The Koy

The crew of the modified pixie cargo spaceship, The Koy; they take on delivery and escort missions within the galactic community and only sometimes bite off more than they can chew. Captained by the heiress of one of the most influential civilizations in the community and crewed by such oddities as a rouge uktari, a misplaced eatharyian, an unlucky seer, a human-wanna be, and a small raptor, shenanigans are an inevitability.

Setting: Space, 200 years post-earth.
Includes: Vena, Mora, Gear, Vhettl.
Related: The Bullet Magnet crew.
Plot Relevance: Major.

Beyond Project On Earth Human Eatharyian On SeLoxus Quanix Space Template Onixar Minor Global Government Dungeons and Dragons Aboard The Bullet Magnet Mnemonic Dreams Kiba Reincarnates Aethyll Anarchist Vehtel Syred