
On Earth ---- the universe created Recreates to help 'save' humanity from extinction. As humans re grew the population Recreates were shunned, seen as devils from the universe to punish them. Even though Recreates looked human like they had attributes that caused fear among the humans causing them to go into hiding. A group of Recreates came together to build a home to keep Recreates safe. This later became the Recreate dome, a protected city with in invisible borders, hiding from any eye outside of it.

A team of caretakers go out into the world every month to collect any Recreates in need of help. Some Recreates find homes away from humanity were they can live their lives but the young ones are taken to be brought up in a safe environment.


Recreates = A being created by the universe that uses things of the world to add to their form.

Recreates are formed at age 5 with the ability to walk and speak. They have knowledge of their name and what they are, some are formed more knowledgeable than others. Some are formed with others around them and some are formed alone.


Recreate types:

Nature recreate = A recreate formed from pieces of nature. e.g Ichika was formed from a few different types of flowers and fireflies.

Mythed recreate = A recreate formed by the human fears and ideas of myths. e.g Mina was formed by the myth of elves

Outer recreate = A recreate formed from sky or space. e.g Rin was formed by stars and the moon

Man made recreate = A recreate created by humans or born from human parents (Extremely rare to be born from humans)


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