Donut-Toast's Bulletins

How do you personally link comic panels?

Posted 22 days, 21 hours ago by Donut-Toast

How do you personally link comic panels?

7 Votes I link all characters involved in the comic even if they don't appear in the image
12 Votes I only link characters if they're in the image somehow, even if only as a speech bubble
14 Votes I only link a character if they physically appear in the image
0 Votes I don't link multiple characters to an image
2 Votes I upload the comic as 1 big image so all characters are linked by default

A question that popped up in my head as I've been making more comics again lately!

And what I mean with the question is like, when you upload an image, does the other character in the comic have to physically appear in the image itself for you to decide to link them to it too? I've noticed I'm rather inconsistent with it lol. Sometimes I strictly need the character to physically appear in the image, sometimes I don't. It truly depends on the weather ^o^'

So what about you guys? How do the fellow comic makers on toyhouse do it?

I'm Part Of This Bluey Zine!! (Open Preorders)

Posted 2 months, 12 days ago by Donut-Toast

Have you ever been part of a Zine before?

18 Votes Nope!
2 Votes No, I did apply for one once!
8 Votes I've been meaning to apply for one
7 Votes Yep :o]

Hello everyone! I forgot to mention it here but I'm part of a BLUEY ZINE!!! Head Over Heelers!

Pre-orders are open now and everyone's pieces turned out so gorgeous!

Some other artists you might know are also in the zine, such as Finchwing , RayStarKitty , mysillycomics , taylordenobrega , AstroEden , Sleepy_Cheeky , Pastachyan and many more!
Everyone put so much love in these art pieces and captured the wholesome energy of the show so wonderfully, while also giving the pieces their own unique spin. 

Check out their work and give them all some love!


anyways, that's it! Have a nice day/night!

Figured Out How To Unblock

Posted 2 months, 13 days ago by Donut-Toast

Heyo! Hope your week has gone well :o

Just a quick bulletin to say I've finally figured out how to unblock people via my profile settings and have unblocked a bunch of people!


Before I made codes/resources I had the habit of blocking artists who appeared on my feed too much for my liking. Or literally just for any vague reason, really!
Though later down the line I never really took into consideration that'd mean people didn't have access to any codes/resources I made. Like I've always been fine with people using them regardless of whether or not they're blocked by me, but idk how you'd even reach them if you were blocked in the first place YoY

Anyways, I still have some people blocked (most of which I recognise from callout posts for yucky behaviour or theft), but there are also some people I don't recognise! If you know someone who's blocked by me and wishes to be unblocked, just lemme know!

Wishing you all a nice weekend!



So I wake up to this and I just can't help but sigh... I'm so tired of AI, I can't even get angry about it anymore.

I remember growing up with movies about robots taking over humanity and how these movies, made only 20+ years ago, seemed so far away from what technology was actually capable of. They were commentary on physical labour being replaced with machines, but the thought of genuinely good artificial intelligence was Pure Science Fiction. Then as I entered my teens ridiculous websites like Cleverbot were all the rage to play with and make youtube videos about. And I remember it being surreal to have a conversation with a computer at all, even if most interactions eventually turned incomprehensible. It was just silly fun, seeing what computers were growing to be capable of. No one would genuinely choose to talk to Cleverbot over a real human person long-term.

And then we enter the 2020's and automation just... skyrockets. stuck at home, people are stuck scrolling on tiktok's FYP bc the algorithm has figured out exactly what keeps you hooked... People studying for physically practised jobs are taking their classes online and then bragging to me about not having a clue what their successfully finished tests were about because they made AI write entire papers for them... Teens are roleplaying with an AI bot rather than other teens... My grandma bought 2 AI generated pictures of a butterfly, mistaking them for being real because she doesn't know AI exists yet... Worldwide a bunch of artists get their voice work, illustrations and music work replaced and stolen with AI to make things cheaper... More and more youtubers become dead-set on running a channel that's fully automated AI work... And no matter how much you raise your voice against it and voice all the concerns about it, every website available takes huge interest and indulges it.


What am I to think of that? 

How do you walk away from that, without leaving the internet in its entirety?

As a lover of history, I've always looked at my grandma and silently wondered how she adapted with the times at all. How she didn't stick with certain fashion styles and how she was able to wrap her head around the ever evolving technological landscape in general. Sure there are still things she's hesitant about, like owning a smartphone or going to the self-check out, but all things considered she and many others her age are doing remarkable! And it's at those times I look at her and wonder, what's the world going to look like when I'm in my 70's? How much will technology have evolved by then, and how much will I be able to understand?

But truth be told, I can't even concept up what the world's going to look like in 10 years, let alone 50! these past 10 years have already been so astronomically different, I wouldn't know where to start. The only thing I feel more confident about is that the future looks grim in many aspects, be it global warming, capitalism, war, the housing market or this new wave of AI. There's a lot that need changing, but the people who speak up about it aren't being heard. I haven't got the foggiest where such a scenario would lead. I just hope I'm wrong!

Anyways, I'm not going to stop posting on Tumblr. I guess in the current online landscape there's no way to post your art and not have it be misused in some way unless you glaze and shade it or whatever.
Which, I guess, I'm going to have to start looking into. 

And for the blue moon chance some AI fanatic is reading this, my TOS already states my art is not to be fed to any AI machines. If you do so, I'm not afraid to make it into a problem.

Sorry for the grim post on this Wednesday, hope the rest of your day/night will be more lovely!


Missing Person Help

Posted 3 months, 13 days ago by Donut-Toast

I'm not sure exactly how to go about this bulletin, but when I saw this one I was pretty shocked!
If anyone has any tips on how to find someone online who's gone missing, Giles could really use it!
I'd be fried out of my mind if this happened to a friend, let alone a partner!

