Highers - Celestials

Highers - Celestials


The supreme beings of Seleighe, who craft lesser gods and watch over the world to guide it towards perfection. They mark and bless their chosen lesser gods, giving them purpose and meaning. Festivities in their honor fill many weeks, and worship of them is oft tended to daily.

Little is known of them as people, but there is no purpose in that regardless. They are concepts and ideas more than individuals, representing virtues and morals, keeping the sinful mortals and lessers in check. To speak their true names is a disgrace, a snub, and to talk of them as flawed and worldly is heinous above all else.

They walk amongst their charges, in forms both familiar and alien, as silent watching eyes to pass judgement upon all. It is always best to be kind to a stranger, for one knows not who they may be....

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