FlutterByBeeBoy's Profile Comments

"OH what brings you to the doorstep of this depressing place. Could it be you want to make a deal with a devil?"

The big boss gave a short bow "I'm real glad you been chatting with the gang. Come back anytime you want ta relax, and we'll shoot a few rounds. Well, go get a wiggle on, seems ya got folks waitin' on ya, Not surprising for a man such as yourself. "

"If you wanted a chat with the coolest kitty in town you could have just asked babe. I never mind a bit of attention; but my heart still belongs to my darling dandy-man."

"Oh darling thanks for stopping by~ come by any time and we will just gab the night away, I'm certain you have some absolutely wonderful stories~"

"I wath told i need to thank you, but honethty your attention ith better thpent elthewhere. but thanks I gueth. Can I go now?" He turned to leave uncomfortable with the whole affair.

"Oh hello there, you seem like an interesting sort, thanks for the interest. Maybe we can talk some more if i have the time." He looked away distracted by a glimmer of light that caught his eye.

"Thanks for checking me out. I do warn you I've been told I got a killer sense of humor and a drop dead gorgeous face to match."

"....Thanks for your patronage." Lewis sat at the bar his finger tracing slow rings around the rim of his glass.

"I sense you have a special connection to this place, or perhaps it is just the black string or mortality that connects us all. Either way I thank you for your kind patronage fair sir. Please come by and we can gab about the intricacies of the words we weave."

"Haha thanks for the interest in an old man. perhaps we could take some time and discuss our favorite literary works and author the next time you stop by the lounge? It would be a pleasure to hear of your tastes."

"Hey baby, why the sour face i thought you liked me? I'd thank ya for the interest but i think ya might just be pullin' my leg. If you even want a great laugh just spend an evening with me an' lewie we'll get a smile on yous."

"Thanks for stoppin' by but why're ya Leavin' so soon we didn't even play a game or anythin'. You should teach me the best places to pet cats, I heard ya got a lotta pets, wouldja mind?"

"heard you like tattoos and big guns. you certainly came to the right place dollface. " she lughed a deep hearty sound that burst from her throat like thunder, "Don't sweat it country boy, We'll get along just fine! Come by again for a good time"

"Well hey there cool cat, thanks for the chat, come back anytime and we'll tip the bill, my treat."

"Thanks for stopping by, seems a good lotta folks can't pay thier damned tab anymore. Come around again and we'll chat."