cumuluscrow's Bulletins


Posted 4 years, 11 months ago by cumuluscrow

o shit it's artfight time again!

i'm nightmare babey

check out my oc server!

Posted 5 years, 30 days ago by cumuluscrow

hey beans!! so, i've made a brand new oc server and i've finally decided to share it! right now, i'm trying not to put it too out there because i'm trying to keep the member count pretty low for the first week or so, but any of ya'll, please please feel free to join it!!


Posted 5 years, 7 months ago by cumuluscrow

The City

Driftstone is the name of a small city located within a mysterious forested area in the northern pennines. Actually getting there is an ordeal in itself, being nearly impossible without the usage of a map. Even if you get there, it appears as invisible unless you have a way to reverse the powerful spell it has over it.

The city and it's leaders have one goal - to contain every existing vampire - keeping them safe from the living, and keeping the living safe from them. They also aim to keep the vampire population as low as possible. Groups of human allies to Driftstone live in various places around the country to keep an eye out for any suspicious activity. If necessary, they will escort any discovered vampires into Driftstone themselves - willingly, or unwillingly.

Driftstone is a plus-shaped construction, with a northern, western, southern, and eastern quarter. It also has a middle, commonly know as central, or the centre. The walls that surround it fully are incredibly tall - impossible to scale without the ability of flight or something similar. Additionally, an illusion is cast over the city - making the city loop over were you to climb over the wall. Going west over the western wall would 'teleport' you back to the east and vice versa. If you were to theoretically fly very high, you'd see the city repeating forever, slotting into itself like a jigsaw puzzle. Only vampires with elite privileges are allowed to leave the city, through a secret means. This applies to the cities 100 elected elite members, and of course, the 7 members of the cities circle. Most of the cities population of ___ are not permitted to leave the city under any circumstances, but most people don't mind this fact, as the city has everything they'd ever need. 

There is one 'official' entrance to Driftstone, mostly used to bring in newcomer vampires, human enthralls or people to be taken to the harvest.

There are some theories that Driftstone, in truth, actually partially exists in another dimension as there surely isn't enough space for it in the field where the walls are usually found. However, nobody knows for certain - not even the main circle. The only one who would know is Driftstones deceased founder - the woman who created all of this. If you listen to some of Driftstones conspiracy enthusiasts, in fact, they'll tell you that Driftstone is located in, or a portal to, an entirely different world - and if you were to break down those massive stone walls, you'd be met with a dismal, vast space, of dark, incomprehensible emptiness.

The Northern quarter of Driftstone is buzzing with activity. This is where most things seem to be - the shops, the pubs, the parks, the very appealing 'red fountain' (yes, it's exactly what you're thinking). There are quite a few residential homes as well.

The Western quarter of Driftstone is 95% residential. It was built to accommodate the masses of new arrivals during Driftstones heyday. It's full of simple, long streets, filled to the brim with housing. Catcher river starts here, bubbling up from underground. 

It's impossible to get into the Western quarter without crossing the bridge over the river - with the exception of the outquarters. Enthralls must access through the outquarters, due to the dangers associated with humans approaching the river.

The Southern quarter is arguably the oldest area of Driftstone. The buildings down here are ancient, and so are many of the vampires that reside within them. Some have been in hibernation for eternities. Grand, Gothic mansions litter the desolate streets. You have to be careful when wandering these areas, as some of the vampires can be very territorial, and don't seem to care much for Driftstones laws either. They are very much stuck in their ways, and never intend on changing. Catcher river ends here with the famous Dead Magpie Lake. It's a creepy, unsettling area of Driftstone, which most residents tend to avoid at all costs.

The Eastern quarter is a bit of a mixed bag, but this is often where recreational and miscellaneous things are located. There's a large theatre here, and an absolutely massive library. On the far east side, there's a hill on which executions are performed. The entrance to the Harvest is also here, a construction mostly underground. The Enthrall headquarters reside here, as well as a hospital and some slightly bigger(or specialised) shops. Next to no vampires live in this quarter, but there are some old, abandoned buildings scattered around from when people used to.


The main feature of Central is Driftstones grand hall - a huge, opulent building slap-bang in the centre. Historically, it's been used for a wide variety of things - everything from auctions, speeches in times of crisis, and everywhere in between. Attendance at meetings and speeches held there can at times be considered compulsory for the population.

Not far from the grand hall is the homes of the 7 circle members - grand mansions, all even space away from the main hall.

Aside from that...there's not much else in central aside from forests. Paths are everywhere in the central quarter, guiding you through the trees and branching off everywhere. However, straying from the main path is usually a bad idea. Not everyone who wanders comes back... Driftstone cemetery is also located here, a disturbing sight, as there are rarely burials - just petrified corpses lined up and down the dirt paths.

The outquarters is the name for the area inside the city walls themselves. Regular residents are not permitted to use it - however, as enthralls are allowed and do use it, it wouldn't be exceptionally difficult to gain entry, though you probably would be punished with a mild prison sentence.

The outquarters are simply corridors, for the most part. They do branch off into office rooms, and rooms used to ___ new residents. There are some less-pleasant-looking rooms used for enthralling, too, and some rooms for miscellaneous use and storage.

Driftstone has quite a dedicated justice system. Depending on the crime, punishments can range from a few years jail sentence, to death. Petrification by sunlight is considered the worst way to die, and this method of execution is reserved for only the very worst crimes. The prison is located in the eastern quarter.


