Jotaku's Bulletins

Just an update + apologies for slowness

Posted 4 years, 2 months ago by Jotaku

It's been a long time since I've posted a bulletin that's just an update on my life, and not some kind of sale.  Phew!   
But I kinda wanted to touch base with customers, supporters, ppl I have dealings/trades with, friends, etc. to let y'all know what's up with me and why the heck has Jo been so friggin' MIA for basically 5ever.

Some of you have probably already heard this from me before via PMs, but the long and short of it is basically: art block. 

Around the time I had to get a new computer (if y'all remember that), I took on a lot of customs.  I overestimated myself and didn't take the work load seriously enough, so I also accepted several zines and got myself into a con (w/o already ready-to-use prints/merch) and basically just took on way more than I could chew and consequently have not been able to properly catch up with my workload since.  I've been stuck in a cycle of always having to take on more things before I finished the last to be able to keep up with my finances and whatnot.  After a while that sort of thing drags and stresses real damn hard, and it pushed me into a really shitty and huge art block (and potentially a kind of depression?? idk) that's been going for what feels at least half a year strong now.  It's super.    
Thankfully it's not hurting my, like, artistic skills or whatever (/wipes brow), but it does make me reaaaaallll gd slow.  And the closer I get to finally catching up and being back to finishing stuff before I take on more--aka the closer I get to the light at that gat dang tunnel--it's like the worse the block gets.  Which is to say, I'm super friggin' close to being like 100% caught up on my shit again! (whoo!)  But eff me, it's just taking me about a million gd years to actually get there.  And of course the coronavirus crap happening now is only making me more stressed and making it worse cuz it's like all I think about now and makes it even harder to focus on art jflk;dafsd (please take care of yourselves and do your social distancing if able and wash your hands!!)

ANYWAY.  I just wanted to share a bit of what's going on with me for those who didn't already know.  Cuz I know I've been way slower than usual with commissions and I know I've been really spotty about timely getting back to PMs, and I apologize for that.  I'm trying to push through things -- I mean, I have to, because art is my job and I gotta feed myself, y'now? -- but the way thru is just a bit more bogged down and bumpier than I'd hope. /__\
(This is also why I've not been on twitter or discord fyi -- the stress is making me feel bad and guilty and like I don't deserve to be on social media until I get a handle of things jfkld;a (cuz my brain is dumb like that))

That all said, I also want to thank all of you who have been supremely patient with me, and for those who continue to support me and seek out my art and designs.  I don't think I stop to say or show my appreciate enough, but it really does mean the world to me.  Y'all keep me fed and inspire me to keep pushing myself forward.  Thank you!

Gosh, I meant to open this second batch so much earlier!  But this month just.. did not go as planned for me lol.  Anyway, still wrapping up the last batch (& ps, still need forms from a couple of you!), but going ahead and getting a head start on the next one before the month is out o/


Kiss on the Cheek/V-day theme:
Kiss on the Cheek will be two characters, with the receiver reacting to being kissed on the cheek by the other.  It can be romantic, platonic, familial, horseplay, etc!  (Like, would Character A getting kissed by B be shocked?  Would they blush?  Laugh?  Be annoyed?  Grossed out? etc etc)  This is meant to be a fun, more expressive theme! 

Link in case image doesn't load:

Auction will be for around 24 hours; starting now and ending at 8PM pacific tomorrow (2/28)
Paypal only; whole US dollar increments only; min bid is $2
30 min snipe guard (any bids within the last 30 minutes, will extend time until 30 min after last bid passes)
Serious bidding only! Any backing out will result in a timed suspension from my sales
Payment should be completed within 24 hours of auction ending (aka end of day by the 29th)
Generally these types of paints come as-is, where the only edits I make are for mistakes.  But if bidding reaches $200+ I'll make sure to send a sketch/flats to check that you like the concept and that expressions are right and whatnot.
Once the winners have been determined, I'll PM them with payment info as well as the commission form relevant to their slot to fill out!

Starting Bid: $100
Autobuy: $350

Slot 1
Current bid: AB'd by umbral-wind

Slot 2
Current bid: AB'd by sheep

Slot 3
Current bid: AB'd by Lahti

Please reply here with comments and/or questions [link]
So I can make sure the bidding chains are easily accessible at the top! : )

Hewwo, pls have this surprise adopt batch!


