidersona artfight Doodles free to use voicedemon teal Black Stars New foundland images Monster Caramel apple Sun TADC plush dog adoptable umbreon Cbc raffle Fte voucher lf voucher doodlepage human seraphimz sale Ufs Project Olive Branch FREEBIES FTE demon og Male Baby serenitydesigns divine Co-owned canine character Mothie Design Arches milkcore Long enfield bathhouse hoomanoid Mlp oc omori fr riotdoq Coffee fh Nft HS Owl coastyreef designed by others timberwolf Rabbit gator sona Pansexual Agender Smile-Pals Raptor celestial AF open Sketch commission base Fanart ASFH gothic red adoptables Resource Halloween Jatzu Glasses fnaf spiderverse CWISPYY Rainbow Kiticarus art joke sona commissions sketchpage Tbn Hell puppy purge Charity OFFER au Semi-Closed Species Art Raffle redesign niice unknown worth nsfw NEVER triplet SilverLoon Design Singles need code uniphim TBN HISS SilverSketchbook Design dreamverse SFW 2022 Cloud Fluffydragon pings available Peace Team mothiinaru fish Forest Demon shep ChaoticCoyote Nfs Homestuck eagle silly meow meow furry scholar nonhuman kemonomimi silver Lgbt draqoni cool spirit team stardust Sketch monster The Dog Island goth Pink Space pou Spooky Jatzu species old design Spider man CWISPYY design cusp kidicarus art raffle paypal OPEN doodle page inkling entertaining offers bases SONA Charity Adopt FREE Citrusyte code anthro only gijinka Moth pile antagonists calico lynx species uniphims speical red macaw Blessed needs code design-nxturne Noodle Moth Feline Unicorn omori starios catfish oc sheppy ChaosDesign Vaporeon Fallen angel lavender_ink off mmmmeeeooowwwww detective dark academia my bride cwispyy Orange baby cats ArtFight 2024 Commissions MEDIUM scribe Wolf goth wolf finewine Ftu Apple Gold Freebie doodle spiderversesona pokesona mythology chibi f2e sketch page comms LF vouchers vernid Offers amab Gaza OFFERS Raffle