There are many downsides to being a vampire. However, a vampires ability to enact mind control on a human is not one of them. This can be used short term for convenience, or permanently to create what is known as an enthrall. However, to do this safely and effectively requires a vampire with a lot of experience and skill. It is best described as a sort of brainwashing, or a deep state of hypnosis. The victims old personality and character are completely wiped to make way for what is essentially a mindless slave. Enthralls play an important role in Driftstone, doing the jobs that nobody else really wants to do. They are cleaners, repairers, guards, servants, builders, and factory workers, amongst other other things. They are a necessity for the maintence of Driftstone on a day-to-day basis.


A Vampire is an undead, dangerous creature, reliant on the blood on humans for survival. They are cold, and their hearts do not beat. Their consciousness is a scientific mystery to this day. An average vampire will need to feed about once a month, though this can vary from individual to individual, and depends on how much they last drank. 

A human can be bitten by a vampire and live to tell the tale, though it"s slightly less common than the alternative. Usually if a vampire bites a human (to drink, not to turn), they have little say over when they stop. The experience can be euphoric and it becomes easy to lose self-control. However, if the vampire is pulled away from their victim before its too late (AN INADVISABLE THING TO DO NO MATTER HOW CHILL THE VAMPIRE USUALLY IS), or, the vampire has simply had their fill, the victim does have a chance at survival - but usually needs urgent medical assistance. When a vampire decides to attack their victim, they usually have the assistance of weak mind control on their side - enough to daze and confuse the human. This makes them very susceptable - at times unable to even move.

Vampires VS...

Sunlight. Sunlight is one of the most dangerous things if you're a vampire. Less than a minute of full exposure can render the individual deceased. Smaller amounts, like filtered sunlight through regular curtains, would take hours. But the vampire would feel the effects within plenty of time. Full-body coverage can buy time too, but it's never 100% safe.

Physical Trauma. Vampires are way, way more resistant to injury than humans. Aside from the head and the actual removal of more than two limbs, no physical attacks that aren't silver will kill them. If you start to actually tear the body apart, it can eventually cause the body to give up. Similarly, severe head trauma can result in death - or sometimes, brain damage. Beheading would result in instant death.

Silver. Silver is very deadly to vampires. As soon as it's in the bloodstream, death is pretty much inevitable. Any attack with a silver weapon which draws blood will kill them. Simply holding it to their skin can cause a nasty, calloused rash, but will rarely kill them.

Stakes. Nah. 

Garlic. Nah. But allergies aren't uncommon. Most vampires have a bit of an aversion to garlic whether they admit it or not.

Starvation. Starvation begins after a few months of no feeding. The vampire will start to lose anything resembling self control. Their only, unconditional focus is finding human blood, regardless of the circumstances. After about 8 months, the vampire begins to petrify, and eventually dies.

Impossible Years | LORE

Posted 6 years, 1 month ago by cumuluscrow

TLDR : In 2014, the main trio are thrust into a terrible situation when everyone else on the planet vanishes. some real shit happens and then they kill a god, basically saving all of humanity. eventually everything returns back to normal (in about 2017), but they're not going to forget about their experience any time soon, to put it lightly. the three of them have also formed an unbreakable bond.

Impossible Years is my first original story for my characters - unfortunately, i haven't written any of it in a long, long time. it's on a pretty permanent hiatus and its pretty much insignificant now. 

that said, it's still canon and it's still very much relevant to the character development of martha, matthew, and addison, so i will try and do a somewhat quick summary here.

in the beginning, there were a group of gods watching over the earth. it's not really known how, or where they came from, or exactly how their hivemind works - all that's really known is that they were there.
they watched over the planet, sculpting each evolutionary path with their worn, otherworldly hands. they wanted to advance a species intelligence to a point so high, it could even rival their own. it's not known what their ultimate goal is - or if there even is one.

eventually, they started to make some significant progress. what would later be known as 'the first cycle of humanity' inhabited the earth, but they weren't human in the way you or i might typically think. about 3-foot tall, hairy, and with a rodent-like appearance, these people were considered the first significant creation of the gods.
the gods don't live on any mortal plane - they live in a 'flipside', mostly void of all matter. their physical appearances are usually incomprehensible to anyone not of their own kind. 
each god seems to represent something - a trait of humanity, whether good or bad. impatience, dishonesty, curiousity, empathy, to name a few. the actual amount is unknown, and hard to figure out, due to their hivemind-like tendencies. 

one of these gods is immaturity. childishness and self-centeredness with a naive, uneducated view of the world - it's different to the other gods. it doesn't mesh with them, it doesn't understand them. and they don't understand it. one day, it will be instead simply known as child.
consequently to its not fitting in, it feels ignored. unwanted and unappreciated, child gets angry. in a shocking turn of events - child manages to wipe the progress they have all made with earth. every person - not killed, but instead destroyed from existence. child wipes out the first cycle of humanity completely.

the other gods are shocked - but they're hardly inconvenienced. after all, time isn't really a concept to them. they just allow a new species of people to evolve , and let them learn to stand where the first ones once stood. 

