Point of Last Hope

Question: In an alternate world, one where only Pokémon live and mystery dungeons are just a fact of life, what happens when the good guys lose?

No more stars remained in the sky. Water fouled, food rotted, and chunks of land came to end abruptly in jagged cliffs, the space below nothing but void. Their world was dying, and there was nothing they could do to stop it. Not anymore.

And so, in a desperate last attempt at survival, a four-mon rescue team known as Team Compass suggested a solution. Elegy, the team’s co-leader, was originally from the human world. What if, they could somehow trace that connection and follow it back? It was absurd, it was ridiculous, and it absolutely would’ve been tossed aside without a second thought before ever being voiced had it not been the last shred of hope they all had. 

So, they did. And miracle of miracles, it actually worked. The inhabitants of Team Compass, Dewpoint Town, and even Team Sandstorm - the only ones still within reach of them - made it out safely. But there was a cost: Elegy came back to her world through the connection like everyone else, in her physical, still Pokémon body. There is nothing and no one to turn her back; she is an albino Chatot forever now.

That’s fine with her though. Elegy wasn’t enough to save the world she’d been brought into - had never been enough - but this was a small price to pay for the lives of so many. Lives that even now were building anew, sequestered in the wilds away from human cities so they could get back on their feet in peace.

(And worlds away, an empty land devoid even of starlight at last crumbled into the dark)

warrior Pokemon tom deceased she-cat ARPG Pokerus Labs male first evo female PMD former kittypet clanborn former loner apprentice PMD OC hybrid WIP paintie Pokemon OC