The Hive

Shestiugolnik's Hive


The largest Mag Cult by sheer population, the Hive is Shestiugolnik's magnum opus - a collection of mortals dedicated to his cause of bettering life for them, linked forever in an enormous hivemind to share stories, knowledge, skills, and empathy. However, no Frags may be inducted into the Hivemind.

Most members choose to stay in their respective Timelines and receive (and give) resources and support to the rest of the Hive, though some select people may choose to join Headquarters, within a small Timeline Sessy crafted for that explicit purpose. Assume characters in this folder live at HQ.

/ coding by   kolo

frag lesser god flameverse ant myrme flame a c s m p profile evenne dominion miniprofile lacraya immortal t v f