NarratorV's Bulletins

Angel Ranks - First Triad

Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by NarratorV


   [Before the great fall that took out a portion of the original population]- there wasn't a hierarchy of angels. There wasn't a need for anything other than SATYRS and BIRDS, they were all equal and lived to serve- happily. Now and days- there is a need for order, instilled and organized. Sitting at the very, very top- sitting at the [RULER]'s table- are the [FIRST RING] angels. [SERAPHIMS], [CHERUBIMS], and [THRONES]. They are avid listeners and avatars of the [LORD/LADY]. They mean real business and hold great power. Primarily, they get orders directly from their RULER and send it through the great vine, doing what is fit. [THE ANGELIC COUNCIL] is a powerful group comprised of the best of the best, so it's not kidding that most of the angels that make up this said group are from this sphere. Often- angels of this rank remain in heaven.


   [SERAPHS], great guardians of The Ether, the most powerful angels in the entire hierarchy, spirits of light and love- as warm as they may be strong- Seraphs are looked up at and worshipped. They are the RULER's most trusted angels.

   [CHERUBS] are natural leaders, they bring insight to those who wander and bring them security, of this triad- this group is the most nurturing and welcoming. They organize choirs of angels and piece together armies, they bring them to where they need to be and assign a leading angel that is best fit for that group, for the job. They don't look at rank and determine whether that angel is good or not- they consider their skillset and attitude.

   [THRONES], looked at and- feared, reasonably. They are judges, they determine what is right or wrong, who is guilty or not guilty, whether laws go or pass- what punishment would be best fit for a perpetrator, these angels will not hesitate to cast whatever ultimatum needs to be executed, hell- they won't shy away from severing an angel. They aren't monsters, but they borderline can be-


Lords and Ladies

Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by NarratorV


    [By default, if angels are civil servants- who exactly are they serving?] There may not be kings or queens or emperors and whatnot, but in the divine domain of Heaven- there is one [LORD] or [LADY], they are a higher ranking of power and they themself are not an angel, more so- some degree of god. As of modern times- there have only been two recorded [RULERS] in Ether history. The purpose of a [RULER] is to lead their population of angels, protect the planet ARA and ensure that the mission is being carried out. It doesn't matter what they do or how they do it- so long as ARA is alive and well, they should be okay.

   The first and longest standing ruler was [LADY EDEN], in the beginning- she was warm and even a bit naive, ambitious but still nurturing to her angels. She was there for the beginning when the planet was being pieced together and her servants were manifesting- it was only when humanity begun emerging that she grew to be more- pressed. Since then she's matured, but in duality with that- she became more strict, more-- hovering. In her passing, she was dubbed to be the [TYRANT LORD] as she created such an oppressive atmosphere- angels lived in remote fear. They were not allowed to thing otherwise or indulge in pleasures, work and war- they lived to serve and that was final- no longer did she see them as individuals- only pawns that were supposed to serve their duties. This mindset bloomed from a space of fear as the great fall from heaven caused 1/3 of the angel population to be chopped. She was too demanding for obedience.

   The current- and late- [LORD KEPRI] is currently the head of Heaven. Due to the sudden shift of power and- lack of knowledge of where he came from or what his deal was- angels are not very fond of him. He is sweet and patient, soft spoken and even a bit nervous- and more so humble, he doesn't exactly feel like he is fit to be in this position but he is slowly reworking the Ether into being a welcoming space once again, treating angels with kindness and allowing them a degree of freedom.

Angels and their Council

Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by NarratorV


   [Shortly after the tragic falls from grace- the Ether was sent into a state of great disarray,] humanity was only barely blooming and 1/3 of the angel population was severed either willingly or unwillingly from the heavens. Lady Eden could not manage her domain all by herself, when push came to shove- she decided that it would be best to form a team of 8 to watch over her realm by her side, speak as her voice, and to ensure that all is well not just from the Ether, but also upon ARA as well.


   [THE COUNCIL consists of 8 angels,] more specifically- 4 Archangels, 3 Thrones, 2 Cherubs, and 1 Seraph. This group of high ranking angels are the representatives of the angelic population, they serve to protect and banish evils that target the wellbeing of the mortal planet. Lady Eden is a very busy woman, she cannot do her job alone- of course- but she entrusted this group to serve as the face of morality and to also serve angels, ensuring their safety and preparing them for anything.