I've Been On My Doctor Who Again

Posted 3 months, 21 days ago by Donut-Toast

Have You Ever Watched Doctor Who?

8 Votes YES I love it!!
5 Votes Yeah it was alright
16 Votes I've seen a lot of things online but never watched it
8 Votes No I know little to nothing about it
9 Votes Bingle bongle dingle dangle, yickedy doo, yickedy da, ping pong, lippy tappy too ta


So, the rot has consumed me once again, and this time I'm rediscovering my love for Doctor Who! It's been on my mind for more than a month now I think   and I've really been enjoying myself!

I rewatched everything from 9/10/11, watched the 60 anniversary specials, finished 12's run, watched the 1996 movie and also started (and completely finished) 13's run!

10, 12 and 13 are in my top 3 favourite doctors! David Tennant and Peter Capaldi are phenomenal actors which had the most fun writing and companions in my opinion. I LOVE Donna Noble, Bill Potts and Clara Oswald! Their chemistry with the doctor is so fun to watch on screen. And I really like Jodie Whittaker as the 13th! I love her performance and her take on the doctor, but it's such a shame the writing and pacing for most episodes is half baked! There's so little "show, don't tell", it's sometimes like I'm watching someone play out an audiobook. WHICH IS SUCH A SHAME BECAUSE I LOVE 13 SHE'S SO FUNNY AND QUIRKY SOBBBB... I really hope they bring her back for a cameo of sorts. the 8th doctor from the movie is also SUCH a babygirl, i love him...

Anyways, before I rant your ear of further, here's some doctor who fanart I've made while less active here and posting art on my tumblr





I have also gone totally over the edge with this fixation and made my own doctor regeneration (nicknamed The One Who Shone) with companions, Elisa and Jim!


Help Out Cloudsleepyy!

Posted 3 months, 24 days ago by Donut-Toast

He could use some financial help for food and basic life stuff! maybe you can see anyone here you're interested in offering on?

Help this person and cat out!

Posted 5 months, 6 days ago by Donut-Toast

This person is opening some commission slots for their cat's vet bills, please do help out if you can! SparkleCactus's art is so cool to look at! look at how lively it is!

74819153_TKl0W5G2H.png63361758_ViNHWrfvD.png <--- look at the prices here 

A More Positive Life Update!

Posted 5 months, 24 days ago by Donut-Toast

I've been living to care for my late cat so long I'd totally forgotten to update everyone here on the current state of my wrist!

I've you've read some of my past bulletins you'll know my wrist has been a major obstacle in my life for a while,
and at one point the doctor I was seeing suggested an intense surgery that would lead to a whole year of intensive physical therapy with possibly, art never quite being that easy for me to do.

Well I've had an examinative surgery months ago and the doctor concluded he has a better and shorter surgery in store for me!
The previous concerns for a ripped part of my wrist proved to be misplaced (I saw it myself on the table, it's still sturdy!) and then all that could be bugging me is the cyst deep within my wrist.
Which, I'm going to get surgery for tomorrow!!!

It's been such a weight off my shoulders to know it's going to be alright, but with my cat becoming my main focus I'd just totally forgotten to share it here!
Drawing really is my life so this is such an immense relief! Plus I'll be able to confidently build my life up again once it has healed!

I wish you all the same sense of relief and hope to any struggles going on right now!
(I hope this message translates properly to English bc in my mind I only know how to say it in Dutch. Ik wens het je toe!)

thanks for reading and have a nice day/night!71bce62f21f963213445f0b03fc6dda5.gif

Cat Health Update [negative]

Posted 6 months, 18 days ago by Donut-Toast

first of all, I want to focus on the wonderful people that have reached out with kind words and bought an adopt for the vet bills.
It's really hard to put into words the immense impact your kindness has had on my day to day life. It's literally made it easier to close my eyes before bed, knowing there are so many kind people around the world wishing my cat Eros and me well and talking about their own experiences with a sick pet. And because of your kindness and generosity, I quickly found a bit more than 200 euros on my Paypal! All because you decided to buy an adopt, donate, or give a bit extra than what I asked for. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, to the moon and back, THANK YOU! I'm not sure what I expected to happen when I made these adopts, but certainly not this!

Then now for the sour news...

Last night Eros has a horrible unable-to-shit episode, the likes of which we hadn't seen before. I'll spare you all the details, but it was so bad mum and I weren't sure if we should drive him to emergency care or if he'd even make it past the night at all... So we visited the vet today to check up on him and have another serious talk with the vet about how all the medication, food and laxatives are not working. And at the end of the evening we were able to conclude our worst fears almost certainly are reality, and he has a growth in his intestines. One located in a place so complex and sensitive, it doesn't even matter if it's cancerous or not. If specialised vets try to remove it (though the vet says the area as a whole is a really tough spot to operate on in general), he'll likely get other ailments from it. And that is not something I want to put on my boy, on top of the stress of MORE vet travels and current pains.

So right now all I can do is spoil him rotten and find the right day to have him pass on... I'm hoping to at least get a week or more with him, but I want to avoid another episode like yesterday at all costs. 

I'm planning on using the money gathered for his vet bill to buy a nice urn or something else ceramic to put him in.
I'm sorry things didn't go according to plan

Again, thank you to everyone for the well wishes, donations and bought adopts.
You've all shown me that even in such a dark time there are still so many kind people all around us. I'll hang on to that throughout the next weeks.

thank you for all you've done for my baby boy. He turned 11 this year