child is nowhere to be seen. he has disappeared from the gods line of sight. he is hidden in a dark, unreachable part of the void, planning. wild with power he didn't even know he had and the realisation he can do whatever he wants now, child reaches out to the planet once more, prepared once again to wipe all of their progress.
but the other gods are ready. they use a large part of their power to render 3 humans from this second cycle completely immune to child's destructive tendencies. they also sabotage the way in which child has the opportunity to control the earth - now he is forced to not only manifest physically on the planet, but also within a pitifully small area. In their eyes, this gives the three immune humans an opportunity to actually kill child - something that is not only possible, but something that they are now prepared to do. child is also stuck on the planet - until either the death of him, or the leader of the three humans - the trio.

this group slowly learns a few vague things about the situation - through visions from the gods recieved by the leader of the group. eventually, the trio face off against child. it goes badly.
the leader dies, and so child is free to return to the void space to recover after using so much of his energy. but one of the group survives - and escapes. 

his name is zatati, and he is the first 'guide'.

a long time passes. 'trios' dont age, and zatati carries this practical immortality along with him after his group has failed and is long, long gone.
he devotes much of his absurd amount of time on his now abandoned planet into the religious worship of the gods. he builds temples dedicated to many of them, scattered over the globe. then, before he knows it, a new, third cycle of humanity begins coming into the picture. zatati knows what will happen to them once child comes, so makes preparations for the next trio. he considers it important to properly love and respect the gods, as well as to be at peak physical performance to have a chance at beating child. so, zatati converts his temples into a type of training for any future trios. hidden at the back of many of the temples is a key. a key to unlock a single padlock on the massive gate he constructed concealing the area where child lies.

zatati informs the new trio of the situation and helps guide them. eventually, they fail, and a fourth cycle of humanity rolls around. then a fifth. a sixth. a twelth. a sixteenth. so many years pass - an amount of time unfathomable to most. 

this is now present day. the sixteenth trio is martha, matthew, and addison. every past trio has failed. 
a handful of guides are left scattered over the world, the last surviving members of their own individual cycles. outdated, religiously-inclined rules guide their every action. 

will these kids succeed where everyone else failed? or will they fall and quickly fade into irrelevance, like so, so many before them

(spoilers they succeed kinda)

cycle info 

1st (cycle): no members immune, all dead
2nd: first (zatati's) trio, all but him dead
3rd: all dead
4th: all dead
5th: G's trio, all but them dead
6th: all dead
7th: auvrelks trio, all but him dead
8th: arkins trio, all but him dead
9th: all dead
10th: zadras trio, all but her dead
11th: all dead
12th: Iyalahs trio, all but her dead
13th: leader dead, two living
14th: anankes trio, all but him dead
15th: all dead
16th: present day, our trio

rather than actually fully describe the plot, i'm going to try and list some noteworthy things that happen. (in chronological order)

- at first, the trio have no idea what's going on or why everyone's dissappeared. one night, Martha has a bizarre dream - she wakes up to find that she's scrawled co-ordinates across the walls. These co-ordinates take her and the others to Iyalah's home.

- addison gets in a physical fight with iyalah after she drags martha into her home, planning on giving her the run-down on what's going on
- addison storms off grumpily after martha and matthew get significantly drunk. whilst alone, they get bitten by a snake which paralyses them from the neck down. the morning after, martha and a still-intoxicated matthew have to try and find them.
- the trio spot a group of intruders for the first time. they call iyalah, who explains what they are (in very simple and misleading terms)
- matthew is somehow convinced to abandon emily in favour of a large RV they take while in france. it's affectionately named 'the traveller' soon after
- a man going by the name flick introduces himself to matthew. he explains that he's a guide who just wants to make himself known to the new trio.
- addison and matthew almost drown in a spanish temple, but they reluctantly work together to get out of a sticky situation.
- while in  russia, an intruder manages to jump onto the traveller - however, matthew has a full-on breakdown as he's convinced it's actually his brother. addison and matthew have a full-on fight, followed by matthew running away into a forest during a blizzard. he gets lost and very nearly freezes to death - but he's found just in time by the third guide introduced in the story, auvrelk.
addison and martha wait to see if matthew returns. eventually martha looks for him herself (while holding one end of a long rope so she doesn't get lost). she can't, and after a couple hours, the two of them are faced with the uncomfortable fact that matthew is not coming back. martha is inconsolable, and the traveller has been snowed in and seized up. eventually, the fourth guide introduced, g, has to fly over to them so they can take addison and martha to safety. martha isn't feeling particularly talkative, but in a rare occurrence, addison feels an immediate connection to g.
eventually, matthew and auvrelk contact the others through fixing an old aerial a short distance from auvrelks cabin. martha has an emotional reunion with him.


Posted 6 years, 2 months ago by cumuluscrow

This is where I'll link all of my writing that I'm happy sharing! Don't worry, the list will grow in time.

  • Kai's proposal to Addison and Matthew's proposal to Dakota - x
  • Driftstone (WIP) - (I'm giving Driftstone... a little bit of a break for the time being. I'd love to rewrite it at some point in the future, but the first draft I have now, I'm just not happy with. That said, if you really wanna read the first draft, it's here - x it's also 85,000 words!)
  • Martha & Sylvi's first kiss - x
  • Kai & Matthew leave Iona's band - x
  • Mythstone  -- Chapter 1 -x Chapter 2 - x Chapter 3 - x Chapter 4 - x Chapter 5 - x
  • A scene at the ending of EHV (Addison & Matthew wake up after the world has been restored, wonder where Martha is) - x


Posted 6 years, 6 months ago by cumuluscrow

|Impossible Years|
My original story! This is where it all started. If it weren't for Keystone, I probably wouldn't even have OC's today.
Three kids wake up one morning to find every other person in the world has completely vanished. They set out on a journey to find out why - and in doing so, find the truths behind their very existence, and uncover the secrets of an unseen, eternal war. And now it's their responsibility to win it.
(i've been through a couple names! this is the proper one i've decided on, but if you hear me say Keystone or EHV, that also refers to this.)