Link if image doesn't load:

★As always, this follows my standard adopt ToS.  (+ Melwyrm Info - this is all pretty WIPy and the visuals are out of date, but gets the general info & lore across!  If you have any questions about them, don't hesitate to ask though!!)
★Auction will start now and end monday 2/10 at 7pm Pacific.
★Paypal only; whole dollar increments only; min bid is $2
★1 hour snipe guard (any bids within the last hour, will extend time until 1 hour after last bid passes)
★Serious bidding only! Any backing out will result in a timed suspension from my sales.
★If you are still paying a previous purchase off with me, you must finish paying that off before participating in my newer sales and auctions.
★Payment should be sent within 24 hours from auction ending -- aka no later than end of day on the 11th.  However if AB'd, $200 must be paid within 24 hours but I'll allow through the end of the week (by the 16th) to pay off the rest.  For the melwyrm, if it's AB'd or bids reach 400 or above, $250 should be paid up front, an additional $250 by the 16th, and the remainder by the 23rd.  
★After payment is received, I will send out the larger, un-watermarked files.  
★If your account is blank and/or new -- I will require you show proof of activity somewhere (such as dA or FA, or alt TH account) in which I will note you there to confirm

As a small side note, I default my designs to not including breasts just because it's easier for me and male-leaning adopts seem to be more favored -- however this in no way means my designs are always meant to be male!  Buyers are always welcome to assign whatever gender/sex they want!  ^__^/

Regarding Edits, Nudes/Extras, and alt Forms: 
-AB Tier 1 is for the designs as-is.  They will not include any edits or nude forms; what you see is what you get.  Owners are free to design those for themselves if they'd like!  (Just keep in mind my rule that designs need to remain recognizable, so don't alter the exposed markings too much and feel free to check it in with me if you're worried!)
-AB Tier 2 will allow simple edits and include a very basic nude form sketch of what I imagine under the clothing (front side for the sphaerra), as well as some outfit breakdown notes.  Please note these sketches will be rough, as in just clean and clear enough to get the idea across to service as refs.
-The melwyrm will not be including a wyrm form, however it does include a rough sketch breaking down the components of the outfit.  If AB'd, I will allow simple edits to the design.

o1) Blakrye
Traits // Tinted (colored hair, black lightning)
CURRENT BID: AB'd by Paschatuli

o2) Sphaerra
Traits // Tail Fins + Spiked Sphere
CURRENT BID: AB'd by luparoca

o3) Melwyrm
CURRENT BID: AB'd by Ethelune

Please make all bids (including AB comments) as replies to the current bidder in the bidding chain!!  Thank you!!
I want to make sure the previous bidder is aware when they've been outbid, so please reply it to them and not my comment! o/

Please reply here with comments and/or questions [link]

Edit:  I'm heading off to bed so I won't be updating bids or replying/sending PMs until tomorrow morning!  Sorry I'm weak xwx  

Second Edit:  I'll be aiming to hopefully open the second v-day batch probably right around v-day (13th? 14th?)!  Thank you all so much for the interest!     


I was hoping to do one more batch of winter comms before Feb, but it just didn't end up panning out for me   
So, since I wanted to have one last opportunity for ppl to snatch up the winter theme for this year, I've decided to make this batch a little special.  For this opening, each slot can be either a Winter or V-day themed comm--it's up to the buyer to decide what you want!  But pls note that they have different AB prices!
After this batch, I'll be switching exclusively to the V-day theme for the rest of the month. o/


Two themes: Winter (either Snow or Cozy Holiday), or Kiss on the Cheek in the spirit of it being Valentine's month!
For Winter Themes:
Snow will be similar to previous years and will feature your character outside in the snow, reacting to and/or interacting with it.
Cozy Holiday isn't necessarily a holiday specific theme, but more about the warm, comfortable feeling that comes with being inside during the winter season/holidays.  For examples of this theme, your character could be cozied up in front of a fire, decorating, drinking, eating goodies, etc - whatever you can think of that fits the theme! : )
For V-day theme:
Kiss on the Cheek will be two characters, with the receiver reacting to being kissed on the cheek by the other.  It can be romantic, platonic, familial, horseplay, etc!  (Like, would Character A getting kissed by B be shocked?  Would they blush?  Laugh?  Be annoyed?  Grossed out? etc etc)  This is meant to be a fun, more expressive theme! 

I don't have any current examples of Kiss on the Cheek yet, but they'll be in the same style as these winter theme examples:13d6fef1a851776238956c2be17d5449.jpg

Auction will be for around 24 hours; starting now and ending at 6PM pacific tomorrow (2/4)
Paypal only; whole US dollar increments only; min bid is $2
30 min snipe guard (any bids within the last 30 minutes, will extend time until 30 min after last bid passes)
Serious bidding only! Any backing out will result in a timed suspension from my sales
Payment should be completed within 24 hours of auction ending (aka end of day by the 5th)
Generally these types of paints come as-is, where the only edits I make are for mistakes.  But if bidding reaches $200+ I'll make sure to send a sketch/flats to check that you like the concept and that expressions are right and whatnot.
Once the winners have been determined, I'll PM them with payment info as well as the commission form relevant to their slot to fill out!

