Jotaku's Bulletins

Melwyrm/Rare Trait Custom [closed, ty!]

Posted 5 years, 1 month ago by Jotaku

Hello!  I opened some customs like this some months back, and it was fairly successful and had a lot of interested people who didn't get a chance back then.  And, well, I have a convention I'm tabling at next month (fanime!) and I'm a bit pressed trying to afford it and get my con prep done in time, so I thought I'd try taking on a few customs to help me along.  Similar to last time these are primarily to offer Melwyrms, however I will do any other species of any trait rarity or non-species designs, as well!  I'm allowing around a month payment leeway (so fully paid off by May 20th), and I'll be working on these after con during early June.
(This won't be affecting commissions I have currently -- I'm finishing those up right now, at this very moment, so I can properly switch to con stuff without guilt or worry. )

Price:  $1,500
For Melwyrms - fullbody w/ outfit and wyrm form
For other species - fullbody w/ nude and outfit versions
For non-species - fullbody with two outfits (nude can be included upon request)
No additional art will be included, just the custom -- however understand I will be doing a ton of back and forth WIPs along the way, so you should be able to 100% get something you're happy with by the end!
Available in style A (lined) or B (painted).
If you need a payment plan, at least $300 should be paid within the week, and then a chunk should ideally be paid weekly with completed payment due by May 20th!  (However, if you can pay up front or pay it off faster than that, it'll seriously help me out a super huge ton!!)
These will be worked on when I get back from con -- last week of May/early June!

1. Yawal (wyrm form mock-ups sent)
2. "C" 
3. 216th (2nd outfit sketch phase)
4. "h" (on hold)

If all slots are filled up, and someone still wants one and is able to pay asap/by end of April I may take on a fourth.  
Feel free to comment or PM for a slot!

As always, my general ToS applies!
Oh, and if you are new and/or have no presence in the community I will likely reject you.  This is a lot of money and I don't want to wind up scammed, so please understand I will only accept customs for people established in the community.  Thank you! ;__;/

Melwyrm Auction [closed]

Posted 5 years, 2 months ago by Jotaku

Hewwo!!  Been a while since I did a big fancy melwyrm auction, so here we go!   


Link if image doesn't work:
Preview of human and wyrm forms separate w/o the background:

Melwyrm Info - this is all pretty WIPy and the visuals are out of date, but gets the general info & lore across!  If you have any questions about them, don't hesitate to ask though!!

★As always, this follows my standard adopt ToS.
★Auction will start now and end Sunday 03/24 at 8pm Pacific.
★Paypal only; whole dollar increments only; min bid is $2
★1 hour snipe guard (any bids within the last hour, will extend time until 1 hour after last bid passes)
★Serious bidding only! Any backing out will result in a timed suspension from my auctions/openings.
★If you are still paying a previous purchase off with me, you must finish paying that off before participating in my newer sales and auctions.
★I prefer some paid up front, but I'm otherwise flexible on how much and when payments are made on this one -- however, complete payment is due by end of day April 14th.  
★After full payment is received, I will send over the non-watermarked adopt files (image above, human and wyrm form files separately, and a quick doodle breaking down the cloak!)
★If your account is blank and/or new -- I will require you show proof of activity somewhere (such as dA or FA, or alt TH account) in which case I will note you there to confirm


AUTOBUY: $1500

Bid Tiers:
-$600, edits within reason
-$1,100, first additional art (chibi or paint)
-$1,500 (AB), second additional art (both chibi and paint)
CURRENT BID: AB'd by Kuumone

Please reply here with comments and/or questions!  [Link]

Themed Commission Auction [closed]

Posted 5 years, 3 months ago by Jotaku

Alrighty, so I'm gonna be trying something a little different for a while!  Since I'm very busy at the moment I can only take a couple commissions on at a time right now, and I figured this way more people can get a shot at my openings instead of just having it be a mad dash.  
I'm going to be opening two commission slots via auction, each with a different theme.  One will be Kiss on the Cheek, and the other will be Flowers.  
Ideally my goal would be to get both done and back to buyers within a week, but I have a lot going on right now so we'll see.  Shouldn't be more than 2/3 weeks at most, though!

I don't have any recent examples for these specific themes, but they will be done in the same portrait style as the snow commissions I was doing previously ((some examples here & here!)).
Kiss on the Cheek will be two characters, with the receiver reacting to being kissed on the cheek by the other.  It can be romantic, platonic, familial, horseplay, etc!  (Like, would Character A getting kissed by B be shocked?  Would they blush?  Laugh?  Be annoyed?  etc etc)  This is meant to be a fun, more expressive theme!  
Flowers theme will be the same as the ones I used to do on FA yeaaarrrsss ago some people might remember.  It's essentially a portrait of your character and a flower of your choice.

