Jotaku's Bulletins

Batrye Auction! [closed, tysm!!]

Posted 4 years, 7 months ago by Jotaku

I really meant to have these done and up before halloween but things did not quite pan out as planned jkfl;as   
So I'm a little late, but oh well, batryes can be enjoyed outside of halloween, too!   


Link if image doesn't load:

★As always, this follows my standard adopt ToS.
★Auction will start now and end tomorrow 11/4 at 10pm Pacific.
★Paypal only; whole dollar increments only; min bid is $2
★1 hour snipe guard (any bids within the last hour, will extend time until 1 hour after last bid passes)
★Serious bidding only! Any backing out will result in a timed suspension.
★If you are still paying a previous purchase off with me, you must finish paying that off before participating in my newer sales and auctions.
★Payment should be sent within 24 hours from auction ending -- aka no later than end of day on the 5th.  If bids get above 250, at least $150 must be paid within the first 24 hours, but I'll allow up to a week to pay the rest (12th).  If AB'd I'll allow two weeks to pay off the rest (19th).
★After payment is received, I will send out the larger, un-watermarked file.
★If your account is blank and/or new -- I will require you show proof of activity somewhere (such as dA or FA, or alt TH account) in which I will note you there to confirm

As a small side note, I default my designs to not including breasts just because it's easier for me and male-leaning adopts seem to be more favored -- however this in no way means my designs are always meant to be male!  Buyers are always welcome to assign whatever gender/sex they want!  ^__^/

Also as a note -- I'm super super busy right now, so these designs come as-is and won't include any extra arts or marking refs, I'm sorry!  How their backs, tails, and full wing markings, etc look are gonna be up to the buyer! 

Traits // Batrye + Tinted (dark green hair)
CURRENT BID: AB'd by Yawal

Traits // Batyre + Horns + Pearl (actually it's grey hair not white, but for simplicity's sake I'm marking them as pearl)
CURRENT BID: AB'd by mallimom

Traits // Batrye + Prism
CURRENT BID: AB'd by mallimom

Please make all bids (including AB comments) as replies to the current bidder in the bidding chain!!  Thank you!!
I want to make sure the previous bidder is aware when they've been outbid, so please reply it to them and not my comment! o/

Please reply here with comments and/or questions! [link]

Halloween Commission Auction [closed]

Posted 4 years, 8 months ago by Jotaku

All filled up!  Thank everyone so much for the interest, as always!! ;V; <3
I'll hopefully be aiming to do another halloween comm batch sometime around the middle of the month, fingers crossed!
(PS. I'll also be doing a batrye batch sometime this month, as well!  Maaayyybee some general halloween-themed adopts, but I'm really busy rn so idk if I'll be able to get to both)


I'm still finishing up the previous themed comms as well as some other owed work I need to get done, but rent calls so I decided to open this batch a little early.  /w\
So just as a heads up, it'll probably be about one to two weeks before I'm able to start on these!  


I have no Halloween themed examples, but these give a general idea for style and level of detail!d1caccb76e02bb46699d0276e5584a64.jpg

And Halloween theme is just the general idea - it'll be up to the buyer to give me some prompts, props, and/or directions they'd like to see!
For example, you could ask for your character dressed up, or eating candy, or carving pumpkins, or for everything to look spooky, or whatever you'd like!  Just as long as it's halloween related. :D
I'll accept general, vague theme prompts, too -- like "dark and spooky," "warm and light," etc -- if you don't have anything specific in mind.

Auction will be for around 24 hours; starting now and ending at 10PM pacific tomorrow (10/1)
Paypal only; whole US dollar increments only; min bid is $2
30 min snipe guard (any bids within the last 30 minutes, will extend time until 30 min after last bid passes)
Serious bidding only! Any backing out will result in a timed suspension from my sales
Payment should be completed within 24 hours of auction ending (aka end of day wednesday the 2nd)
Generally these types of paints come as-is, where the only edits I make are for mistakes.  But if bidding reaches $200+ I'll make sure to send a sketch/flats to check that you like the concept and that expressions are right and whatnot.
Once the winners have been determined, I'll PM them with payment info as well as the commission form relevant to their slot to fill out!

Slot 1
Starting bid: $100
Current bid: AB'd by Elissinia
Autobuy: $320

Slot 2
Starting bid: $100
Current bid: AB'd by nagini
Autobuy: $320

Slot 3
Starting bid: $100
Current bid: AB'd by Lahti
Autobuy: $320

Slot 4
Starting bid: $100
Current bid: AB'd by WitchHouse
Autobuy: $350

Please reply here with comments and/or questions [link]
So I can make sure the bidding chains are easily accessible at the top! : )

Themed Commission Auction [closed]

Posted 4 years, 8 months ago by Jotaku

EDIT:  Wow, thank you all so much again!!  This batch is closed! TToTT   
This is probably the last of these themes (for now!!), but I'll likely be doing another batch with a new theme towards the end of the month!   