Starting Bid for all: $100
Autobuy for Winter Theme: $320
Autobuy for Kiss on the Cheek: $350

Slot 1
Current bid: AB'd by Mischief (v-day)

Slot 2
Current bid: AB'd by dooli (v-day)

Slot 3
Current bid: AB'd by erebun (v-day)

Slot 4
Current bid: AB'd by Sacchim (v-day)

Please reply here with comments and/or questions [link]
So I can make sure the bidding chains are easily accessible at the top! : )

Winter Themed Commissions [closed]

Posted 4 years, 4 months ago by Jotaku

Close to finishing off the previous batch, so I'm going ahead and getting the next bunch sorted! o/
((Oh small update to those who have had trade feelers out there with me and are waiting for me to get caught up again -- I'm juusst about through everything major on my to-list (only one thing left that I'm about half done on) and am currently primarily in financial catch-up mode.  Once I'm stable again I'll be hittin' y'all up!  Right now it's looking like I'll need to make it through two more commission batches after this one then I'll finally be square again!)


I will be offering the same two themes as last time, Snow and Cozy Holiday.  
Snow will be similar to previous years and will feature your character outside in the snow, reacting to and/or interacting with it.
Cozy Holiday isn't necessarily a holiday specific theme, but more about the warm, comfortable feeling that comes with being inside during the winter holidays.  For examples of this theme, your character could be cozied up in front of a fire, decorating, drinking, eating goodies, etc - whatever you can think of that fits the theme! : )

I'm too lazy to make a new graphic, so here are links to an example of each: snow & cozy holiday
And here are some completed pieces from the previous themes I've done recently that represents the style/level of detail these will be in:

Auction will be for around 24 hours; starting now and ending at 9PM pacific tomorrow (1/16)
Paypal only; whole US dollar increments only; min bid is $2
30 min snipe guard (any bids within the last 30 minutes, will extend time until 30 min after last bid passes)
Serious bidding only! Any backing out will result in a timed suspension from my sales
Payment should be completed within 24 hours of auction ending (aka end of day by the 17th)
Generally these types of paints come as-is, where the only edits I make are for mistakes.  But if bidding reaches $200+ I'll make sure to send a sketch/flats to check that you like the concept and that expressions are right and whatnot.
Once the winners have been determined, I'll PM them with payment info as well as the commission form relevant to their slot to fill out!

Slot 1
Starting bid: $100
Current bid: AB'd by chizuny
Autobuy: $320

Slot 2
Starting bid: $100
Current bid: AB'd by HerWitch
Autobuy: $320

Slot 3
Starting bid: $100
Current bid: AB'd by Ethelune
Autobuy: $320

Please reply here with comments and/or questions [link]
So I can make sure the bidding chains are easily accessible at the top! : )

Winter Themed Commissions [closed]

Posted 4 years, 4 months ago by Jotaku

The holidays may be over, but it's still winter time so I'm keeping with these themes for just a little while longer!   
I'm only opening two spots this time, though, just enough to tie me over for some expenses while I catch up on my backlog.  I'm aiming to get everyone's commissions done over the next week or so, then I'll open some more once I'm caught up!

I will be offering the same two themes as last time, Snow and Cozy Holiday.  
Snow will be similar to previous years and will feature your character outside in the snow, reacting to and/or interacting with it.
Cozy Holiday isn't necessarily a holiday specific theme, but more about the warm, comfortable feeling that comes with being inside during the winter holidays.  For examples of this theme, your character could be cozied up in front of a fire, decorating, drinking, eating goodies, etc - whatever you can think of that fits the theme! : )

Here are some completed pieces from the previous batches I've done recently that represents the style/level of detail these will be in:

Auction will be for around 24 hours; starting now and ending at 8PM pacific tomorrow (1/5)
Paypal only; whole US dollar increments only; min bid is $2
30 min snipe guard (any bids within the last 30 minutes, will extend time until 30 min after last bid passes)
Serious bidding only! Any backing out will result in a timed suspension from my sales
Payment should be completed within 24 hours of auction ending (aka end of day by the 6th)
Generally these types of paints come as-is, where the only edits I make are for mistakes.  But if bidding reaches $200+ I'll make sure to send a sketch/flats to check that you like the concept and that expressions are right and whatnot.
Once the winners have been determined, I'll PM them with payment info as well as the commission form relevant to their slot to fill out!

