

Characters that represent (or have represented) me one way or another.

For a breif introduction to the crew:

  • Io - Mascot OC
  • Reploid!Io - My shameless Megaman X self-insert, and my current main 'sona
  • Jade Embers - Old 'sona & namesake of this account. Now more of a story character than a persona.
  • Iri Desa - Old secondary sona. Same as Jade, also now a story character
  • DEVIL!10 - AU design for Iri, Retired Mascot
  • Sonya - Mascot for my code account: somnacanth

Featured characters

HTML by Jade-Everstone // Layout by Togo

retired gore ok fan character wip robotic to be mirrored main artfight doverhill monster hunter art needed sona needs overhaul splatoon patapon adopted not an oc art wanted joke oc suggestive ok