~More info~


I started this silly non-canon vampire AU with the intention of making something short, unapologetically angsty and ridiculously fun, but somewhere down the line, I became more dedicated to it than I ever expected - it's developed into quite a long, complex plot, and I have full intentions of finishing it.
A bitter vampire fueled by hatred for his home and knowing he's sentenced to death anyway, decides to bite and turn as many people in the Denman area as he can - Dakota and Kai within those afflicted. After the following series of events, Dakota is missing, Addison is presumed dead, Kai and Matthew have been taken away by a strange pair of men, and Martha, Sylvi, and Charlie are left scared, confused, and completely in the dark about what's really going on. 
While Kai explores the prestigious Driftstone - which now appears to be his new home, the others are left to figure out whats going on and how to rescue their missing friends. 

Read what I've got so far here - I'm actually re-writing Driftstone! I'll link the first part when I'm done, so watch this space :)
cw: violence, blood, Things Are Just Pretty Bad In General

(Other people appear in it too - I'm trying to just include the main ones.)


The town of Denman is a small British market town, located in Shropshire.  This is where the Anderson, Ellis, Navarro, London, and Dee families live, and where most 'slice of life' events take place.
In 2019, the 6 friends, needing a break from their lives post-keystone for a while, take a holiday to America. They get up to all sorts of nonsense - and by chance, meet a gloomy young woman named Dakota, who somehow ends up joining them.
like, everyone

This is a lot different to my other stories - it's with an entirely new cast of characters, and set hundreds of years in the future. I've been neglecting it too much...(I'm too attached to my main guys WHAT CAN I SAY)
A rebellious teen named Raquel, in a spontaneous move against her controlling father, steals a ship and flies across the Atlantic to pick up her girlfriend and travel the stars - a plan that sounds a lot simpler in theory.
Neither girls expect a literal talking cat on the ship, nor a universe so much different than they'd been taught during their sheltered upbringing on earth. And there's something plain weird about the engine room.
Red Hook

Mythological AU with my main characters! Kai is a simple lumberjack living in a small village called Depdale, in the grand country of Old Keiby. However, disaster strikes for Kai as he faces his lycanthropic reality in the most unexpected way possible. He flees the town - attempting to escape from the villagers who now want him dead. He eventually bumps into Martha - a desperately lonely woman afflicted with a similar curse. The two of them follow a rumour of a woman living far north, known for her ability to cure people of their supernatural ailments. Along the way they pick up an array of new party members - all travelling to the place where they maybe, just maybe, might be made normal again.

Part One - X


Posted 6 years, 7 months ago by cumuluscrow


i'm working on some new ones

Matthew Navarro: (Met June 2019)
Dakota met Matthew at the diner she works at, late at night. It's a bankrupt diner which is very much on its last legs. After he and his friends had gotten food, a hurricane warning was issued for the area - The owner, Hugo, strongly recommends them to stay the night. 
After Matthew retrieved several packs of lager from his car, everyone there ended up very drunk - eventually leading to the two of them making out under a table. (So unprofessional, Dakota!)
The morning after, Dakota was horrified about what she'd done. If it wasn't for Addison changing her mind, she would have left right then and never seen any of them again. However, Matthew impulsively invited Dakota to join their road trip - and Dakota said yes. At the end of the two weeks, following a series of very confusing feelings, conversations, and situations, they start a romantic relationship. 
Dakota and Matthew have a jokey but serious relationship. They're absolutely devoted to the other and have a mildly kinky sex life.
Martha Anderson: (Met June 2019)
Dakota likes Martha a lot, and is usually overwhelmed by Martha's optimism and good-hearted nature. Dakota finds Martha easier to talk to than most, and appreciates this fact - they're both very good friends, and while they're not as close as some, they always have each others back.
Addison Ellis: (Met June 2019)
Nearly as soon as they met, Addison viewed Dakota in quite a protective way, seeing themself in her to some extent. Addison managed to talk Dakota into staying with the group. Dakota was a quite scared of Addison, but now understand that they simply don't show their emotions the way others do. They both like each other, and they're both good friends.
Sylvi Dee: (Met June 2019)
They're not particularly close. Dakota is a little awkward around Sylvi and Sylvi never goes out of her way to talk to her. In fact, Sylvi mostly ignores Dakota. Dakota is pretty scared of her.
Charlie Navarro: (Met June 2019)
Dakota finds Charlie amusing, and she always feels so much happier in his presence. She feels like she can say anything to Charlie, and often does. She never feels uncomfortable around him, even if she's a little bit grossed out sometimes. She's jealous of Matthew for having such a nice brother.
Kai London: (Met June 2019)
Dakota and Kai's mutually shy natures meant that the two spoke very little in the first two weeks they knew each other, and it continued like this until Dakota moved to England permanently. After that, the two saw so much more of each other, and she appreciates Kai's warm, giving nature. They became close - Kai is like the brother she never had.

