
Rutherford Elite Academy for the Magically Gifted

Once an orphanage for young mages, Cornelius Rutherford purchased the home after it shut down following a yellow fever outbreak in 1801. Falling out of love with the prospect of renewing the institute, Cornelius gave the children's home to his daughter, Cordelia, an aspiring magi-scientist. She was enamored by the old orphange and dreamed of turning it into a research institue where science-driven mages could come together and study magi-science together. Following Cordelia's disappearance, the institute fell into the hands of her colleague, Magnus Crenshaw. Devastated over the loss of his friends and wishing to honor them, Magnus turned the institute into a schoolhouse as Cordelia once dreamed for it to be. Rutherford Elite Academy for the Magically Gifted was established. It is a place of learning and home to young mages who need a little extra guidance when it comes to more powerful magic types. Here students can learn magics of all types as well as study the sciences that may influence them.


Magnus Crenshaw


A world renown alchemist who worked with Nickolas Flamel to create the Philosopher's Stone. He uses his magic of decomposition to break down elements and reform them with alchemy. He has a big heart and is always trying to fill the void that has been left after losing his friends. He took up the mantel of headmaster after Cordelia went missing and also continues to spread Merlin's teachings as a professor within Rutherford.




A powerful demon possessing the body of a kind and studious man by the name of Jacob Ridley - Solomon is their collective name. They have a thirst for knowledge and a great love of children. They teach Basic Studies and are the resident Homeroom teacher. Solomon lives on school grounds.


Isaac Ashlynn


A brilliant inventor who crafts magical items of unique design. He worked alongside Cordelia and Magnus as they aided Nickolas Flamel to create the Philosopher's Stone. His works are revered in the magi-science community. After things went south he became a reclusive hermit overcome with paranoia, completely hidden from society. He only recently took up the mantel of professor at Rutherford and now teaches artificing and the craftingof magical items.


Sun Wu Jeung


A Demonologist who has gotten a bit carried away with Summon Magic. Sun Wu is calculating and intimidating at first glance. He comes off as cold, but is kind to those he deems worthy and has a hidden softness for dark mages and the students who are often misunderstood.


Cordelia Rutherford


Reappearing 20+ years after vanishing, she isn't quite the woman she once was. Infused with the powers of the Philosopher's Stone, she is a living lich posessing a fae so that she may complete her unfinished business. A strong soul who just can't quite give up, Cordelia has a big personality and optimistic attitude. She loves life and isn't ready to move on just yet. When she returned and found Rutherford functioning as a school she took up the role of Alchemy Professor to balance out her free time.

img Neil Crenshaw-Reynolds


A member of the Reynolds family - guardians of the secret Library of the Untold. Neil was seperated from his siblings when the Library came under attack at a very young age. Spirited away to safety he grew up in the arms of Bailey Crawford and Bartholomew Crenshaw. Neil is obsessed with physics and space science, often coming off as a know-it-all and science minded tattletale.

Rutherford Students

The current class attending Rutherford Academy. The students presently attending Rutherford are a few generations removed from the founders of Rutherford, among their numbers are direct relatives to Magnus Crenshaw, Isaac Ashlynn, and the Crawford family line.


Judas Ashlynn

A loud mouthed and playful werewolf who loves the occult. He is a great admirer of classic Hammer horror creature features like Dracula, The Wolfman, and Frankenstein. Judas is eager to make friends and is fiercely loyal.


Aniston Brookes

A tattletale and mama's boy. They loves all things cats and has a deep affection for Japanese culture. A bit of a weeb, Aniston likes to play otome games, crossplay, and collect figurines of their favorite idol anime girls.


Cameron Brookes

Aloof and extremely laid back, Cameron is the opposite of his twin, Avery. He likes listening to music and composing tunes for SoundCloud. Often depressed, he enjoys cooking for others to get himself out of his slumps. He loves waffles.


Jeremiah Crawford

A good boy. Jeremiah loves the outdoors and anything that pertains to it. He is a lover of animals and sports. He is always eager to assist his father with his veterinary work and go on adventures with him to other countries.


