VictoryDrawsStuff's Bulletins

💞 Happy Valentines Day! Now Come Here-

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by VictoryDrawsStuff

(ANON POLL) What's Youre Love Language?

16 Votes Quality Time
11 Votes Receiving / Giving Gifts
5 Votes Acts of Service
6 Votes Physical Touch
6 Votes Words of Affirmation / Compliments
2 Votes Other?
4 Votes Love languages? Just give me poll results!

Happy Valentines Day (or as some people like to call it, Single Awareness Day /hj, single pringle right here) everyone! 

Whether you celebrate the holiday or not today, I wish you all a good day and hope good things come to you all! 

However, I have a belief that Valentines Day is not just romantic love, but also platonic , familial, other kinds of love besides romantic! So if you will, come over here- 

Simply comment down something nice like a meme for me to add to my collection, maybe something nice about me (or even others! Tag people you think I should go ahead and check out, and I shall check them out <3)

-And what shall you get? Something nice about you from me! Might even give you a fave, sub, comments on OCS, etc (you're choice to return those or not- If you do want to return comments / faves / etc, then please consider checking out the folder containing my OCS for my upcoming webcomic fanseries project TGAA: PBFP ! It would mean the world to me, truly <3)

Okay enough talking, let's spread some love today! 

(ღ˘⌣˘)♥ ℒ♡ⓥℯ ㄚ♡ⓤ

Huge Purge - Non Fandom OCS UFO!

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by VictoryDrawsStuff

(ANON POLL) : Valentines Day Status?

6 Votes Single and ready to mingle
12 Votes Single and not ready to mingle
8 Votes Single as a pringle and I don't celebrate this holiday-
10 Votes Not single! Celebrating this holiday!
3 Votes Not single, but also not celebrating this holiday
2 Votes What is Valentines Day???
2 Votes None of these apply, now give me poll results-

Spending this Valentines Day single as a pringle again after about two years of being in a relationship- Yeah, basically me and my former partner broke up (Disclaimer: It was fine, we both wanted it, and we are still friends who both had a same braincell moment of a romantic long distance relationship not working out for us- End of story) so that's why I am indeed once again single-

ANYWAYS due to this, a lot of my non fandom OCS part of original stories such as Fate of Heroes are now up for offers since I have lost all attachment to them and I feel like they would be better off in new homes- And I might want to treat myself to art or commissions this Valentines Day!

Check out the new additions in the Trade Folder! Accepting art or USD (via vouchers) ! Can definetly haggle or negotiate, wanting these OCS to get new homes!

(And occasionally Raffles / free stuff appear in this very folder as well! Just as a reminder! <3)

I will definitely be having a constant need for cameos as I develop PBFP and it's episodes / chapters that people read! Cameos in the case of PBFP are essentially background characters that are peoples OC(s) that can be found in crowds, buildings, specific locations, etc!

 I typically like to include others OCS in my projects in this way, so calling for some cameos that I can use for any episode, anytime!

If YOU want you're OC to appear in PBFP as a cameo (it's for free! Free Art) please check out the permanently open freebie thread and give you're OC(s) there! It's always open!

Thank you! <3

It is 1 A.M & WE ARE HERE-

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by VictoryDrawsStuff

(NOTE: We haven’t fully settled in with our furniture and stuff but ANYWAYS-)


BONUS: Guess the state we moved too and ill,,,I don’t know Fave OCS? Sub? Give headcanons to youre OCS? Comments? 

(No art yet because I need to set up my Wacom tablet and PC again but YEAH-)


-One of its towns shares the same name as the capital city of South Carolina (Columbia)

-Route was South Carolina -> North Carolina -> Tennessee -> Kentucky -> (This state or something I slept most of the way)

-“Show Me”

Happy Lunar New Year! (+ Raffle!)

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by VictoryDrawsStuff

Poll For Fun- You Celebrate Lunar New Year?

7 Votes Yes! I celebrate it!
9 Votes No, I only celebrate Jan 1st New Years
3 Votes No, and I don't celebrate New Years-
2 Votes Time is just passing who cares-

It's that holiday today so-

Happy Lunar / Chinese New Year everyone! It's the year of the Rabbit for 2023 and I hope you guys who celebrate this holiday have a happy new year and good luck, good health and just a nice celebration! 

And thank you all for the support recently, thing's have been rough since I and my family are literally so close to moving (this weekend we will officially move AAA) and I have been feeling down due to that, but you guys are so awesome and keep my going! 

So to celebrate Lunar New Year and give back a little, I am hosting a Lunar New Year character themed raffle! Check it out via the link below, and hope you guys will consider joining and of course, enjoy the holiday today! :D

Check out the raffle via this link!

Image preview:


Another Collab Adoptable!

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by VictoryDrawsStuff

VICTORY WHY SO MANY BULLETINS IN ONE DAY- Uhhh I like Bulletins and you can simply turn off notifs for Bulletins while still being subbed to me, so that's a TH hack! /hj /I am sort of serious, you can actually do that.

Just finished another collab adoptable, this time I teamed up with mawile94 to make an adoptable that is now posted onto her account! OTA (Offer to Adopt) , AB is $40 ($20 to us each) but offer what you wish, we hope you guys may like the design!  <3

Can't purchase? No problem, even a simple Favorite helps us out! Thank you for you're support! :D

Check out the adoptable via this link!