Slot 1
Starting bid: $100
Current bid: AB'd by Sheep
Autobuy: $320

Slot 2
Starting bid: $100
Current bid: AB'd by nitocris
Autobuy: $320

Please reply here with comments and/or questions [link]
So I can make sure the bidding chains are easily accessible at the top! : )

Thank you so much for all the interest!  I'll be doing my best to open another batch of this theme sometime later in the month! (Fingers crossed)


It's that time of year!      
I'm going with two different themes for the season this year, one will be the usual Snow theme and the other will be Cozy Holiday.  Buyer gets to pick which they want!
Snow will be similar to previous years and will feature your character outside in the snow, reacting to and/or interacting with it.
Cozy Holiday will be inside and focus on a warmer holiday feeling.  For example, your character can be cozied up in front of a fire, decorating, eating goodies, etc - whatever you can think of that fits the theme! : )

I don't have any finished and current examples for these themes, however here are some completed pieces from the previous batches I've done recently

Auction will be for around 24 hours; starting now and ending at 9PM pacific tomorrow (12/6)
Paypal only; whole US dollar increments only; min bid is $2
30 min snipe guard (any bids within the last 30 minutes, will extend time until 30 min after last bid passes)
Serious bidding only! Any backing out will result in a timed suspension from my sales
Payment should be completed within 24 hours of auction ending (aka end of day by the 3rd)
Generally these types of paints come as-is, where the only edits I make are for mistakes.  But if bidding reaches $200+ I'll make sure to send a sketch/flats to check that you like the concept and that expressions are right and whatnot.
Once the winners have been determined, I'll PM them with payment info as well as the commission form relevant to their slot to fill out!

Slot 1
Starting bid: $100
Current bid: AB'd by buttermaster
Autobuy: $320

Slot 2
Starting bid: $100
Current bid: AB'd by Ethelune
Autobuy: $320

Slot 3
Starting bid: $100
Current bid: AB'd by Topolis
Autobuy: $320

Please reply here with comments and/or questions [link]
So I can make sure the bidding chains are easily accessible at the top! : )

Something a little different this time!  I'm in need of a little fast cash, so did a really quick doodley blakrye and melwyrm.  I'm not entirely sure where to price them at, though, so thought I'd hold a short two hour auction for them.

((Also, as a small update to my current commissioners:  I'm finishing up my current comms now and should have those back to you within the next day or two.  To the one person whom I still owe a custom, I will also be starting that sometime this week finally! o/))

537e1a64b4c6f8620b5ee3ac98088053.pngLink if image doesn't load:

★As always, this follows my standard adopt ToS.
★Auction will start now and end in two hours, at 9pm Pacific.
★Paypal only; whole dollar increments only; min bid is $2
★30 minute snipe guard with a final cutoff at 12am (any bids within the last 30 minutes will extend time until 30 minutes after last bid passes.  However, the snipe guard window will end at 12am and any bids past that point will not be counted.)
★Serious bidding only! Any backing out will result in a timed suspension.
★If you are still paying a previous purchase off with me, you must finish paying that off before participating in my newer sales and auctions.
★Payment should be sent within 24 hours from auction ending -- aka no later than end of day tomorrow, the 2nd.  If bids happen to get kinda crazy I'm open to payment plans as long as the first $100 is paid within 24 hours.  Please PM me first if you'll need one, tho.
★After full payment is received, I will send out the un-watermarked file.  Please note the image above is the full size of the adopts this time.
★If your account is blank and/or new -- I will require you show proof of activity somewhere (such as dA or FA, or alt TH account) in which I will note you there to confirm

As a small side note, I default my designs to not including breasts just because it's easier for me and male-leaning adopts seem to be more favored -- however this in no way means my designs are always meant to be male!  Buyers are always welcome to assign whatever gender/sex they want!  ^__^/

Also as a note -- I'm super busy/backed up right now, so these designs come as-is and won't include any extra arts or marking/outfit refs, sorry!  This means the blakrye's back markings and melwyrm's outfit front (as well as the wyrm form) are up to the buyers!  So please keep this in mind before bidding!

ONE -- BLAKRYE (closed!)
Traits // Tinted
CURRENT BID: $70 by shrio-nii

CURRENT BID: $350 by Lahti -- Snipe Guard; ends at 10:11pm

Please make all bids as replies to the current bidder in the bidding chain!!  Thank you!!
I want to make sure the previous bidder is aware when they've been outbid, so please reply it to them and not my comment! o/

Please reply here with comments and/or questions! [link]

Batrye Auction! [closed, tysm!!]