Greyson Pennington

Shy and quiet, Greyson is 'the baby' among all his Crenshaw and Crawford cousins. He covers up his meek exterior by dawning a pumpkin head and pulling off an elaborate prank to make his classmates think he is a silent headless creature. He loves Halloween and vintage decorations.


Allister Pennington

A melodramatic goth. Allister is the eldest among all the Crawford born kids and lords over them with petty jokes and playfil quips. He is a menace to everyone around him and revels in it. He specializes in Death Magic, his eyes afflicted with a unique Sight that allows him to see the dead around him at all times.


Credence Winchester

Going by the name Credence Smault, he infiltrated Rutherford as a way to get closer to the Crawfords and Crenshaws. He is on a mission to destroy the families who have torn apart his own. He has a thirst for acceptance and craves attention.

Rutherford Alumni

Graduated alumni of Rutherford Academy


Elliot Alexander

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Nicholas Brookes

Often air headed and spacey, Nicholas is a time mage and seer who practices traditional magic. Using tarot cards, scrying stones, and star charts as his main method of divining, his ways are seen as outdated and obsolete. Despite that, he is extremely adept at seeing the future and has rewritten history countless times to keep the ones he love safe.


Bartholomew Crenshaw

A tall and very gentle man who towers over most of his friends. With the deadly and powerful gift of Destruction Magic, Bartholomew has mastered unlimited patience and kindness as a way to quell his erratic magic. He is an exceptional alchemist and has used his knowledge of this science to perfect his abilities in the kitchen where he cooks often and makes homemade jams.


Ezra Harlow-Crawford

A no-nonsense woman who studied medicine throughout her entire attendance at Rutherford. Her expressionless face only seems to waver when in the presense of her charismatic husband. Ezra's main magic focuses on the Healing Artes, which she has perfected to aide her in ground breaking magical medicine and magical application in a hospital setting.


Wesley Pennington

An unusual dual weilding dark mage who has a mastery of Life Magic and Death Magic, Wesley has a very quirky nature. Quick with dark humor loaded quips and dry sarcasm, he is often misunderstood by his peers. Many who meet him find him to be an uninteresting asshole, since he is most likely to tease and insult the people he likes most.


Reginald Whitmore III

Born to an extremely rich mage family, Reggie has lived a life of wealth and priveledge that had left him jaded most of his years. However, after standing up for a friend while attending Rutherford, he lost everything as a result of being disowned by his snooty parents. Under the wing of his mentor he was brought into the folds of the Order and given an oppurtunity to put his life back together.

The Library of the Untold

Welcome to the Library of Secrets. One of the many hidden

IMG URL The Archivist

A sentient being that is the embodied spirit of the Library of the Untold. His lifeforce and soul is bound to the Library and its record book. The Archivist has full control over the Library and will bind itself to the resident Bookkeeper in exchange for protection and sworn loyalty to the Library. While humanoid in appearance, he is very far from being anything human and has ahard time grasping human emotions, however he tries very hard to understand.

IMG URL The Bard

A fae born entity who is the embodied spirit of The Other Library from beyound the Veil. When his library was burned to the ground he gathered up the record book that tethers his soul and fled to the Library of the Untold. Until he can gather up enough books to restore his library's former glory he is stuck being a wayward spirit. He spends his days playing mischevious but harmless pranks on the residents and visotrs of The Library of the Untold.

IMG URL Alec Reynolds


Alec is a studious and scholarly older mage who serves as the Bookkeep and Secretkeeper in the Library. Alec is an ink mage who spends his days restoring old tomes and artifacts while serving his patrons as they enter the Library. He is a kindly man, though the tired boredom is slowly becoming more apparent in his gaze as he watches his children grow up and leave him behind.

IMG URL Cassius Kamalia

A young dragon Prince of the Violet Clan, Cassius is a bright and energetic boy easily enthralled by the idea of adventure and exploration. He is a tactician with ample magical strengths outshining his swordmanship - the favored skillset amoung his family. Forever in the shadow of his older siblings, Cassius desires to do something monumentous that makes him stand out. Cassius takes up the role of diplomat for the Violet Clan in his eagerness to establish his importance and prove himself to his mother.