Martha Anderson: (Met September 2010)
Sylvi was part of a small, quiet, group of friends at high school, who mostly kept to themselves. She'd heard of Martha - after all, she was one of the most popular kids in the year. But Sylvi had no classes with her, and the two had never spoken. 
When rumours began to spread that Martha was gay, it was a defining moment of Sylvi's life. Really, Sylvi had always known she was herself - but fully intended on keeping it to herself as long as possible. When Martha was the schools first openly gay student, it reminded Sylvi that it was a real thing, and there was zero shame in it. Martha was on Sylvi's mind more than she ever would have expected. Somehow, it grew into a fully-blown crush. She sent Martha an letter expressing her anonymous appreciation and possible attraction, frustrated with herself for being so embarrassed about it.
Before Martha got a chance to read the letter, Sylvi stopped her - she explained why she sent it, and her feelings to some extent - but mostly just emphasised that the letter was dumb and childish, and wanted it back. Martha was overwhelmed by someone else actually seeing her in a positive way, and not as a weirdo who should be avoided. She gave Sylvi the letter back, and suggested they meet up after school.
Sylvi happily agreed.
Their relationship progressed rather slowly. Sylvi was terrified of the inevitable backlash from her peers - seeing how the majority treated Martha. But by 2012, they were a happy couple.
Addison Ellis: (Met September 2010)
When Sylvi began to hang out with Martha more, pursuing a relationship with her, she always knew Addison would be present and a huge part of Martha's life. Nearly everyone in the year had heard of Addison, and never for good reasons - whether it was the way they presented their gender (which resulted in a slew of disgusting and offensive slurs), or their exclusion from their previous school. 
Sylvi secretly wished Addison would just leave them both well alone, but it clearly wasn't going to happen. Her and Addison had a few headbutts throughout high school - but somehow, through the passage of time and Martha's naturally pacifying ways, they came to tolerate each other. 
After keystone, their relationship improved further, but they never clicked, and probably never will.
All the same, they're still friends.
Matthew Navarro: (Met September 2012)
Sylvi liked Matthew from the moment they met, both admiring the others sense of humour. However, they are very emotionally incompatible, and are two very opposite types of people, meaning they can argue about nearly anything. Each can only deal with the others presence for a certain amount of time for they grow sick of each other. Both secretly think the other a little arrogant. They drifted further apart after they left education, but they're good friends.
Charlie Navarro: (Met May 2013)
Oh, just some weird dude. Does he even shower??
Dakota Laney: (Met June 2019)
Sylvi finds Dakota very boring. She's frustrated about not understanding how her and Matthew could work as a couple - Sylvi's problem is that she's already made her mind up about what sort of person Dakota is, and is too stubborn to look past the surface. Neither talk to each other outside of a conversation with the others, and it would definitely be very awkward if they did. 
Kai London:  (Met November 2012)
Sylvi feels fairly neutral towards Kai, which is odd since she usually has such strong opinions on things. She thinks he's a very interesting and skilled person, and likes the way he clearly views her as an authority figure. If they converse, Sylvi is the one doing 99% of the talking. In fact, sometimes she just likes to talk at him. However, she also sees him as very weak-willed and cowardly. She's taken it upon herself to try and boost his ego.
Iona Jacobs:  (Met January 2013)
Ugh. What a bitch right? Sylvi has never spoken to her directly, but wishes she could bring her down a peg or two.