   [Metatron]is the [SERAPH], the head of the council itself, they are merciful and jolly- holding the alias as [THE SHEPARD], and more often called [Shepard] than their given name, they lead the population, they serve as Heaven's face: expressing warmth and love,,,even if they may really be less than tolerant and slowly bubbling with rage, they might snap tbh,,,

   [Hannibal] and [Baraqiel] are the two [CHERUBS] that speak words of wisdom, these two are like the sun and moon: [Hannibal], the [BELL BRINGER], is soft spoken and elegant, she may not speak much but when she does she has a point to it. [Baraqiel] is the [STORM DANCER], lively and in tune with angels all around, they are energetic and bombastic- creating a space of comfort for the civil servants and understanding their point of view. These two do an excellent job at speaking for the people when bringing the population's opinion to meetings, they also are not shy to bringing in insightful quips when the time comes. They serve as Heaven's heart: security in the form of fact and feeling.

   [Prudence], [Equity], and [Judgement] are the three [THRONES], sitting at the table- often their job is to ensure that there is order and impartiality within the heavenly loft, listening to issues and serving what Eden would see fit and just, not only that- but they decide whether an Angel is suitable to rise the ranks, determining if they have fallen from grace, determining if a law is passed or not, etc. These three are Heaven's mind: Casting judgement in the name of what is best and what is good.

   [Uriel][Michael][Gabriel], and [Raphael] are the four [ARCHANGELS]. They are the warheads- generals of war and often flocking to ARA to carry out their work, blending in with mortals and getting a firsthand look of the land and surveying if there are any [DEMONS] to exterminate. [Uriel] is a renown swordswoman, she is the [GATE GUARDIAN], laid back but always on guard with a flaming sword. [Michael] is the [FAITHFUL KNIGHT], Lady Eden's right hand and unwavering follower, he is strategic and always striving to becoming stronger. [Gabriel] is dubbed the [MESSENGER] as he oversees a postal service on ARA, but this isn't for anything niche, this is in the name of surveilling the planet as angels act as postal service workers, not only that- but he himself assigns missions to choirs form Eden herself. And finally- [Raphael], the [HIGH PREIST], he is the youngest of these four and the younger brother to [Michael] and [Gabriel]. Best known for his advanced miracles and tactics in healing, he teaches lower ranking angels how to better cast magic. These four are Heaven's hands: carrying service to the mortal planet and protection as they lead wars against the infernals.

   [Carefully picked and adored by heaven,] they do their best to listen to the needs of their fellow angels and bring peace to the planet and their realm.

a Beginners Guide - Demigods

Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by NarratorV


   [Uncommon and often lingering on the planet of ARA or      without knowing of their semi-celestial soul- these hybrids are more often not involved in any bigger god movements- they typically just live like normal mortals.]

   There are three ways how a [DEMIGOD] can be made.DEMIGOD_MUMBO.png

   [A mortal and a god can produce one.] Naturally, this is the more stable approach as there isn't any fear that the demigod's form will break and crumble to the weight of its [SOUL], as their body will be able to contain it with enough room to potentially [consume more soul to become a full god].

   [A mortal can combine its soul with a gods soul.] This can only happen if THE GOD THEMSELF IS WILLING TO GIVE UP THEIR SOUL. Have it be known, when this process occurs, the human host will not be themself, exactly. They are neither them or the god, they will become a new life entirely, wiped of their memory and starting over. Typically this process takes place when a god dies but- rarely since gods don't often die.

   [An angel can consume enough soul to become a demigod.] This in of itself is entirely possible but- has only happened a few times. Of course, due to the nature of [HEAVEN'S RULING] angels are supposed to remain as civil servants, but when they reach some degree of godhood- they aren't obligated to obey their [RULER] any longer. 

   Just like a normal [CELESTIAL], demigods typically live longer than any mortals, they aren't immortal- just more durable is all, they can definitely die of old age or- murder- or whatnot.

a Beginners Guide - gods

Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by NarratorV


   [In the beginning, there was only dust and rock... a floating void, and endless nothing, but something MUST start from somewhere. From the smallest ant to gargantuan gas planets- something starts from something. And gods are no exception.] It is unknown how the first two gods came to be- but they are now dubbed as the mothers of creation, they are the [DEMIURGE]

   They are the beginning of beginnings, shaping and molding the cosmos- making and breaking, they create not for self gain- but out of love.

