Goo Alien Of Calcaei goo alien Human Of Iuhusid Of Weltra Of Earth Former Human Peredharna Nun of calcaei 43 high SAMMANA inactive god Watch List Of the Outer Reaches of Iuhusid speedster whos body cant keep up Were not the goverment of Weltra Suppoting cast female homestuck Migrant Worker Promisees shes not staring SAMMANA active god Watch List day laborer with some handyman skills Twice Fictional Character We promise 41 Supporting Cast Elastic Human SAMMANA interest list Nerd upper primary Not in an AI way Goo alien of weltra 44 Homestuck Fantroll The wierd aunt minor liminal god Android unschooled Non Profit Organization 40 42 SAMMANA employee furry Mom doing her best as long as people continue to pay alms Robot