Addison Ellis:  (Met July 2010)
After Martha's parents threw her a suitcase and a coat and put her out on the street, Martha was too upset to think clearly. Her grandmother was away on a short break and Martha had no keys to her house. There was nobody else whose house she could spend that night at - at least not anymore. Overwhelmed, and increasingly certain she would sleep the night on the stony path down the canal where she had managed to end up, she sat down on the edge, her feet dangling over the water, and cried. 
Addison had been following her ever since they overheard Martha and her parents as they walked down the street. They didn't have an excellent history - Addison hadn't been at Marthas school for almost two years now - but they did remember Martha as one of the bitchy girls who liked to make snide remarks and whisper behind their back.
Addison was curious about how one of the most popular girls in school had fallen so far from her pedestal, and didn't really know why.
They both spoke - the longest conversation Addison had had with anybody since their mother had died. Eventually, Martha ended up staying the night at Addison's impressively sized house.
They've been inseparable ever since. 
Matthew Navarro: (Met September 2012)
Martha met Matthew after she left high school, at Denman post-16 centre. He started spending more and more time hovering around their small group, and Martha found him amusing, starting to spend time out of school hanging around with him and Kai at the skate park.
When the events of Keystone happened, however, their friendship became something else altogether. Martha knows him incredibly well - maybe even better than Kai does. She's his rock, in many ways, and a shared sense of humour and love of mischief means they always have plenty to talk about.
Sylvi Dee: (Met September 2010)
After Martha came out and the news quickly spread around the school, Martha was left with pretty much no-one. While nobody at school outright bullied her, it was quite clear to see their prejudice - people would actively avoid her and most were clearly uncomfortable in her presence. Sylvi, however, was fascinated by Martha. She was in none of Marthas classes so didn't know the girl, but felt sorry for her, and found she was on her mind more often than she expected.
Sylvi, frustrated with herself and confused by her sexuality, wrote a letter to Martha and slipped it through her locker.
Before Martha had the chance to read it, Sylvi approached her, incredibly embarrassed. She explained why she sent it, and her feelings to some extent - but mostly just emphasized that the letter was dumb and childish, and wanted it back. Martha was overwhelmed by someone else actually seeing her in a positive way, and not as a weirdo who should be avoided. She gave Sylvi the letter back, and suggested they meet up after school.
Sylvi happily agreed.
Their relationship progressed rather slowly. Sylvi was terrified of the inevitable backlash from her peers. But by 2012, they were a happy couple.
Iyalah: (Met August 2013)
While their first meeting may not have been ideal (which was completely due to Iyalah and how socially clueless she is), Martha and Iyalah have a very close relationship. Martha feels a lot of sympathy for Iyalah and wants nothing more than to just smother her in affection and tell her everything will be okay. She also looks up to her as a strong mentor - But Martha feels as though she has some things to teach Iyalah herself.
Charlie Navarro: (Met Februrary 2013)
The first time Martha met Charlie, he thought she was Matthews girlfriend. He was swiftly corrected.
Martha and Charlie are actually good friends - while it would be rare for her to meet him separate of Matthew, she always gets on with him and they have a lot of good memories together, and their personalities are very compatible.
Dakota Laney: (Met June 2019)
At first, neither Dakota nor Martha really clicked with each other - they had little in common and neither really felt the other liked them that much.
They quickly became closer, thanks to Martha's persistence. They're good friends.
Kai London: (Met November 2012)
When Martha met Kai, she thought he was super cool.
She was perhaps even a little intimidated - the quiet, reserved man seemed very mature for his age.
However, she soon learned otherwise.
Kai and Martha are very good friends now, and both actually see the other as a bit of a role model.
G: (Met December 2013)
G and Martha are good friends. G was there for a lot of Martha's hard times, and gave Martha a more emotionally understanding shoulder to lean on, which she appreciated greatly. When G and Martha have conversations they tend to interrupt each other a lot, and talk quite loudly. They're good friends.
Ananke: (Met August 2015)
Martha hates Ananke with every core of her being - but she has a certain sympathy for the man as well.
The first time Martha actually met Ananke face to face, it was in battle. He was explaining to her how he liked her, he looked up to her - but her death was simply a critical part of his plan that just couldn't be changed. He'd taken out both her friends and she was left to face him alone, knowing just how outnumbered she was, both him and the intruders with a very clear goal. Ananke sliced Martha across the cheek - a scar that would remain for the rest of her life, before knocking her down the the floor by the cliff edge. 
He brought his sword up to her throat - before he was roughly stabbed through the chest while Martha screamed. Addison had waken up just in time. They tossed him over the cliff.
Despite all this - what he did to everyone, the people he'd hurt and killed, Martha still managed to cling on to her appreciation for his goals and his perseverance - they both wanted the same outcome, really.
Iona Jacobs: (Met January 2013)
Martha hates Iona. Most of what shes heard Iona's like comes from what Kai and Matthew have told her, but they've met each other a few times as well. They really really do not get on.

Martha Anderson:  (Met September 2012)
Matthew met Martha after he left high school, at Denman post-16 centre. He started spending more and more time hovering around her and her small group, finding the group of outcasts far more interesting than the boring group of dudebros he'd been spending time with prior to that. She always laughed at his jokes and he felt validated by this.
When the events of Keystone happened, however, their friendship became something else altogether. Martha's his rock, in many ways. He finds her incredibly easy to talk to, which is useful for Matthew, who finds it hard to make sense of his emotions. A shared sense of humour and love of mischief means they always have plenty to talk about, and they could be considered partners in crime. They both have each others back unconditionally.