   The [DEMIURGE] are neither good or evil, they have no hands in assisting- only serving each other and moving on, they are love, destruction, and creation. Where things start- there must be an end. They created the first gods in curiosity, experimentation- not seeking anything else, only combining their innovative minds to make something incredible: life. By all means, these entities are old, older than time, older than life, and older than any planets- as all that had existed in the time before molded and scorched- were two dancing masses. They have no story, no past- future- only living in the present and taking care of each other. To this day? It is unknown where these two lie, as they haven't been involved with any current events going on with humanity or any of the gods that they had made that- went on to create other gods themselves, and so on. They started, and then disappeared, the most that is known is that [they are together, and will not be separated.]

gods_icon.png   [Even if the first ever enigmas that walked the cosmos are now gone- doesn't mean that there is an absence of gods that they left in their wake.]

   [GODS] are created from galaxies, swallowing stars and meteors and pressing this pure nothing- this pure something- this pure magic together- they were smithed and formed into the lifeforms that they are now. While there isn't an exact hierarchy- there are different periods of manifestation that determine the strength of these ethereal amalgamations.

   [ELDER GODS] are the first generation of gods, powerful and demanding of your attention= they mean real business. Not all may- but some have the possibility of having creation magic to some degree. [MOTHER NATURE] is a prime example of such a thing. There are not many- but they set the standard, they are figures of stability and power.

   [PIVOT DEITIES] are neither new or old, they have been here for long enough- but still also learning, they are diluted but still are stronger than [DEMIGODS]. A prime example of [PIVOT DEITIES] would children of [FATHER TIME] and [MOTHER NATURE], or the [CONSTELLATIONS]

   [LITTLE GODS] are more recent gods, they are weaker than the first batch that were formed- they do not have any creation abilities whatsoever and may be more prone to minor manipulations.

   Energy cannot be created nor destroyed- at least after the laws of the galaxy were instilled after the creator gods crafted their first ever entities, gods can grow stronger by consuming stars- consuming each other, however- their body can only contain so much before the amount of [SOUL] they have in their husk kills them. Unfortunately [MOTHER NATURE] is a prime example of a such thing...

a Beginners Guide - Angels

Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by NarratorV


   [Angels hold the purpose of attending to the needs of their ruler, watching over Heaven, and watching over ARA. They are their Lord's little helpers.] Created from stars- picked from the sky or donated from gods- they are born from periods of incubation and burst into light when they are ready. Commonly- they take a corporeal appearance that can be more manageable and comprehensible to the mortal eye, or a more... unfurled look. Their more understandable form can be dubbed as a [FIXED FORM]. And for the more chaotic alternative- that can most often be called their BIBLICALLY ACCURATE appearance, but credited to some anonymous heterochromic mortalthis specific look can also be called their [RAW FORM].

   Power source coming from their [LORD], when angels cast magic- it doesn't take a toll on them, nor does it take any from their ruler either. Because of the connection to them and bond to the Ether, they buzz with magic and naturally heal. Though, not all angels [cast miracles as easily as others.] Much like perfecting a craft, it takes time and practice.

   When it comes to angels, there happen to be two differing- models, forms- archetypes that they can take after. [Birds] or [Satyrs].


   [SATYR ARCHETYPES] tend to typically take up the ranks of CHERUBS. That doesn't mean that they aren't allowed to rise to other ranks- as there are plenty that are SERAPHS or even among the THRONES, more so- they are better fit to being CHERUBS because of their older-sibling nature. They are nurturing and warm, wise and often have answers to inquires that may trouble lower or higher ranking angels. They are like Shepards herding sheep: leading the way for masses and almost acting like managers. They tend to enjoy company and do not do well alone..

   This is not to say that all satyr archetypes are like this, really the thing that they all have in common is their set of fluffy ears, they can either be long and floppy or short, and the same goes for their tails as well: docked or not. In edition, they are not limited to one pair of horns but have the possibility of having two sets. [It isn't impossible for a satyr archetype to have big wings] but more commonly, they have smaller sets.


   [BIRD ARCHETYPES] naturally are quick to work and are wonderful helpers, they can operate well in groups or alone- but in positions of leadership- they may tend to be competitive and it just falls apart there. That doesn't mean that they don't have great ideas though. Creative and curious, they move forward rather than stay still. That, and because of their eye for scavenging- sometimes they get distracted.

   Once again, not all angels of this form are like this, but in some way they do share some traits as the such- otherwise? In appearance, that is where it is at. There isn't one predominant area- but they commonly have quite the few wings, from 2 to 4 sets- even more or even less, they are the feathery kind: head, ankles, neck, back, lower back, waist- wherever-- wings galore, they can even surround the whole face and cover their head full! There may also be patches on their skin that have feathers, not wings but just feathers for warmth. Their feather colors often reflect the bird that they take after in association.