7356493?1593134344 Atreto Kaderius

A young Atlantian scholar who serves the Great Spirit in the underwater Atlantis Athenaeum. As a pupil to their librarian he has spent much of his life inside the marble walls of the Athenaeum, yearning for something more. When Adelaide arrives from the Library of the Untold he begs to travel with her and explore the outside world. Atreto is snarky and brash, but has a good head on his shoulders when it comes to problem solving. He becomes an ambassador for the city of Atlantis, as he believes resources from the outside world are necessary for Atlantis's salvation.

IMG URL Demitrius Kamalia

Crown Prince of the Violet Clan. Confident and cunning, Demitrius holds himself with the expected air of a royal. He is the eldest in the family and the most skilled swordsman in the kingdom after the King and Queen. He is competetive and quick to turn haughty when the subject turns to something he has training in.

3208616?1562025070 Liam Reynolds

Ut interdum mi non sagittis euismod.

The Order of Merlin

The Order of Merlin also known as the "Eyes of Emerys" was established in the late-1800s by none other than the revered Merlin Ambrosius. It is an international organization that is designed to aid the magical community by keeping it safe and contained. Operatives work to uphold Merlin's values and teachings.


Merlin Ambrosius

Merlin. The great Sage. Myrddin Emrys. Merlin was the first human to ever learn mastery over magic and teach it to others. Serving man, he created a bridge between the Faerie Realm and the Human Realm, upholding the ultimate balance while he interacted with the fae of the land. His hubris got the better of him however as he fell on the bad side of Queen Titania and she banished him, cursing him to the confines of an antique teapot for hundreds of years.



Magnus Crenshaw. Currently the highest ranking member of the Order of Merlin. Magnus is Merlin's son and head apprentice. Forever in his father's shadow, Magnus feels that no matter how hard he tries he can never meet the high expectations set for him, despite his own powers and adeptness witih magic matching his father's. He has chosen to exist outside of the Order and pave his own path.



Reginald Whitmore III. Born to an extremely rich mage family, Duece has lived a life of wealth and priveledge that had left him jaded most of his years. However, after standing up for a friend while attending Rutherford, he lost everything as a result of being disowned by his snooty parents. Under the wing of his mentor he was brought into the folds of the Order and given an oppurtunity to put his life back together.



Preston Hendrickson. A reckless and mischievous Wild Mage. While he works for a secretive organization that focuses on upholding justice on the edges of the law he still finds ways to bend the rules even farther. After a nasty run in with a Leviathan he was given orders to take it easy and do recon, but he doesn't go down easy and is still pushing himself to his limits -- determined to remain dashing and charismatic all the while.



Ace Hendrickson. Brother to Joker and mentor to Duece. Missing for 6 years after a terrible Leviathan mission, everyone assumed Ace to be dead. He returned to the Order just as good natured and energetic as before his disappearance with wild tales of being a pirate and living among draconic sailors. The people who knew him before are wary... his smile is a little shaky, and sometimes people swear they can see a darkness in his eyes...

Surrounding Grimrith

Tobias goes here... anyone else? Sun Wu maybe...



A non-magical metaphysicist who moved to America from Korea. He holds a strong tie with the spirit world and attracts an abnormal amount of ghosts to him. This has led him to dive head first into the paranormal and become a ghost hunter. Despite being firm in his beliefs, he is judgmental and cynical about the world around him.

Dungeons and Dragons

Roll for initiative....


Luxxor Rosewilt

Shadar-kai ~ Bard: College of Whispers

The Mute Musician



Nixx Rosewilt

Shadar-kai ~ Monk: Way of the Astral Self

The Haunted Noble



Druzy Elflocks

Half-korred/Half-elf ~ Rogue: Arcane Trickster

The Cracked Gem




Hexblood ~ Monk: Way of the Kensei

The Broken Branch




Half-elf ~ Warlock: Pact of the Tome

-hollow laughter- hot mess express...



Koda Nothgaul

Fleshwarp ~ Sorcerer

The Masked Menace


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