The Letrion System


--> T H E  L E T R I O N  S Y S T E M <--

Letrion is a place disconnected from the rest of the universe.  It is a black hole of sorts, sucking everything up and plopping it down into this alternate dimention: a  solar system all on its own - without even stars in the sky.  A single portal is the only entrance and exit to the system called the Gate, guarded by the first one to have been sucked up into this once desolate place.  The Gatekeeper helps to place the souls to get stranded in Letrion, giving them a new home.  If someone wishes to leave, they may... but it is unknown what happens to those who exit.  Certain death is believed to be all that lies past the portal, as it is always shifting where it pulls creatures from.

Perhaps one of the more striking things about the portal is that all who enter don't remember their past lives.  Few even remember their names.  They're forced to take new lives and new families on one of the 4 inhabitable planets and moons the system is known for.

Aging and reproduction work differently in Letrion than the world beyond the portal.  Age is hardly important so long as a creature doesn't get sick or fatally injured - Letrion's inhabitants, even those with supposidly shorter lifespans - have been known to live over 500 years before passing away of 'old age'.  As for reproduction, all creatures that enter into Letrion are effectively sterile.  However, pairs are able to go to the Gatekeeper and request they have children - no matter what species the two parents are of.  The Gatekeeper, known for their magic, can grant two parents up to 6 children.  These 'litters' can only be requested twice, and the Gatekeeper can always deny the pair.

To discourage incest and pairing between close relatives, the Gatekeeper also has brought 'defects' into play.  Regular mates have a small chance of their children being blind, deaf, mute, or any variety of issues.  'Inbred' mates have a much higher chance of producing ill, weak, mentally challenged, or physically defective children.  Requests of immediate relatives (parent/offspring, offspring/offspring) are always denied.


-- Ocasta --

Ocasta is the largest and most well developed planet in the Letrion System.  It is comprised of mostly water with a single large continent as well as a small 'island' continent.  These two continents have steady but slightly conflicted governments which rarely war, as they are more focused on their own inner workings than each other.  While travel between these two continents is open to everyone, it is highly frowned upon by most citizens of Ocasta in fear that the two continents might one day go to war.  Outsiders from Xaom and its two moons are welcomed with open arms, however, and relations are friendly.  Ocasta has five moons, none of which support life.  The population of Ocasta is made up mostly of mammalian species of both land and see as opposed to the reptilian species of Xaom or the avians of Tantalak.  Other species are, of course, living on Ocasta, but are not quite as common.  Even so, besides Izanami, it is the most diverse of the worlds of Letrion.

-- Xaom --

Xaom is a smallish planet with lesser gravity than Ocasta, and in some areas small rocks may float in place and 'orbit' with the planet and so look like they are floating.  Most inhabited areas of Xaom are within large biodomes, where false gravity is created to account for Xaom's lack there of.  While water does exist on this planet, it is difficult to find naturally.  The whole ecosystem beyond the biodomes is that of a savannah/desert biome, and the planet is one giant land mass pocketed with occasional lakes and rivers.  There is no exact government on Xaom.  Each biodome has a slightly different method of government, but all are welcome to free trade with its two moons and Ocasta.  This being said, each biodome population is prone to argument with other biodomes, and travel is made nearly impossible by all but travelers free of a biodome's label.  Xaom has two moons, Tantalak and Izanami, both of which support life.  The population of Xaom is primarily comprised of reptilian species, which usually require the warmer temperatures of Xaom.  Some of these species can exist outside the biodomes where there is little gravity and temperatures soar, but this is rare.  Depending on the biodome, you can find all types of species living inside from all the different inhabitable worlds or you can find, as the planet is known for, purely reptilian creatures besides visitors.  While no biodome is completely isolationist, several will not allow other creatures to move in, but will allow for a several month stay at most.

-- Tantalak --

Tantalak is a tropical world that, despite being a moon, has become able to support life.  It looms in Xaom's sky larger than the sun, and if not caught in Xaom's perpetual orbit would be classified as its own planet.  Technology has stabilized much of what the moon would have at one time made it uninhabitable.  Where this technology came from has never been questioned, but its creators are lost to time.  This moon is warm and has a relatively normal gravity, also created by technology.  It does not have oceans but large lakes, and all landmass is connected.  This is one of the most peaceful planets, but is the most restrictive on who comes in and who comes out.  While any citizen of Letrion can travel off or onto the moon, there are extensive background checks before it is allowed.  Besides this there is a relatively normal democracy.  Tantalak is known for its avian species.  It is the least diverse of the worlds of Letrion.  While other races can reside and live there, it is extremely difficult to get permission to do so.

-- Izanami --

Izanami, or Iza for short, is the outcast world of crime and destruction.  It is a small unstable moon with extreme volcanic activity and earthquakes in many areas.  There are a few paradises, however, and this is where the few people of Iza reside.  It has no government and is often in chaos.  Very few people dare enter Iza's territory, as it is known for its thieves and criminals.  Those that are unlucky enough to live there usually resort to living dangerous lives simply to survive.  What ships exist for transport are constantly being fought over, and this is the only planet where its citizens regularly visit the Gateway in an attempt to leave Letrion.  There is no pattern to the population of Iza.  It is open to all creatures of all types.