Just about finishing up the last batch, so sneaking in another round!
This batch won't be turned around as quickly as the previous one, but should still get done sometime this month. o/


Flowers theme will be your character + a flower of your choice.
Summer Night & Fireflies will be, well, a summer night/twilight with a bunch of glowy fireflies around for casting light.
Waking up/Sleepy morning theme will be of your character just waking up, maybe looking a bit groggy and disheveled (I'll be asking the winner of this theme specifics for how their character might act/look while waking up :) )
Note: these themes are not exclusive, and may show up as options again in the future!

Auction will be for a bit over 24 hours; starting now and ending at 6PM pacific tomorrow (9/14)
Paypal only; whole US dollar increments only; min bid is $2
30 min snipe guard (any bids within the last 30 minutes, will extend time until 30 min after last bid passes)
Serious bidding only! Any backing out will result in a timed suspension from my sales
Payment should be completed within 24 hours of auction ending (aka end of day sunday the 15th)
Generally these types of paints come as-is, where the only edits I make are for mistakes.  But if bidding reaches $200+ I'll make sure to send a sketch/flats to check that you like the concept and that expressions are right and whatnot.
Once the winners have been determined, I'll PM them with payment info as well as the commission form relevant to their slot to fill out!

Starting bid: $100
Current bid: AB'd by LazyPotato
Autobuy: $320

Summer Night & Fireflies
Starting bid: $100
Current bid: AB'd by Cappuchi
Autobuy: $320

Waking up/Sleepy morning
Starting bid: $100
Current bid: AB'd by Elissinia
Autobuy: $320

Please reply here with comments and/or questions [link]
So I can make sure the bidding chains are easily accessible at the top! : )

Themed Commission Auction [closed]

Posted 4 years, 9 months ago by Jotaku

Edit:  Wow thank you all so much for the interest!  I'll open slots again sometime during the later half of the month!  I also may end up opening one more slot next weekend depending on where my funds are at (big maybe, tho, so no promises).  
If you missed out this time, keep your eyes open for later this month!


Hii, I'm bringing back the themed auction format again!  I'm pretty dang busy this month with a handful of bigger expenses to pay off coming up so figured this would be the best route to go for now. /w\
I'm not super sure when exactly I'll be able to do each of them (I'll be sneaking them in around my other work), but I should def have all three done before the end of the month!

1bdfcd3ce322aa35ca6b8a48bde632c2.jpgI don't have any examples for the other two themes, but they will be done in the same portrait style as above and you can view the snow commissions I was doing last winter for more examples ((seen here & here!)).
Flowers theme will be your character + a flower of your choice.
Summer Night & Fireflies will be, well, a summer night/twilight with a bunch of glowy fireflies around for casting light.
Waking up/Sleepy morning theme will be of your character just waking up, maybe looking a bit groggy and disheveled (I'll be asking the winner of this theme specifics for how their character might act/look while waking up :) )
Note: these themes are not exclusive, and may show up as options again in the future!

Auction will be for a little over 24 hours; starting now and ending at 7PM pacific tomorrow (9/8)
Paypal only; whole US dollar increments only; min bid is $2
30 min snipe guard (any bids within the last 30 minutes, will extend time until 30 min after last bid passes)
Serious bidding only! Any backing out will result in a timed suspension from my sales
Payment should be completed within 24 hours of auction ending (aka end of day monday the 9th)
Generally these types of paints come as-is, where the only edits I make are for mistakes.  But if bidding reaches $200+ I'll make sure to send a sketch/flats to check that you like the concept and that expressions are right and whatnot.
Once the winners have been determined, I'll PM them with payment info as well as the commission form relevant to their slot to fill out!

Starting bid: $100
Current bid: AB'd by Elissinia
Autobuy: $320

Summer Night & Fireflies
Starting bid: $100
Current bid: AB'd by Yawal
Autobuy: $320

Waking up/Sleepy morning
Starting bid: $100
Current bid: AB'd by CreamofDespair
Autobuy: $320

Please reply here with comments and/or questions [link]
So I can make sure the bidding chains are easily accessible at the top! : )

Off-Base Blakrye Auction [closed]

Posted 4 years, 9 months ago by Jotaku


link if image won't load:
also includes less drastically shaded/lit version + flats version, which can be previewed here:

★As always, this follows my standard adopt ToS.
★Auction will start now and end Friday 9/6 at 7pm Pacific.
★Paypal only; whole dollar increments only; min bid is $2
★1 hour snipe guard (any bids within the last hour, will extend time until 1 hour after last bid passes)
★Serious bidding only! Any backing out will result in a timed suspension.
★If you are still paying a previous purchase off with me, you must finish paying that off before participating in my newer sales and auctions.
★Bids $200 and lower should be paid within ~24 hours of auction ending (by end of day on the 7th).  If bids reach $200 or above, the first $200 must be paid within 24 hours, but I can allow up to the 15th to pay off the remainder. (Absolutely no later than 15th, though!  That is a hard deadline for me!)
★After full payment is received, I will send out the larger, un-watermarked files.  This adopt includes the version above, plus a less starkly shaded/lit version, plus a flats version.  I also have a really sketchy/rough mock-up of the markings below (but srsly, it's like a bad stick figure -- it gets the ideas across but that's about it, don't expect anything amazing here).
★If your account is blank and/or new -- I will require you show proof of activity somewhere (such as dA or FA, or alt TH account) in which I will note you there to confirm

As a small side note, I default my designs to not including breasts just because it's easier for me and male-leaning adopts seem to be more favored -- however this in no way means my designs are always meant to be male!  Buyers are always welcome to assign whatever gender/sex they want!  ^__^/

CURRENT BID: $160 by Lilly

Please make all bids (including AB comments) as replies to the current bidder in the bidding chain!!  Thank you!!
I want to make sure the previous bidder is aware when they've been outbid, so please reply it to them and not my comment! o/

Please reply here with comments and/or questions! [link]

Off-base Blakrye/Sphaerra Batch [closed]

Posted 4 years, 9 months ago by Jotaku

Mixing things up a bit with something off base and a little doodley, plus going auction route this time to allow for a little bit more flexibility! :)


Link if image doesn't load:

★As always, this follows my standard adopt ToS.
★Auction will start now and end Friday 8/30 at 6pm Pacific.
★Paypal only; whole dollar increments only; min bid is $2
★1 hour snipe guard (any bids within the last hour, will extend time until 1 hour after last bid passes)
★Serious bidding only! Any backing out will result in a timed suspension from my sales.
★If you are still paying a previous purchase off with me, you must finish paying that off before participating in my newer sales and auctions.
★Payment should be sent within 24 hours from auction ending -- aka no later than end of day on the 31st.  
★After payment is received, I will send out the un-watermarked file.
★If your account is blank and/or new -- I will require you show proof of activity somewhere (such as dA or FA, or alt TH account) in which I will note you there to confirm

As a small side note, I default my designs to not including breasts just because it's easier for me and male-leaning adopts seem to be more favored -- however this in no way means my designs are always meant to be male!  Buyers are always welcome to assign whatever gender/sex they want!  ^__^/

ONE (Blakrye)
Traits // Pygmy + Semi-Pearl (hair isn't pure white, but it's close)
CURRENT BID: AB'd by e-m-m

TWO (Blakrye)
Traits // Tinted (dark purplish hair + black lightning) + Single Ear Droop
CURRENT BID: $160 by yamyam

THREE (Blakrye)
**(includes version w/o leg markings)**
Traits // Tinted (dark blue hair + black lightning)
CURRENT BID: $140 by pax

FOUR (Sphaerra)
Traits // Hip Fins + Mouth Sphere
CURRENT BID: $100 by yousnareme

FIVE (Sphaerra)
Traits // Up Ears + Tail Fins
CURRENT BID: AB'd by Yawal

Please make all bids (including AB comments) as replies to the current bidder in the bidding chain!!  Thank you!!
I want to make sure the previous bidder is aware when they've been outbid, so please reply it to them and not my comment! o/

Please reply here with comments and/or questions: [link]

Hello all, have some unfortunate news this time. 8(
I wanted to give a heads up warning about a blakrye MYO that was recently stolen:


This blakrye belongs to Hookie, who unfortunately had it stolen and traded off to someone else recently.  Thankfully this incident has been mostly resolved and the double removed, but there's still a chance the MYO might have been traded more than once.  So if you happen to see this design floating around at all, please be aware that it already has a home and to contact me or Hookie regarding it immediately!

I also wanted to give a tentative word of caution against the dA user, RabbitRaven, who was last known to be trading this blakrye.  They were recently banned from TH over this incident, but when confronted further about this particular blakrye MYO they claimed they got it from another user whose info they can't recall.  However, they also later blocked Hookie after Hookie reached out to them to try and figure out what happened.  Soooo it's currently uncertain right now if this user was the original thief or not, but the situation surrounding them is a bit sketchy and they were ultimately banned from TH in the end, so if you do happen to come across this user elsewhere I would highly, highly recommend caution when it comes to trading with or purchasing from them.