Auction will be for roughly 24 hours; starting now and ending at 8PM pacific tomorrow (3/17)
Paypal only; whole US dollar increments only; min bid is $2
30 min snipe guard (any bids within the last 30 minutes, will extend time until 30 min after last bid passes)
Serious bidding only! Any backing out will result in a timed suspension from my sales
Payment should be completed within 24 hours of auction ending (aka end of day monday the 18th) ((if bids happen to get super crazy and high somehow, I may allow partial payment up front and the rest later but make sure to PM & ask about it first))
Generally these types of paints come as-is, where the only edits I make are for mistakes.  But if bidding reaches $200+ I'll make sure to send a sketch/flats to check that you like the concept and that expressions are right and whatnot.
Once the winners have been determined, I'll PM them with payment info as well as the commission form relevant to their slot to fill out!
PLS NOTE: I don't plan to increase detail with bids -- the examples above are what you'll get, so bid accordingly!  However... I also know if bids somehow manage to get super high I will inevitably wind up making them more polished anyway cuz I'd feel bad otherwise lol.  So I guess just... keep that all in mind while bidding!

Kiss on the Cheek
Starting bid: $120
Current bid: $350 by Ethelune

Starting bid: $100
current bid: $300 by buttermaster

Please reply here with comments and/or questions [link]
So I can make sure the bidding chains are easily accessible at the top! : )

Blakrye & Sphaerra Batch [closed]

Posted 5 years, 3 months ago by Jotaku


link in case image won't load:
(also I realize the lightning is going over the hair in this screencap, that'll be fixed in the files I send over to owners!)

★As always, this follows my standard adopt ToS.
★$200, Paypal/USD only.
One claim per person for the first 12 hours - after 12 hours if a design is still available you may purchase a second.  Comment to claim, do not PM.
One claim number per comment - please do not try to claim multiple in one post, for example, "3, 1, or 4 please!" -- I find this slightly unfair and makes sorting claims a bit messy.  So please only one claim per comment!
Do NOT edit your comments - if you claim a number and miss, do not edit the comment to reflect a different number.  Please make a new comment to reflect your new claim!
★If you are still paying a previous purchase off with me, you must finish paying that off before participating in my newer sales and auctions.
★Please be prepared to pay within 24 hours of your claim - if you fail to do so I may move to the next claim in line.  Once paid, sales are final.
★After payment is received, I will send over the full sized non-watermarked version of the adopt in shaded, flats, and hairless versions.
★If your account is blank and/or new -- I will require you show proof of activity somewhere (such as dA or FA, or alt TH account) in which I will note you there to confirm

As a small side note, I default my designs to not including breasts just because it's easier for me and male-leaning adopts seem to be more favored -- however this in no way means my designs are always meant to be male!  Buyers are always welcome to assign whatever gender/sex they want!  ^__^/

1. Blakrye
Traits // Pearl
Claimed by: yamyam

2. Blakrye
Traits // Tinted / Fluff
Claimed by: Ikayaki

3. Blakrye
Traits //  Pigmy / Prism
Claimed by: Kunamei

4. Sphaerra
Traits // Tail Fin
Claimed by: lovebug

5. Sphaerra
Traits // Perk Ears / Hip Fins / Spiked Sphere
Claimed by: mufifins

status update / adopts tomorrow

Posted 5 years, 3 months ago by Jotaku

just a quick update!

i'll be posting an adopt batch tomorrow (or well, technically today -- 2/25) sometime between 5pm-7pm pacific (i'll aim for around 6, but depending on what I have going on might be a bit earlier or later)
sneak preview: -- it's a new base and they'll be $200 flat price, with shaded, flats, and no hair versions included

re: commissions --
gah, I'm so sorry I've been slow with these.  I mentioned before I got hit with a bad art rut, and I've successfully gotten my ass out of it (yay!) but I had some deadline work during this month that took up too much time and made it difficult to juggle properly with commission progress.  /_\
I have that done and out of the way now, though!  And with these adopts to hopefully get me thru rent and groceries for the next week or so finished up, all I have left to worry about are my commissions.  So starting bright and early tomorrow I'll be diving hardcore into those and should have everyone's stuff done within the next week!  Thank you for the patience with me!  It's been a real rough, busy couple of months here, and I'm finally seeing the light at the end of that tunnel.  After I catch up on this comm batch I'll be almost entirely back on track and on top of things here again, whoo!! TT__TT/

And from that point on, any comms or customs or whatnot I take on again should go back to my regular faster turn around times.  I'm so sorry again that I've been so all over the place these last few months!  I seriously really appreciate everyone's patience with me!       