(Image Preview Below)


I forget that my images have watermarks on them and that contribute to the recent issue I posted on my last Bulletin and in general maybe I need to Authorize more people in case I would go on Quiet Mode or something happens

If you want me to Authorize you, comment below on this Bulletin!  

Being Authorized on the list I am making will allow you to view all reference images without a watermark and all my images on my TH OC galleries without watermarks as well. I may not authorize all people due to the fact that I cannot make it so that only reference images are viewable without watermarks and not all images on my OC galleries but I will likely authorize you if you ask!  (theft risk ;;)

If for some reason I do not authorize you and you still want to draw my OCS, you can DM me and I can give you the unwatermarked image via a DM! 

Another Genuine Question: (READ)

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by VictoryDrawsStuff

(ANON POLL) : Are my OC References Clear?

10 Votes Yes, most too all of them are clear to me!
17 Votes Yes, but only some of them are clear, some might be confusing
1 Votes No, all of them are confusing and you need to reformat you're references
0 Votes No, but you don't need any reformatting.
3 Votes No, but some can be considered clear
1 Votes (Comment?)
4 Votes More polls in 2023? (Poll results, no opinion, just want results)

Can't fit the question in the title but my genuine question: Are my OC references clear enough to understand? Or do they tend to get confusing?

Not calling any names, not wanting to stir up drama- From commissions to freebies sometimes people draw my OCS wrong and they tend to get the same features wrong many times on repeat (like for example one of my OCS have a specific hairstyle and people tend to draw her hair not in that specific hairstyle and it tends to be featured in some other styles that are not the original, and not many actually draw it correctly. That's a lot of words, but basically many times people draw the hair wrong and few have actually gotten it correct. I don't really mind hair though, it can just be seen as a different hairstyle. ) .

I don't blame any artist who worked with me or did free art for me, no- I don't! I am just curious about this- I wonder if this is because of my OC references and how they might not be clear? Might be confusing to work with?

Just vote in the poll if you think my OC references are clear, or are not clear, or some are clear and some art not (unless you select the option to comment) ! Thanks!


On another note- I haven't been feeling too well. Burnt out, stressed, and schoolworks been piled on top of me and it's just the first week back from winter break :"/ . And all while I am avoiding that debt list- But sometimes you find me in the Art Games? Explanation below spoilers, nothing triggering but I am just rambling:

Yeah, I am in a bit of a mentality of being pressured to make any art for a commission or trade the best it can be and not allow myself to experiment or rush due to the fact that it is either a commission or trade- And I have to usually make it fully rendered (which I am lacking the energy to do nowadays) or a full reference sheet which I also lack energy to do. I don't know how to explain this.

Despite this I do participate in the Art Games sometimes because then I can experiment or draw in a style I want to draw in, and maybe get art for my OCS while at it. I just want to update the people I owe are too: Please don't think I am running away from the owed art list- I think about doing it and getting it done everyday but I just can't seem to get my ass to work on them. I will get to work on them soon as I keep on avoiding it, but if I owe you anything, feel free to message me asking for an update. I do have Trello and you can always check the Trello (you can find it on my profile coding but heres the link too it) but also feel free to check in on progress. I can even agree to you asking me for an update every week or specified time. I am trying my best to get stuff done but unfortunately my brain is not letting me, but will get to it eventually...

 In the meantime you can always check my Trello or message me!  I swear I am not running away. But this "break" is really long and I am feeling guilty over it... So I apologize.

Okay ramblings done, hope you guys are having a great beginning of 2023 so far!

(POLL) I am WAY TOO CURIOUS about this-

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by VictoryDrawsStuff

(ANON POLL) Is There A Difference?

19 Votes No, I can't tell the difference-
4 Votes Yes, they are different!
11 Votes No, but they are similar / resemble eachother!
31 Votes Yes, plus they are similar / resemble eachother!
0 Votes I have more to say (Comment!)
4 Votes Victory has gone mad (And I want to see poll results)

I might be going mad, but curiosity has me going- 

I have two styles of rendering that isn't colored sketches- One is my "Full" render, and the other is my "Webtoon style" render, the difference is that my Webtoon style render is much simpler (not many layers, less effort, less time, and of course inspired by Webtoon / Manhwa webcomics) compared to my full render but resembles it so it's great for using it when I am making a Webtoons / Webcomic (PBFP coming this year in 2023! ;D)

My question is- Can you tell the difference between my Full and Webtoon Style render? Are they the same? Do they have a difference? 

(Ignore the fact that sometimes when drawing Webtoon style I don't include a BG- Most of the examples were freebies.)

(I swear the more I draw in the Webtoons style the more it looks like my full render- Please answer this question via the poll LOL I need answers-)

Comparison Examples:











Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by VictoryDrawsStuff


5 Votes Time flies by and I don't know how nor why-
2 Votes LETS GOOO!
0 Votes New Year New Me!
0 Votes :D
2 Votes :(
0 Votes :/
1 Votes It's 2023? I still feel like it's 2022-

It is officially 2023 where I am at right now, and the new year is finally here!

Just wanted to say that I hope you all are having a awesome new years so far, and hoping to make this year better than last year! 

I have big plans coming- PBFP releasing, focusing on personal art more over art for others, experimenting more with my art and wanting to improve more- 

Lot's of stuff for this year that I want to do, my new years resolution primarily being to focus on more personal art and learn to care for myself better while supporting other's as well!

Thank you for all the support in 2022, hoping you will continue to join me on my art journey in 2023 and I hope to support other's on their artistic endeavors in a more interactive way more this year! <333