VictoryDrawsStuff's Bulletins

POLL- Would You Want a PWYW Colored Sketch Chibi?

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by VictoryDrawsStuff

PWYW Fullbody Chibi Thoughts?

1 Votes Yes I want it! Min price is good, keep it that way!
0 Votes Yes I want it! Min price should be higher though- (Comment Suggested Price?)
0 Votes Yes I want it! Min price should be lower though- (Comment Suggested Price?)
8 Votes Victory I am like you constantly, wanting to comm but got no money-
1 Votes No, I don't want it. Still do it though-
0 Votes No, I don't want it and don't do it
3 Votes You can draw anthros? Nice, wishing you luck to get more clients-

(Poll is not anon- Sorry! But all votes help me out, thank you!)

It seems like these days chibis are very popular as a commission option- 

Am I right? Maybe? Or is it just certain artist's chibis that are popular, or is it in general?

 And since on the previous poll it seems like the want for more Colored Sketch / Messy Render options to be available other than the current Bust Up Option , I am thinking maybe I can open an option for Chibis as well?

Examples are like this chibi , similar in style but for a fullbody chibi. Since Bust Ups PWYW are having a minimum of $5 , I am thinking to make have the minimum of chibis be something like $10 or above. 

I can also seemingly draw anthros (flat faced with clothing) pretty well such as like this bust (Extra Examples: 1 - 2 ) so that might be a plus!

Not sure about this, which is why I make this very poll-

A vote helps me out! Every vote helps, and feel free to comment you're thoughts :")

Want A Chance To Get Into a Semi CS?- Read This!

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by VictoryDrawsStuff

(ANON POLL) Random Question- You like ASMR?

4 Votes Yes! I love ASMR!
6 Votes Yes- I like (not love) ASMR!
7 Votes Neutral
8 Votes No, I dislike ASMR-
0 Votes Other? (Feel free to comment)
1 Votes I just want poll results VICTORY- (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

NO- This is not a promo for a Semi CS for a species event, I don't participate in those anymore-

In fact, I am giving away my Suga Creep OC Rory in the form of a raffle, so check it out! You can earn a chance to join the Semi Closed Species Suga Creeps via winning the design! :0

NOTE: I have obtained permission from the Species creator / owner to raffle away my Suga Creep OC, if you need proof feel free to DM me!

(POLL) What Kind of Comm Do You Want From Me?

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by VictoryDrawsStuff

What Commission Option Do YOU Want To See From Me?

2 Votes Chibi / Pagedoll Comms
1 Votes Speedpaint / Full Scene Comms
0 Votes YCH Comms
2 Votes Style Imitation Comms (Likely Fandoms: Kings Raid, TGAA , Magia Record / PMMM)
2 Votes Meme Art / Drawover Comms
3 Votes Colored Sketch Comms / Messy Render Comms (More Options)
0 Votes Sketchpages Comms
1 Votes Victory you might as well start to learn how to draw furries / anthros / animals-
0 Votes Multiple? (Please comment ALL options you want to see if Multiple is chosen!)
0 Votes Other? (Please comment!)

This is very simple, but since I am wanting to get more experimental with my comm options, I figured I should make a poll of what kind of future comm options you guys want to see from me specifically!

I am thinking the process for when a potential new Comm Option becomes an actual Option with set prices is that they first start out as PWYW , then after doing it long enough and seeing what the typical PWYW prices are I would make a set price and then it becomes an Option. 

However if the option doesnt get clients as PWYW and I still want to make it a potential Option, I offer freebies but ask for a price the receivers of the freebies would want to receive. But freebies might be rare, depends.

NOTE: For Current Options, heres what I got so far: 

-Bust Up / Halfbody / Thigh Up / Fullbody (FULL RENDER) 

-Custom Logos / Weapon Sheets 

- Custom Character Design (Full Reference, Fullbody Off Base ONLY , Fullbody On Base ONLY) I did not restore the code containing the On Base and Off Base Options, I will be adding them back into the code for the time being

Messy Render" / Colored Sketch Bust Up (PWYW PHASE)

This poll is based on popular options I have seen, what options I plan to experiment with / open, etc! Voting works best, but feel free to comment as I am wanting feedback specifically for me and my commissions, and not other creators or creators in general! Thank you!


Knowing my Premium will not be lasting me much longer as it will be gone this November, I am opening a new type of commission that involves a messy lineart and render that resembles my usual style (and has fully + clean rendered eyes!) ! 

Will accept TH Premium and Commission Vouchers as payment, and its PWYW (Pay What You Want) with a minimun of $5 for Vouchers and 1 Month for Premium to prevent lowballing!

Starting with Bust Up as I have been experimenting with this new style with Busts and these take not that much time (about a few hours) to do so fast Turnaround Time!

If you cannot commission me, a fave and / or share is appreciated, thank you! Premium allows me to keep my CSS on my page and have useful features such as Multi Image Upload and Forum Search that I do heavily rely on! <3

EDIT: Thanks to a kind user and surprisingly quick admin response, the threads coding is saved and fixed! Disregard this Bulletin now! :"D

You may have noticed my commissions thread has a huge chunk of it's code suddenly gone- And that's all on me.