Addison Ellis: (Met September 2012)
Matthew first met Addison in their Engineering class, when he noticed the boys he was sat with making gender-based comments at Addison. He spoke to Addison,  envious of their obvious engineering skill.
Then Matthew started spending more time hanging out with the group - despite Addison's clear hatred of him and their empty threats.
Then Keystone happened.
At first Addison hated him more than ever, but soon managed to tolerate his presence - despite a few blips here and there. Matthew was amused by Addison's behaviour, and provoked them on more than one occasion. But when they argued, it was bad, and the comments they made aimed at the other always stung for weeks after. As more time passed and the situation got more intense, they spoke to each other more -and while most of the things they said to each other were still unpleasant at best, they had a mutually jokey relationship. You could even call them friends.
Afterwards, they are now closer than ever, and understand that while it might not seem it on the surface - they have a whole lot in common. Addison is one of Matthews best friends. Both of their natures means one either understands the other completely - or not at all.
Charlie Navarro: (Known since birth)
They have a typical jokey brotherly relationship - Matthew is done with Charlie's shit 90% of the time, and usually lets him know in very clear terms just how annoying he is. 
But Charlie would defend Matthew unconditionally and decisively. They argued more as kids, but nowadays, their relationship is relaxed and a little bit silly. 
Charlie, who is older, has always been there for him in tougher times. Matthew usually finds Charlie quite embarrassing, and likes to constantly remind the people around him how 'fucking weird my brother is'. But Matthew cares about Charlie just as much - he just tends not to show it very openly.
Dakota Laney: (Met June 2019)
Matthew meets Dakota during a 2-week long holiday to America, where she is working as a waitress in Hugo's diner - a bankrupt diner on its last legs.
After Matthew and his friends have eaten there, a hurricane warning is issued for the area. Hugo advises them to stay inside until the threat has passed - the wind outside has picked up heavily, and the party begins to worry.
Matthew clearly has his priorities straight, as he attempts to go outside to the car to retrieve lager stored in the boot, all while fighting against forceful winds.
Dakota and Matthew, both under the influence of alcohol, make out under a table.
At the end of the two weeks, following a series of very confusing feelings, conversations, and situations, they start a romantic relationship. 
But for a good while after, Matthew has a big concern. 
Dakota doesn't even know he's transgender - he's fearful to tell her and it takes him about 6 months to come out, terrified of her response. As a result, it's quite a long time until they sleep with one another.
Dakota and Matthew have a jokey but serious relationship. They're absolutely devoted to the other and have a mildly kinky sex life.
Sylvi Dee: (Met September 2012)
Sylvi and Matthew are good friends, and have a shared sense of humour - they're very good friends, but disconnected emotionally. They grew further apart after they both left education. They both find the other a little arrogant but have never said anything negative about the other.
Kai London: (Met June 2004)
Kai and Matthew have known each other a very long time. When Matthew was 8, he didn't have many friends or fit into any social circles, so Jodie and Lisa encouraged him to join cub scouts. 
There he met Kai and they've been best of friends ever since - they're very close and Kai was actually the first one Matthew came out to, on the side of a motorway after a band session. Kai has had an astoundingly positive impact on Matthews life. Matthew knows this, and never tries to take him for granted.
Their relationship has been filled with a few ups and downs. One quite significant time is when Kai was crushing on Matthew quite strongly - Kai knew nothing would come of it, so never spoke a word to him and made sure his behaviour was always appropriate. But Iona - Who Kai told, told Matthew - who was suddenly very uncomfortable about him and Kais relationship, and even felt emasculated in a way. But eventually, Kai got over Matthew, and Matthew got over the whole situation.
In a word, they're bffs.
Iyalah: (Met August 2013)
Matthew didn't have a great first impression of Iyalah - his first thoughts were something like 'what the FUCK is that and why is it screaming at me'.
Even after they were properly introduced, Matthew mostly ignored Iyalah. He didn't understand most of what she was talking about and didn't really care to find out. Matthew thought she was always quite harsh on him - having quite a few private talks about how he should take this more seriously and get his priorities straight. He thought she was picking on him. (And she was)
However, as time passed, Matthew got used to Iyalah and her many quirks, and as Iyalah grew more fond of the trio, she felt the same.
Matthew, eventually, became the one that Iyalah shared the most of her personal life with. She apparently felt as if the two had a lot in common - and that was why she always seemed so strict on him. 
G: (Met December 2013)
Matthew met G later than the others did, and he wasnt in the best state of mind when he met them, so their introduction was quite awkward.
He and G don't usually get on too well - while they do consider each other friends, they've had a lot of unpleasant encounters which makes their relationship a little tense. Matthew likes G, even though hes pretty sure they're not a fan of him.
Ananke: (Met October 2013)
For a long time, Ananke was a friend to Matthew - approaching him in a lonely moment and taking advantage of his ignorance to the situation. He used the name 'Flick' as an alias. Ananke saw an oppurtunity to make an ally in Matthew, and he took it. Matthew liked Ananke - he seemed like someone he could say anything to, and so did. In doing so he became close friends with the man. Matthew thought he was very weird in some of the things he said, and one day, Ananke told him his true name and his plan - heavily sugarcoated. He told Matthew that basically, to get the world back to normal and all the people you know back on earth, Martha has to die. Matthew was shocked but begrudingly accepted this fact. By this point, he was unsettled by Ananke's behaviour - but the appeal of having someone who felt so reassuring was just too strong to say no to. He even let Ananke track the partys whearabouts.
When Addison was taken, Matthew knew exactly what must have happened. He was horrified - and scared. Because now he was surrounded by people who knew Ananke did this, and wanted him dead - along with whoever had been telling him so much about the trio.
Matthew told Martha everything.
After an hour-long screaming fit and a few solid hits to the face courtesy of G, he told them he knew Ananke was in Iceland.
Somehow, they found him, and Addison.
During the events that followed, Ananke almost killed Matthew - and did kill G.
He doesn't like to think about it. To say he felt guilty would be an understatement.
Iona Jacobs: (Met Februrary 2007)
Matthew has a weird relationship with Iona. They get on okay for the most part, and Matthew loves being part of her band. He's not going to deny that she has some destructive, dangerous traits, and a childish love of petty drama, but he doesn't think shes that bad. Or maybe that's just because he finds her presence addictive, interesting, and sexy.
Scott 'Scoot' Palmer: (Met September 2006)
A weirdo who Matthew finds quite patronising - he doesn't like him. He can see why Charlie gets on with him so well though. Why is he so quiet. Weeeeirdo.
Lisa Navarro: (Known since birth)
Jodie Navarro: (Known since birth)