Quick batch squeezed in around other work to help with expenses! //w\\


Link for if image doesn't load:

★As always, this follows my standard adopt ToS.  (+ Melwyrm Info - this is all pretty WIPy and the visuals are out of date, but gets the general info & lore across!  If you have any questions about them, don't hesitate to ask though!!)
★Auction will start now and end tomorrow 1/30 at 10pm Pacific.
★Paypal only; whole dollar increments only; min bid is $2
★1 hour snipe guard (any bids within the last hour, will extend time until 1 hour after last bid passes)
★Serious bidding only! Any backing out will result in a timed suspension.
★If you are still paying a previous purchase off with me, you must finish paying that off before participating in my newer sales and auctions.
★Payment should be sent within 24 hours from auction ending -- aka no later than end of day on the 31st.  If AB'd, $250 must be paid within 24 hours but I'll allow an extra week (by the 8th) to pay off the rest.  For the melwyrm, if it's AB'd or bids reach 400 or above, $250 should be paid up front, an additional $250 by the 8th, and the remainder by the 15th.  
★After payment is received, I will send out the larger, un-watermarked files.  Each adopt includes a flats version as well.
★If your account is blank and/or new -- I will require you show proof of activity somewhere (such as dA or FA, or alt TH account) in which I will note you there to confirm

As a small side note, I default my designs to not including breasts just because it's easier for me and male-leaning adopts seem to be more favored -- however this in no way means my designs are always meant to be male!  Buyers are always welcome to assign whatever gender/sex they want!  ^__^/

Due to how busy I am right now, please note that these adopts come as-is.  There is no wyrm version for the melwrym, nor nude versions for the blakrye or sphaerra.  Owners are free to design those for themselves if they'd like!  (Just keep in mind my rule that designs need to remain recognizable, so don't alter the exposed markings too much and feel free to check it in with me if you're worried!)

o1) Melwyrm
CURRENT BID: AB'd by StarWisp

o2) Blakrye
Traits // Common (I did sketch this one out with the intention of having one droopy ear, but I'm not sure if it comes across well, so up to buyer if you want to keep that as a trait or not!)
CURRENT BID: AB'd by occultluxury

o3) Sphaerra
Traits // Tail Fins + Eyes on Sphere
CURRENT BID: $130 by Ikayaki

Please make all bids (including AB comments) as replies to the current bidder in the bidding chain!!  Thank you!!
I want to make sure the previous bidder is aware when they've been outbid, so please reply it to them and not my comment! o/

Please reply here with comments and/or questions [link]

small update (comm delays)

Posted 5 years, 4 months ago by Jotaku

So firstly just want to put out a small update!
Um, unfortunately I've gotten into a bit of a depressive spell due to too much stress and it's kinda completely effed up my productivity. The past week has honestly passed in a daze, and I'm not sure where it went.  I'm pretty sure it took me like three days to sketch out a single comm where usually I'm capable of completing two comms a day if I'm super focused.  Sooo yeah, it's pretty bad   
I'm trying to kick myself out of this funk and get on course again, but this past week of being a useless sack has unfortunately thrown a wrench in my scheduling plans.  I have some deadline stuff due within the next couple of weeks that I was hoping to juggle working on alongside my commissions from here, but with this slump of mine it's messing everything up.  
Basically, expect commissions to take a couple extra weeks longer to complete.  Originally I was aiming to get them all done before the end of this month, and I'm still going to be working on them when I can but it's gonna be a lot slower now so it may be closer to mid/later half of feb before I get everyone fully sorted and finished.  I'm sorry guys, I'm trying my best.

Because bills don't stop for depressive funks, I will still have to do some quick adopts here and there.  Obviously I won't be taking on any further commissions until I'm done with my current workload, but I just want to be transparent about it that adopts will have to keep happening at the very least.  So I don't want anyone to think I'm ignoring the stuff I still owe. /m\

(As a minor vent: boy do I look forward to when I'm finally back on my feet again with both my finances and my work backlog.  It's been stressing me to hell and back, and the more stressed I get the harder it is for me to work, so it's just this nasty cycle I'm desperately trying to catch up on.  It's had me in a real bad place for a while now if I'm to be honest.  Been hardcore on that struggle bus, and I want off. 8( )

Snow comms! [closed, ty!]

Posted 5 years, 5 months ago by Jotaku

EDIT: all closed!  Thank you so much for the interest!  I'll be doing more comms in the future, just with a different theme!  So keep an eye out during february!   

I'm getting towards the end of my previous batch, so figured I'd go and get the next batch sorted ahead of time!  This will be the final snow themed opening for the season!
(Also I know this is a very bizarre time to open but uh.... it just kinda worked out this way for me.  Mixing it up for people with different schedules for the final batch, I guess jfkld;sad   )

These will naturally be completed after I finish my previous batch, but all snow comms should be done before the end of January. 


**Top row are examples from last year & bottom image is a recent example!**
((I'm too lazy to go thru the process of editing new examples that fit TH's limitations, so you can also view more recent examples here & here!))

