VictoryDrawsStuff's Bulletins

Ayo- Another Notice!

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by VictoryDrawsStuff

Just a notice that because school is taking a toll on me with so much work and I have a lot of other stuff going on in life, I will be way more inactive than I ever expected. Might not be online too often anymore... But again, I will try to get as much done as I can! If you have a trade / art trade or whatever deal with me, please give me some time to respond, as I will not be always online.

Thanks for understanding and have an epic day/night! <3

Ayo, A Small Notice!

Posted 2 years, 9 months ago by VictoryDrawsStuff

I am just wanting to give a notice that starting tomorrow, I will be going back to school (first year of high school-) , so that means I might be more inactive (who knows?) 

But I will try to be active whenever I can! I’ll still be making OCS , content, and stuff as always tho! Be sure to care for yourself and stay epic as well!

And if you want to come and chat with me on my other socials in case I am dwelling there more than here, here are some quick links to check out!  


Twitter (Art Twitter, personal linked in bio):

Discord: VictoryDrawsManga#7860

My Discord Server, TheVictorySquad Invite Link:

Have a epic day/night. If you are not in school and still on break, lucky you enjoy your break while you can! If you are in schools already: Good luck , I am joining the back to school gang! /j

List of Forum Threads I Run!

Posted 2 years, 9 months ago by VictoryDrawsStuff

Decided to make a forum thread list of all threads I run! Includes Forum Games, Art Games, and my trading Threads as well! I moderate all the listed Forum game / Art game threads as well!

*Note: I only include active threads in this list! Inactive or dead threads of mine are not included in this list!

OC Headcanon Trading (REVIVED! Always open!)

The Art Thread Of Victory!

My Art Trading Thread!

Draw Matching Icons For The User Above (Art Game!)

The Above OC Needs Help! (IC)

The Above OC Is Having A Breakdown…

Help The Above OC Sleep (IC)

Draw a Sketchpage For The User Above You! (Art Game!)

Notice!: Coming out :)

Posted 2 years, 11 months ago by VictoryDrawsStuff

Starting this small (?) announcement,,,

So if you ever pay attention to my Carrd, you may have noticed I changed my gender/identity from "cis gender female" to something else. And unless you know me on a mutual discord server we are a part of, or you saw that one forum of me having a crises with my identity, you may wonder "Victory, what's going on?"

The short answer is that I am officially changing my identity from cis-gender female, to being a demigirl!

I am now a demigirl that goes by she/they pronouns, and I am still pansexual and taken! 

You also may wonder: "Have you changed your name Victory?". 

Short answer: No! I am still called Victory, I am still comfortable being considered as a "girl" , "lady", etc, I still even go by my given name! I just prefer that I go by both she/her and they/them pronouns in sentences and how I am talked about! So feel free to still call me Victory, Vic, V, whatever you wanna call me! :)

So I hope you guys understand and now understand what's going on, and feel free to chat with me on this Bulletin as I love to chat with you guys on places other than DM's and Forums, and have a epic day/night ! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

Please Read!

Posted 3 years, 29 days ago by VictoryDrawsStuff

So I am planning on going on a semi-hiatus or a complete hiatus from TH soon.

 In any time I am going on hiatus on TH I WILL turn on Quiet Mode, meaning nobody outside my Auth List can communicate with me. Please reply to this Bulletin if you want to be added on the Auth list by being Authorized by me, so if I do turn on Quiet Mode, you can still talk to me!

On a hiatus I will be absent from the Forums in general and will not really communicate with anyone on TH anymore. Toyhouse will now just be my character storage site.

If I owe you art (Maybe from like an art trade, art game, etc) , or you want to deliver art to be from my req in the Art Freebies forums, please check out my other socials on my Carrd , I am most active on my Discord and Instagram, so feel free to shoot me a message if you need to talk to me BUT you are not on my Auth list!

If I am on a hiatus, I might be trying to get my life together, going through lots of shit, school is whacking my ass, taking a break from being in the TH community, etc, etc. 

IF you don't want to be Authorized by me, but just want to say something to me before I go on hiatus, feel free to say something if you wish (don't be rude though, keep it nice <3)

Thank you!

Edit: I forgot to say but I WILL officially start my hiatus this weekend, so take your chance before Friday night comes :D

Edit 2: Officially going on hiatus after 11 p.m EST begins...will return soon (hopefully!) , I will miss you guys! :'0

Edit 3: Oh WOW life is actually going well!? Oh boi, I think I will just take this hiatus casually (aka not being on a complete hiatus, it’s going to be a semi hiatus. I still probably won’t appear on the Forums as often as people may expect but I still exist! Sooo, it might end very soon, much sooner than anticipated! :0

Edit 4: Hiatus is done! I am back onto TH and Quiet Mode is turned off! :)

NOTICE: Username Change!

Posted 3 years, 29 days ago by VictoryDrawsStuff

I have changed my username and avatar (to a better Hu Tao pfp because Hu Tao supremacy ✨) ! This is so my TH and Instagram have the same name! 

Username change can be found in the Username log of my profile. :D but I am still called Victory regardless!

I noticed that with friends on TH I made here over time we just become distant and it becomes awkward to try and talk to you guys again so...I am just making this bulletin as a place where you can talk to me!

Say anything! Maybe say something about my OCS? Art? Whatever! Just say something you wanna say to me and we can have any convo you want!

Anyone who was previously not my friend can also join in! Say anything! Let’s be friends or reconnect if we previously met as friends but distanced over time! I wanna interact with you guys! :”) ✨

Only rules is that you don't do the following:

-Ask abt drama

-Ask anything NSFW

-Vent to me (you could do that in DMS, my DMS are open!)

-Be an ass in general

As long as you follow the rules just say anything! Say anything you always wanted to say to me? Anything you want to ask about me? Go ahead, don't be shy, and say anything in this always open space~ ! :D

Sometimes school and life kicks my ass so hard I forget to keep track of who I owe adopts to.

 If YOU owe me art debt just because you have your offer accepted on a adopt, you complete your debt, and I forget you even are supposed to have the adopt but I forgot, please feel free to nudge me and send me a DM!

If you send me a DM, just show simple proof that you have offered for the adopt (in the Comments on the Adopt, DMS, etc, just give me a screenshot) and I will send the adopt over too you!

And about my List of Stuff , I don't update it often, but if I owe you something OR if you owe me something and want me to add it to the List, feel free to send me a DM or even comment on this Bulletin! I want to try and be better at remembering my debt! :D

Thank you!