This is the only outright theft incident I've had with any of my species, so fortunately this sort of thing is super uncommon.  But I hate that it happened at all and really want to avoid it happening to any of my customers again in the future.  So please, please always try to trade and buy smartly and safely!  Take the time to check out who you're working with if you're unfamiliar with them.  If you're uncertain if an ownership is legit or not, try to find a previous owner to confirm it with.  Unfortunately I'm unable to keep up with a master list, but you're also always welcome to come to me and I'll see if I can help you dig up the past owners, too.  I may be a bit slow with getting back to you, but I'll always do my best to help out if I can!  

Blakrye & Sphaerra Batch [closed]

Posted 4 years, 10 months ago by Jotaku


link in case image won't load:

★As always, this follows my standard adopt ToS.
★$200, Paypal/USD only.
One claim per person for the first 12 hours - after 12 hours if a design is still available you may purchase a second.  Comment to claim, do not PM.
One claim number per comment - please do not try to claim multiple in one post, for example, "3, 1, or 4 please!" -- I find this slightly unfair and makes sorting claims a bit messy.  So please only one claim per comment!
Do NOT edit your comments - if you claim a number and miss, do not edit the comment to reflect a different number.  Please make a new comment to reflect your new claim!
★If you are still paying a previous purchase off with me, you must finish paying that off before participating in my newer sales and auctions.
★Please be prepared to pay within 24 hours of your claim - if you fail to do so I may move to the next claim in line.  Once paid, sales are final.
★After payment is received, I will send over the full sized non-watermarked version of the adopt in shaded, flats, and hairless versions.
★If your account is blank and/or new -- I will require you show proof of activity somewhere (such as dA or FA, or alt TH account) in which I will note you there to confirm

As a small side note, I default my designs to not including breasts just because it's easier for me and male-leaning adopts seem to be more favored -- however this in no way means my designs are always meant to be male!  Buyers are always welcome to assign whatever gender/sex they want!  ^__^/

1. Blakrye
Traits // Pigmy
Claimed by: Felcia

2. Blakrye
Traits // Feral / Prism / Mismatched Hair & Current Colors
Claimed by: pre-claimed privately

3. Blakrye
Traits //  Prism / Fluff
Claimed by: sakumintsu

4. Sphaerra
Traits // Tail Fin / Hip Fins / Spiked Sphere
Claimed by: Yawal

5. Sphaerra
Traits // Perk Ears / Hip Fins / Eyed Sphere / Short Tail
Claimed by: puru via Yawal

upcoming blakrye & sphaerra batch preview!

Posted 4 years, 10 months ago by Jotaku

Pre-claim window is closed, I'll be posting the batch tomorrow (7/28th) around 6/7pm pacific!

I don't have a concrete time window for when these will go up cuz I'm working on a bunch of different things at once right now, so I'll probably give another heads up bulletin some hours in advance when I do!  Most likely it'll be in like 3/4 days or so.
But I wanted to preview the batch I'm working on ahead of time before I get too far into the clean up phase cuz I wanted to allow preclaims this time!

If interested, these are $300 to pre-claim now and you can ask for minor marking and/or palette adjustments, a different hairstyle, and pick their expression/personality.  Otherwise they will be sold at $200 when finished and will come as-is.
Traits are locked, however in regards to #2 and #3 blakryes you can ask for lower hair/lightning combo rarities (for example, if you wanted to change #3 to Tinted instead of Prism, or remove the mismatched trait from #2, etc.)

Example of what this base looks like finished + sale info/format:
This base comes with hairless, flats, and shaded versions.


#2 is pre-claimed!!

Just opening something a bit quick and easy to fill the space around my other work.

-$250 (upfront, within 24 hours please)
-semi-blind (I'll design something based on what you give me and at the end I'll allow some SIMPLE edits)
-can be any of my species (excluding melwryms), non-species, outfit designs, or MYOs of others' species
-you can specifically request traits from the common to uncommon range, but otherwise higher rarities will be random/up to me and are not guaranteed  (please do not try to pressure me by asking for or mentioning higher rarity traits you would like - if you do this I will purposely not include them)
-no refunds but if you end up not liking the finished design, feel free to sell it!  If it's an outfit, I can provide a grey base under the clothes upon request.  (if you have me design a MYO for you, please make sure to follow their rules before selling tho)


(link )

these examples happen to all be for custom outfits, but should give a general idea of the style they will be done in (a bit simplistic and messy -- runes and details may not be precise, but should be clear enough to get the ideas easily across).

o1. Cappuchi
o2. missdisaster00

I MAY take on more over the month, so even if the slots fill up if you're interested feel free to leave a comment still and I might pick you up later!  (no promises tho jflk;das)