$120 USD, single character.
10 slots, only one drawing per slot, only one slot per customer for the first 24 hours - if slots are still open after that feel free to grab up as many as you'd like.
Paypal Only
Payment MUST be sent within 48 hours of confirming your slot.
Edits will only be provided if I have made a mistake on your character, otherwise these come as-is. I do not offer WIPs for these types of paints either because I prefer completing these commissions in one sitting without stopping. So please buy at your own risk, and please make sure to provide full and accurate information.
To gain a slot, please just comment to claim! I will reply confirmations.

Please fill this out and send via note AFTER I confirm your spot.
Paypal E-mail: [I won't be sending an invoice, this is just so I can more easily confirm payments]
Character Refs: [image references required]
Personality/Info: [pls include a BRIEF description of your character including personality (like one to two sentences tops & pls do not just link to a profile)]
How your character feels about Snow: [Do they like it? Hate it? Awed by it? etc]
Other: [Any do's and don't's, things you would like to see, or specifics I should know -- you can ask for minor requests here, too.  For example asking for them to be holding a mug, or wearing a scarf, etc]

1. Sinderella
2. YukiPan
3. missdisaster00
4. Rashii
5. Cappuchi
6. LeechiPeachy
7. Sheep
8. Marie
9. StarWisp
10. crimsonalloy

Blakrye batch up! [closed]

Posted 5 years, 5 months ago by Jotaku


link if image doesn't load:
version w/o hair to better see the markings:

★As always, this follows my standard adopt ToS.
★$175, Paypal/USD only.
One claim per person for the first 12 hours - after 12 hours if a design is still available you may purchase a second.  Comment to claim, do not PM.
One claim number per comment - please do not try to claim multiple in one post, for example, "3, 1, or 4 please!" -- I find this slightly unfair and makes sorting claims a bit messy.  So please only one claim per comment!
Do NOT edit your comments - if you claim a number and miss, do not edit the comment to reflect a different number.  Please make a new comment to reflect your new claim!
★If you are still paying a previous purchase off with me, you must finish paying that off before participating in my newer sales and auctions.
★Please be prepared to pay within 24 hours of your claim - if you fail to do so I may move to the next claim in line.  Once paid, sales are final.
★After payment is received, I will send over the full sized non-watermarked version of the adopt both with hair and without to better see neck & head markings.
★If your account is blank and/or new -- I will require you show proof of activity somewhere (such as dA or FA, or alt TH account) in which I will note you there to confirm

As a small side note, I default my designs to not including breasts just because it's easier for me and male-leaning adopts seem to be more favored -- however this in no way means my designs are always meant to be male!  Buyers are always welcome to assign whatever gender/sex they want!  ^__^/

Traits // Prism / Extra
Claimed by: mufifins

Traits // Mixed - Feral Ears
Pre-Claimed by: Sinderella

Traits //  Pearl
(it's actually a very light green, but close enough that i'm considering it pearl trait)
Claimed by: minky

Traits // Ear Droop / Fluff
Claimed by: VanillaStarburst

Traits // Feral / Pearl / Current Mutation: colored lightning / Ear Droop
Claimed by: Necrosis

Traits // Pygmy
Claimed by: Thor

blakrye batch goes up tomorrow (1/11)!

Posted 5 years, 5 months ago by Jotaku

Shouuuullddd be up around 6pm pacific!

I'm going to fully go over all the rules for claiming now so if you're interested please make sure to read this bulletin thoroughly before hand!

Rules for tomorrow:

  • The batch will be posted at 6pm pacific tomorrow (1/11)
  • It will be first come, first serve - but you may only claim one blakrye for the first 12 hours.  If any remain, then you can pick up however many you want of what's left!
  • these will be $175 each
  • do not PM claims, please comment them!
  • do NOT edit your comments - I think TH may have fixed it that edit times are shown now?  But I don't want to risk tangoing with that, so if you need to clarify something please just make a new comment!
  • one claim number per comment!  do not make a comment like, '1, 2, 7, 9' where multiple claims are made in one comment - this disrupts the claiming process and can make things really messy to sort out.
    If you want to make multiple claim comments in quick succession to raise your chances of getting a blakrye this is okay tho!  Just make sure you comment in order of highest to lowest priority.  (Like if you want 7, 2, 1, or 9 in that order, you can quickly make a comment for each number and whichever is first and not claimed yet will go to you) -- this way I can more easily keep track of both what you want and what has already been claimed and makes the process much easier and cleaner!
  • You will have 24 hours to pay once you've claimed - if you fail to do so I may move on to the next claim in line.
  • otherwise the general rules apply - ToS, USD PP only, no blank/new accounts w/o proof of establishment elsewhere, etc
Pre-claim window is now closed.


these will also include a hairless version w/o shading too, to better see the markings:

#2 has been preclaimed!