Posted 4 years, 6 months ago by Jotaku

I really meant to have these done and up before halloween but things did not quite pan out as planned jkfl;as   
So I'm a little late, but oh well, batryes can be enjoyed outside of halloween, too!   


Link if image doesn't load:

★As always, this follows my standard adopt ToS.
★Auction will start now and end tomorrow 11/4 at 10pm Pacific.
★Paypal only; whole dollar increments only; min bid is $2
★1 hour snipe guard (any bids within the last hour, will extend time until 1 hour after last bid passes)
★Serious bidding only! Any backing out will result in a timed suspension.
★If you are still paying a previous purchase off with me, you must finish paying that off before participating in my newer sales and auctions.
★Payment should be sent within 24 hours from auction ending -- aka no later than end of day on the 5th.  If bids get above 250, at least $150 must be paid within the first 24 hours, but I'll allow up to a week to pay the rest (12th).  If AB'd I'll allow two weeks to pay off the rest (19th).
★After payment is received, I will send out the larger, un-watermarked file.
★If your account is blank and/or new -- I will require you show proof of activity somewhere (such as dA or FA, or alt TH account) in which I will note you there to confirm

As a small side note, I default my designs to not including breasts just because it's easier for me and male-leaning adopts seem to be more favored -- however this in no way means my designs are always meant to be male!  Buyers are always welcome to assign whatever gender/sex they want!  ^__^/

Also as a note -- I'm super super busy right now, so these designs come as-is and won't include any extra arts or marking refs, I'm sorry!  How their backs, tails, and full wing markings, etc look are gonna be up to the buyer! 

Traits // Batrye + Tinted (dark green hair)
CURRENT BID: AB'd by Yawal

Traits // Batyre + Horns + Pearl (actually it's grey hair not white, but for simplicity's sake I'm marking them as pearl)
CURRENT BID: AB'd by mallimom

Traits // Batrye + Prism
CURRENT BID: AB'd by mallimom

Please make all bids (including AB comments) as replies to the current bidder in the bidding chain!!  Thank you!!
I want to make sure the previous bidder is aware when they've been outbid, so please reply it to them and not my comment! o/

Please reply here with comments and/or questions! [link]

Halloween Commission Auction [closed]

Posted 4 years, 7 months ago by Jotaku

All filled up!  Thank everyone so much for the interest, as always!! ;V; <3
I'll hopefully be aiming to do another halloween comm batch sometime around the middle of the month, fingers crossed!
(PS. I'll also be doing a batrye batch sometime this month, as well!  Maaayyybee some general halloween-themed adopts, but I'm really busy rn so idk if I'll be able to get to both)


I'm still finishing up the previous themed comms as well as some other owed work I need to get done, but rent calls so I decided to open this batch a little early.  /w\
So just as a heads up, it'll probably be about one to two weeks before I'm able to start on these!  


I have no Halloween themed examples, but these give a general idea for style and level of detail!d1caccb76e02bb46699d0276e5584a64.jpg

And Halloween theme is just the general idea - it'll be up to the buyer to give me some prompts, props, and/or directions they'd like to see!
For example, you could ask for your character dressed up, or eating candy, or carving pumpkins, or for everything to look spooky, or whatever you'd like!  Just as long as it's halloween related. :D
I'll accept general, vague theme prompts, too -- like "dark and spooky," "warm and light," etc -- if you don't have anything specific in mind.

Auction will be for around 24 hours; starting now and ending at 10PM pacific tomorrow (10/1)
Paypal only; whole US dollar increments only; min bid is $2
30 min snipe guard (any bids within the last 30 minutes, will extend time until 30 min after last bid passes)
Serious bidding only! Any backing out will result in a timed suspension from my sales
Payment should be completed within 24 hours of auction ending (aka end of day wednesday the 2nd)
Generally these types of paints come as-is, where the only edits I make are for mistakes.  But if bidding reaches $200+ I'll make sure to send a sketch/flats to check that you like the concept and that expressions are right and whatnot.
Once the winners have been determined, I'll PM them with payment info as well as the commission form relevant to their slot to fill out!

Slot 1
Starting bid: $100
Current bid: AB'd by Elissinia
Autobuy: $320

Slot 2
Starting bid: $100
Current bid: AB'd by nagini
Autobuy: $320

Slot 3
Starting bid: $100
Current bid: AB'd by Lahti
Autobuy: $320

Slot 4
Starting bid: $100
Current bid: AB'd by WitchHouse
Autobuy: $350

Please reply here with comments and/or questions [link]
So I can make sure the bidding chains are easily accessible at the top! : )