VictoryDrawsStuff's Bulletins

"Victory stop with the Bulletins-" No, these are great for notifs- <3

I joined forces with the amazing giiiuls (Who I collabed with to create a raffle which is still ongoing, check out it! ) to create an adoptable design, and this adoptable is available on my account as an auction!

Check it out via the link below! Can't purchase? Even a fave helps us out tons, thank you for the support!

Check out the Adoptable Via This Link!

(Image Preview:)


FINAL Monthly Raffle Is Here-

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by VictoryDrawsStuff

The final Monthly Raffle for my Monthly Raffles right on this challenges 1 year anniversary... The December design is here, and how to enter is very simple. 

Just fave and be subbed to me, that's it!

Hope you guys will like this design, and they get a great home once the raffle is over- 

Thank you for all the support, but in 2023 I think it's about time that I won't be hosting as many raffles either as I want to focus more on doing art for myself and my personal projects such as PBFP, so join while you can, wishing all those enter good luck! <3


( Image Preview: )


Friendly Reminder + Owed Art Update

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by VictoryDrawsStuff

(ANON) Poll- How's you're near end of 2022?

0 Votes It's AWESOME!
4 Votes It's great!
2 Votes Good!
4 Votes Not the best, not the worst-
4 Votes Neutral
3 Votes More on the bad side
0 Votes It's bad
3 Votes It's shit
2 Votes I

First of all I got to say I do regret saying I will chip away at my owed art list last week because I said I will be getting to it this week but guess who isn't doing just that-

December has honestly been the most stressful month this year, that's what I can sum it up with. 

A lot of yelling and disagreements in the house over moving and selling said house, I and my family will be moving to a different state where I have no idea what life is like other then that it is going to be very fucking cold (and as someone who grew up in the Southern U.S all my life, the cold makes me hurt. I hate the thought) , and me having to leave behind all my friends and the life I once knew. 

And then I draw free art for other's in a attempt to make other's happy for the holidays (it's that holiday spirit, and people like free stuff- I like free stuff, people like free stuff! ) and make myself happy despite how stressed I am as I discovered a new style that I liked to draw in, and I feel disgruntled and upset due to some stuff that happened while drawing free art for other's that caused me to shut down my freebie thread earlier than expected and now I won't be doing as much free art for other's than I have this year.

If you want to get some sort of chance for anything free from me check my Fave For Free Art / Writing - Always open for OCS, I might check in and draw something. Friendly reminder that all I ask for bottom line is a "thank you" in return, that's it. That's all I ask for!

If you want to get art from me guaranteed? Nothing too unique to say, but you can always consider to commission me ! I know almost every artist will tell anyone this and it's nothing new, but if you commission me you are also supporting other artists as the way I take USD is via vouchers, AKA: Pay a commission for me, get a commission from me - 

Weird if you don't know what vouchers are, but it's simple, I swear! Have been using this payment method for months, and it works everytime so long as everyone is okay with doing it <3! 

If you cannot commission me, that's totally fine- Even a bump on the thread or sharing my commissions can help just as much :D

Enough about me- I also want to give a reminder that:

Often due to stress, I forget to reply to some people for days on end and then realize I forget to reply after a while- If I somehow forget to reply to a message you sent me (even if I saw it) , please just feel free to poke me with a friendly reminder to reply to you! I won't get mad, I will really appreciate reminders! Just be kind with it, and you are helping me out so much <3

And if I owe you any art, please understand that I am not trying to run away from my owed art- I think about it all the time, but I really don't want to draw something for a commission or trade and it will turn out to be crap or not as good quality as my usual works when I am not under so much stress, I want it to be good. Worth it. If you want any sort of update, just DM me! I will reply ASAP and update you, or you can check the good old Trello for any progress- Don't be afraid to reach out to me, my DMS are constantly open!

Anyways that's enough of an update from me- 

TLDR: Months been stressful AF for me, I won't be doing much free art / free stuff for other's as much in 2023 anymore, if you want art from me either you check the Fave For Free Art for a probably low chance to get something for free or commission me for art, and if I forget to reply or I owe you art- Message me, no need to fear!

Hope everyone's 2022 will end well and you guys have a happy 2023, thank you all for the support!

(Anon poll is for fun because I like polls- Also don't mind that "I" option, my PC decided to freak out and post this early-)

I usually don't make a Bulletin to promote collab adoptables so far, but I recently did a collab adoptable with my friend SparkyKinetic who posted the adopt onto her account instead of mine!

Check out the Adoptable Via This Link!

Even if you can't purchase or make an offer, a favorite or share helps us out! Do check out Sparky, she's such an amazing artist and creator who deserves a lot of love and support! <3

( Image Preview Below:

-Lines by SparkyKinetic

-Colors by VictoryDrawsManga )


Interest Check - Webtoon Style Rendering Comms

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by VictoryDrawsStuff

Which Pricing?

7 Votes 25%
3 Votes 45%

SO I have been having too much fun with this new style of rendering that resembles my full rendering style, but takes SO MUCH less work! I call it "Webtoon Style" rendering because I would use this for making a Webtoons / Webcomic PBFP, my TGAA Webtoon / Webcomic coming in 2023! because it resembles my usual style, but simpler-

I actually want to open commissions for these! But I have a problem- What pricing should I go with?

