
Read spoiler for information on this universe.


Sci-Fi | Fandom | Fantasy | Modern

The Marvel and DC universes work in tandem to provide Earth with the safety it requires. They use the Watchtower (a space satellite built by the J.L.) as a central hub to meet and discuss important matters. Their system contains 7 head members which direct proceedings and maintain a headship role. These members are called the 'Seven' but there are also 'Second Seven' whom are basically anyone who has proved themselves over and over again to be extremely trustworthy. They will take the lead if none of the Seven are available or need to fill in for a downed teammate. The last important role would be a 'Platinum Member.' These are the rarest of roles and hold an esteemed position for self-sacrifice or favor.

They hold the key to universe jumping and hold the portals for people of other universes to come and go as they wish. Many of the people who work with the Watchtower are not direct members and will be listed as "allies." The Justice League will help them and in turn, become allies if they were ever in need. This supplies hundreds of ablebodied individuals in times of crisis for both sides.

It has been noted that members of the same universe tend to work better together and form closer bonds and cross-universe friendships/relationships can be more difficult but they can be done. This is an unexplained phenomenon that Dr. Richards thinks is just the universes attempting to right themselves.

Member Info

Seven Members: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), Aquaman, Martian Manhunter and Flash (Barry Allen).

Second Seven: Green Arrow, Flash (Wally West), Green Lantern (Jon Stewart), Mr. Fantastic

Platinum Members: Batgirl (Barbara Gordon), Silver Surfer

The Justice League also supplies housing with a room partner for actual members. This includes two twin beds, one shared kitchen, one shared bathroom and one shared extra room. There is a holographic panel on the left side of the door (coming in) which can make the room appear whichever way you like in order to make yourself feel more at home. This is especially useful to those not from this time period. Along with an assigned room, you are offered free healthcare and mental care. Although all of this comes at no cost, they urge members to volunteer for positions they qualify for in order to keep the wheels spinning.

Everytime a *member of the J.L. arrives, their 'Stability Rating (SR)' is checked at the door so to say. Since they house many potentially dangerous people, it is important to think about the safety of others. Their SR is a number that ranges from 1-10 and shows how likely a person is, to put bluntly, lose it. If they have a higher number than average, then they have the option to take medication. If they have an even higher number, the medication is mandatory along with once a week scheduled sessions with a Psychotherapist. They can choose to leave their membership behind if they don't wish to medicate or attend their sessions. People with the highest number usually have severe mental issues or are diagnosed insane.

Stability Ratings

1- Perfect

2- Great

3- Good

4- Okay

5- Not too Great (choice)

6- Not Too Hot (choice)

7- Almost Severe (choice)

8- Severe (no choice)

9- Extremely Severe (no choice)

10- Needs Help Immediatley (no choice)

*Allies of the J.L. get their S.R. taken but do not have to participate in this program.

The Watchtower consists of 100 levels. Outside of the main sattelite, they have an atatched 'Dome' where allies may come and go.

code by Wenldy

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