Court of Mire

Court of Mire


The Court of the Mire, which venerates the Moon and crawls in the sluggish months of Autumn, most active at dusk. Their home is within great, dark caverns, dripping water from the swamps and bogs above. Here, their scryers tap into the deep magicks of the earth and aquifers, seeking understanding and convening with the Highers' cryptic messages.

The eternal drip-drip of the water that runs through their caves rises to a crescendo of a flood during the rains, which they thank the Moon for. It is that sacred rain that feeds the mires and its enormous plants, cooling the earth from the Sun's heat and blessing it with water, without which no person could survive.

They are led by High Emperor Arsia Collis, who has claimed its throne after its former leader fled. 

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