While trying to redo the formatting and making info more accessible, I screwed up the entire code and I don't have the original saved ANYWHERE. So I cannot access it as it is obviously on a Forum Thread and I don't think you can restore old versions of threads ;;

If you somehow have knowledge on how to restore old versions of threads, please let me know and I will be eternally grateful- 

But for now we will have to deal with the screwed up code and one's best bet is to simply on my old and outdated Wix Artsite for any commission information such as pricing and TOS (they have remained the same) , and my TH Gallery for art examples.

I am despaired as I worked so hard on the code, only to fuck it up by my own hands. I guess that means I will have to prioritize working on my revamped artsite and maybe lose all hope of getting more commissions for now as I have no owed art in the queue now so I guess I can focus on my personal projects more.

I am sorry everyone for the inconvenience. Thanks for reading.

November Monthly Raffle Is Here! (+ More Info)

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by  TBN VictoryDrawsStuff

Which Text Emote is You At The Moment?

1 Votes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
1 Votes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
6 Votes ಠ_ಠ
2 Votes ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
4 Votes (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
1 Votes ┬┴┬┴┤ ͜ʖ ͡°) ├┬┴┬┴
1 Votes (•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) -> ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪
4 Votes (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
3 Votes 。゜(`Д´)゜。
4 Votes ♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
0 Votes None of these Victory, you got bad taste in text emotes-
1 Votes I don't know???
0 Votes I just want poll results-


A lot of wins / good news to announce! 

One, I am utlizing the pinglist for Monthly Raffles! If you want to be added to the list (once the Monthly Raffles END this December after the last Monthly Raffle, this list will be used as a pinglist for any raffle I host) feel free to ask when you join in the raffle or DM me to be added!

Two I GOT ALL OWED ART DONE FROM MY LIST FOR NOW- LETS GO I AM FREE TO WORK ON PBFP AND PERSONAL PROJECTS! I won't be taking anymore art trades , participate in Art Games such as OC Art Jackpot that often (might join if I need a warmup or something I dont know) or focus on free art requests (to my trick or treaters: I have a goal to get to yall by next Halloween 2023 I swear-) ! HOWEVER COMMISSIONS WILL STILL BE OPEN!

Three , I might start doing adopt auctions and make a commission pinglist for I plan to open more commission options? I feel like a system of making a new option PWYW and determining prices later is a good idea... Let me know if you want to be on a Commission pinglist for when I open new options (I plan for a Messy Render option , Speedpaint Scene Option, Experimental Chibis,,, a good amount of ideas)

And four, uhhh I got nothing to say other then I am nearing 500 subs on TH AND it has been over two years since I joined this site? That is honestly amazing- Thank you so much for the support everyone, it means so much to me and I am glad I have a bit of a community on this little niche site that for some reason I am way too active on! <3

(And Anon poll for fun, thanks for reading if you ever read my Bulletins! <3)

Due to it's lack of engagement and me wanting to completely quit having obligated owed art after I finish my current queue in which I am SO CLOSE to finishing, I am considering actually canceling the raffle entirely and take a break from hosting art raffles-

I am still going to do the Monthly Raffles , but they will be premade character only as I find those easier to host even if they end up not doing well at all!- November will be a premade character design, and December will be another premade character raffle (and since it will be the final one, I might do something special)

The reason I am canceling the raffle is because after I finish my owed art queue I want to spend more time dedicated to the development of PBFP so it can release next year on my birthday March 16th as I have always planned it to be. I don't want to continue to stress myself out over obligated (freebie art don't really count, as I can do them whenever I desire) art from art trades, art games, etc (HOWEVER commissions will still be open! Also wanting to spend more time working on revamping my commission site!)

Anyways that's all the news I got- 

I know this years ending might or might not be chaotic due to me and my family literally moving out of the state that I grew up in for almost my entire life and into another that I have no idea what the life will truly be like- 

But yeah, that's all I got to say! Hope you guys are having a great day/night! 

SairiChie Art Raffle! (NM)

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by VictoryDrawsStuff

Art raffle being hosted once again, by another amazing friend! Go, go check it out! ;0


So my TH Premium has run out and we are indeed back to no CSS era- I am sad but I will probably open TH Premium comms later... I don't want to increase my owed art list when I am quite close to finishing it actually!

Speaking of owed art, I feel like I should slow down on hosting raffles all together starting this month. Like at this point what is the point? My raffles don't really get engagement as much as I hope they would, my motivation for hosting raffles is fading (to the point October's raffle ended early due to lack of engagement)... 

I am definitely considering ending the Monthly Raffles this December, and probably will only host raffles for holidays (such as New Years, Christmas, Valentines Day, I don't know just holidays or whenever I reach milestones) .

I want to set aside more time doing personal works and working on PBFP to release it by my birthday, March 16th 2022 without the sheer stress of constantly oweing people things and having to have such things haunt my mind until I can muster the strength to finish them all off- Raffles highly contribute to that, due to the many times I host them and now I feel like I need a break, probably you guys need a break, we all need a break. Add in the stress of IRL stuff and you probably can get the reasoning-

Once PBFP is released and the stress of that is done and over with, perhaps I might host more raffles again- But that won't be happening until next year.

So basically, TH Premium is gone and I will be hosting raffles less and probably trying not to give people free stuff for mere attention, got to focus on the personal projects and make them happen. Rambling over :")



The raffle for me reaching 400+ subs is finally here! Thank you everyone again for 400+ and hope you all enjoy this raffle, took feedback from the poll for consideration and changed things up a bit! ;)