Iron Rations


A fictional story taking place in the middle of the Great War.


Check out the World page for more information on Iron Rations!




  • Grace Henley - Factory worker
  • Daniel Henley - Leading Seaman in the Royal Navy
  • Paul Stokes - Conscientious objector
  • Cattermole - BEF Soldier
  • Victor E. Coulton - First Boer War Captain

needs vc needs fc british english london 70s 1970s has fc student world war 1 academic 1910s mod wwi has vc war 10s great war punk hell 60s tartarus 80s 1980s 1960s londoner ww1 wartime world war i anthro anthropomorphic mancunian american manc officer manchester guitarist suffolk cockney singer yorkshire east end vocalist usa french 18th century medieval irish demon private skinhead drummer oxford france rp fanoc 1800s captain sheep canadian soldier berkshire skin welsh 1700s fantasy fancharacter canada lieutenant russian ramones post punk soccer hooligan roi aussie melbourne unicorn magic keyboard elysium historical clone madchester anarchist victorian calgary navigator red dwarf oc nurse herdwick first boer war roe deer mod ish skinbird bassist ramone hooligan west ham calais royal rocker melburnian middle ages piano jazz roman rome mod revival pig anarchy devil ttrpg callisto rdttrpg new brunswick windsor vad nurse samoyed domestic sheep birmingham surrey lancashire street punk nyc football hammers mayor paris privateer bourbon australian england wales dnd pianist organ parody emperor caligula raver sussex chicago graphic designer fan oc red dwarf fursona 1880s sailor deer brummie lancastrian hardcore new york city new wave football hooligan inter city firm pirate king versailles australia songwriter wizard uk essex ancient rome clone high baggy kid illinois supernatural hologram callistoan second lieutenant sona boer war dog lamb buck skinbyrd scottish writer hardcore punk