
Dante is a working title for a science fiction horror crossover world.  

On a planet rather parallel to the current "Earth" not only in appearance but also in social history, the Dante storyline exists.  Dante is actually a town located somewhere similar to the US midwest area.  Approximately 10 years ago an illness took hold of the planet spreading quickly.  Ground zero was suspected on local territory during a military skirmish.  Originally it had been suspected that the sickness was a product of biological warfare, however the damage was done to all involved.

It spread quickly not only from it's place of origin but all over the world.  Similar to the horror scene "zombies" residents of this world developed a horrible skin condition which is refered to commonly as Rot.  Most traces of the former life form cease to exist, and these twisted creatures craved flesh.  Whatever the cause the 'disease' is not airborne, it is transferred via bodily fluids, both blood and saliva included.

With the majority of the planet's population wiped out or turned into a mortal undead, the few survivors that remain have formed settlements.  Any kind of centralized government does not exists, however there are small local governments starting to form.  Many of the remaining survivors are trying to piece some kind of lives together on a more permanent basis.  Others still strive to clear the undead from their world and cease the spread of this current problem.  Yet others seek answers, or possibly a cure.

This storyline takes place approximately ten years after the initial outbreak.  The town of Dante has attracted many visitors as of late, survivors as well as another breed entirely.  Instead of becoming mindless flesh eating horrors, these Prophets as they have come to be distinguished as are another breed entirely.  While they suffer from Rot, they suffer a much slower progression.  Over time they cease to eat, cease to sleep and don't do much but spout out nonsense.  They have recently been gathering in their own areas, however they don't often interact with the non infected populace.  They are often not violent however there is no indication that they are not contagious to non infected.  A few still consider them a threat however they are mostly left alone, only traveling to uninfected villages and scavenging.

Whether they only live to survive or survive for answers, the Prophets and their insane questionable truths may be the key to another tomorrow.   However there is no clear direction in where to go.  Will the dead continue to rise?  Will the survivors prevail? Will there ever be answers? Or will the world just continue to go on and create something new, something better from it's former ashes.

Where's where?

Dante: A survivor based town similar to the midwest in the US as far as area span and climate.  It's rather removed from any major cities.

General history tidbits:

Art wanted Anthro Pirates humanoid Dante Retribution anthro adopt Zion trade sales offers sale ufs trades Genesis adopts offer uft ufo