It will be discounted from my usual (FULL) commission prices for full render commissions which you can find the reference here on my commission thread, despite the fact that my commissions are open BUT 45% off! , but which amount?

(Discount means this will be the pricing compared to my full render commissions, these will end up being the prices!)

25% (

Bust -> $11.25 

Halfbody -> $18.75 

Thigh Up, -> $33.75

Fullbody -> $45)


45% (

Bust -> $8.25

Halfbody -> $13.75

Thigh Up -> $24.75

Fullbody -> $33 )

Just let me know what you think via the Poll! Here are some examples of this style:





Color My Tree!

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by VictoryDrawsStuff

I am a bit too late to make this for Christmas / holidays but saw this and decided to make my own tree! Pretend this is a end of year thing, feel free to leave a message to me!

(And if you got a Tree, comment below and I will try to leave a message! :D)

Merry Christmas 2022!

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by VictoryDrawsStuff

Just wanted to say Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it, hope you all have some happy holidays this winter!

I personally just see it as another day, but I am always very thankful for y’all’s support and I wish you all a Merry Christmas and happy holidays! <3

I’m just rambling at some ungodly hour but unfortunately I cannot get this out of my head so I suppose I just give an art update.

I have been feeling severely burnt out this month. I completely overestimated myself and just drove myself into a huge burnout period trying to do things for others and really- I haven’t been doing much for myself, and this includes art wise.

The Monthly Raffles will not be having as many collab adopts as I have hoped, but I will try to get some designs out before this month ends. I plan that next year I will be hosting much fewer raffles, while I love designing designs and giving them away, I realized that really I wouldn’t be happy doing this in the long run.

In short 2022 has been giving me a lot of realizations about my art , how I and others see it, and me trying to navigate life with my art and working on my personal projects such as PBFP which admittedly I haven’t put much time into as I was too focused on making art for others- I have forgotten the feeling and joy of making art for none other than myself.

December has been honestly a stressful month for me, with me and my family moving (it’s been hell trying to prepare our house for selling and me trying to deal with my feelings about leaving the state I have grown up in for all my life almost, leaving behind my friends and all that I have known until now.) and a lot of other personal issues that I have been dealing with. You can say I am in my flop era, and its been dealing a ton of damage to me.

In 2023 I will probably likely be focusing on making art for myself and less then for others such as freebies art and raffles (though for commissions, art trades, etc thats a different story- Of course I will work on those) , and spending more time working on my personal projects (especially PBFP) and making fanart for my favorite medias.

But thats really all I wanted to say, that I am sorry for overestimating myself and possibly letting you guys, my audience and supporters, down for this final month of Monthly Raffles from realizing things about me as an artist, a writer, a creative person. 2022 has been a year of unexpected things, but I am hopeful for 2023.

Truly I cannot express this enough ever, but thank you all so much for supporting me. I have reached 500+ subs, I have made new friends and met new people, and best of all I really am proud of my art and how far it has come and changed.

As for my owed art? Freebies that I am doing? I’ll work on them probably next week and slowly chip away at the list, but I want to take a break and focus primarily on personal art and see how that goes-

If you made it this far, thank you for reading- I seriously appreciate it especially if you can make out my point in this long and rambling update, and hope you guys have a great December and happy holidays! <3

Quick Turnaround Time Colored Sketch Comms OPEN!

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by VictoryDrawsStuff

Poll For Fun: What Do You Celebrate This Winter?

2 Votes Christmas (Religiously)
16 Votes Christmas (Non Religiously)
0 Votes Hanukkah
0 Votes Kwanzaa
0 Votes Yule
2 Votes New Years
3 Votes Other (Comment If You Want)

Holidays are coming up, I have really been enjoying drawing in this new colored sketch style as of recent and I decided to open commissions for them that have a quick turnaround time as I am on winter break and is enjoying this time of freedom to simply draw! <3

If you would like to commission me for a colored sketch (that resembles my full render art but with simpler rendering and messier lines) , the information is linked below + you can DM me or comment on the thread! 

Can't purchase? No problem, even a bump helps out plenty! Thank you so much and hope everyone is having a great winter and upcoming holidays so far!

(These will stay open with no amount of slots until January 1st, 2023!)

Check out the Commissions Via The Thread!

500+ Subs Raffle Is Here!

Posted 1 year, 6 months ago by VictoryDrawsStuff

Poll For Fun- Exam Check! How Are We Doing?

1 Votes I’m doing Awesome!
3 Votes I’m going good!
3 Votes It’s okay-
0 Votes It’s bad-
1 Votes It’s SHIT
1 Votes I don’t know and I’m scared
2 Votes I don’t know but I’m thinking I am good
0 Votes I didn’t have exams (LUCKY YOU)
3 Votes I have exams later :”( (Good luck-)
3 Votes I don’t have school so no need to worry about exams!

Decided since break is coming up, my exams went better than I could imagine , and it’s the holiday season I decided to host a raffle to celebrate 500+ subscribers and it’s finally here!

(Hoping this doesn’t flop, if it does pretend it didn’t happen :”)👌)

Join for a chance to win a free art / commission of your choice of a bust to fullbody (can do couple art as well!)

OR even if you don’t win that art- You can win an opportunity (voucher / pass) to earn a discount for my commissions that last for 1 entire year!

Join The Raffle! (Ends December 23rd 2023)

(Poll for fun is anonymous, for those who had exams (midterms / finals) , how are we doing?)