Lorrken Story

uuhh I haven't updates these guys in forever. I love them, yet I neglect them.

  • so gale is the protag and in highschool
  • cecil is secondary protag and also gale's adoptive (not human but can take the aperance of a human) brother.
  • cecil is from an alternate dimension called lork
  • sometimes other things come out of lork and into earth and cause cecil/gale trouble. This is hard to deal with because no one knows about lork or cecil being from lork besides gale and cecil lmao. (the people see weird shit happening and they're like "whoah wtf", but it happens frequently enough so they're like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ this may as well happen. In conclusion, they know weird shit happens, but they don't know it's from an alternate dimension called lork and they don't know about cecil/gale's connection to it)
  • gale deals with highschool and it's not a good time.

creature cat animal warriors has bio faves valencia human feline alien spinecat want art hoofdrake beast droken family pyridekk monster feral goldspinner storm spirit