Matthew Navarro: (Met June 2004)
Kai met Matthew when they were both very young - Kai saw Matthew as lonely, so attempted to make friends. Somehow, this worked on Matthew, who was a very grumpy and antisocial child. After that moment, they've been bffs. They both had a very positive impact on each others life, and Kai was the first one Matthew came out to.
Their relationship has been filled with a few ups and downs. One quite significant time is when Kai was crushing on Matthew quite strongly - Kai knew nothing would come of it, so never spoke a word to him and made sure his behaviour was always appropriate. But Iona - Who Kai told, told Matthew - who was suddenly very uncomfortable about him and Kais relationship, and even felt emasculated in a way. But eventually, Kai got over Matthew, and Matthew got over the whole situation.
Martha Anderson: (Met November 2012)
Kai likes Martha a lot. He looks up to her as a role model and admires how set her heart is on making everybody's lives better. He liked Martha from the moment they met - and even found her quite attractive, and they're very good friends to this day.
Addison Ellis: (Met November 2012)
The moment Kai met Addison, he found them quite scary, unsettled by their tense, annoyed behaviour and clear dislike of everyone and everything around them. Over time, he noticed them being slightly more friendly to him - he came to the conclusion they were simply very shy, and needed time to come out of their shell.
After the global timeskip, Kai noticed Addisons change in behaviour - they were significantly more pleasant to be around, and Kai thought that their behaviour bordered on even being flirty. He quickly told himself to stop being so immodest and stop looking for things that weren't there.
However, it wasn't too long after this that Addison asked Kai on a date.
Kai was very surprised - but it was a thoroughly pleasant surprise.
Addison and Kai are very close. Neither could imagine being without the other.
Sylvi Dee: (Met November 2012)
He's scared of her, put simply. He finds her simultaneously mysterious, but also very involved with everything. Whenever she speaks to him directly, he begins to panic, not really knowing why. He feels that she could singlehandedly ruin his entire world with a few words, however impossible that may seem. He's probably right.
Dakota Laney: (Met June 2019)
Dakota and Kai's mutually shy natures meant that the two spoke very little in the first two weeks they knew each other, and it continued like this until Dakota moved to England permanently. After that, the two saw so much more of each other, and he finds her very sweet, and genuine. He feels sorry for her for having such an awful family - and hopes that he and the rest of the group can make a satisfactory alternative. They're both good friends.
Charlie Navarro: (Met July 2004)
Kai and Charlie are friends - they've both known each other a long time, but both feel a little awkward around each other - their personalities aren't very compatible and never have been.
Iona Jacobs: (Met April 2002)
Iona was a family friend he met when they were both very young - the stepdaughter of his dads old friend. She was a terrible influence on him the moment they met, pressuring him to do things he didn't want to and mocking his shy, gentle nature. All the same, Kai liked Iona - he felt more confident when he was with her, and she introduced him to a fascinating world way too mature for their age group. Iona suggested they start a band together. What started as a pair of children fooling about with a guitar and a remote control became a lot more as the years passed.
Scott 'Scoot' Palmer: (Met December 2006)
He knows him - they slept together a few times, but Kai found Scoot far too hard to read for him to be comfortable having an actual relationship with him.

Martha Anderson: (Met July 2010)
Addison had been wandering the streets - as they often used to do, when they heard a girl shouting from across the road. They instantly recognised her as one of the bitchy girls from their previous school, but something about her seemed different, and she was clearly upset - holding little more than a suitcase and screaming at a closed door.
Addison's curiosity got the better of them, and once she left, they followed her all the way to the canal. They eventually approached Martha - who was sobbing her little heart out on the edge of the water.
They both spoke - the longest conversation Addison had had with anybody since their mother had died. Eventually, Martha ended up staying the night at Addison's impressive house.
They've been inseparable ever since - the first friend Addison had had since their mother. 

Matthew Navarro: (Met September 2012)
When Matthew started spending time with Martha and hanging out with their group, Addison completely and entirely despised him. He reminded them of the typical boys who harassed them in the past and constantly acted like he had something to prove. On top of this, Addison was very defensive and even possessive of Martha, and they were jealous enough as it was about her relationship with Sylvi. 
So Addison hated him and his increasingly frequent relevance in their life. It went as far that on one day when Martha was off sick, Addison approached him after school and threatened him, telling him to piss off or else. Matthew payed no notice.
Then Keystone happened.
At first Addison hated him more than ever, but soon managed to tolerate his presence - despite a few blips here and there. As more time passed and the situation got more intense, Addison spoke to him more - and while most of the things they said to each other were still unpleasant at best, they had a mutually jokey relationship. You could even call them friends.
Afterwards, they are now closer than ever, and understand that while it might not seem it on the surface - they have a whole lot in common.
Sylvi Dee: (Met September 2010)
When Martha told Addison she was going on a date with a girl from school, it was Addison's worst nightmare. They trusted nobody other than Martha and was convinced Sylvi had some sort of ulterior motive. As you may expect, Addison treated Sylvi with hostility and hatred from the moment they met. But Martha wouldn't stand for this, and always defended Sylvi. Addisons standoffish approach was hardly helped by Sylvis argumentative, defensive nature.
At first, they would simply hang out with Martha while Sylvi wasn't around, but soon it seemed as though Martha was always with Sylvi. Addison was forced to tolerate her.
After Keystone, Addison was nicer to Sylvi, but they still never clicked, and probably never will.
All the same, they're still friends, and get on for the most part.
Iyalah: (Met August 2013)
Addison and Iyalahs first meeting wasn't exactly promising - a sudden and violent altercation based on a misunderstanding. 
Soon after, their opinion of her somehow managed to fall even lower - a crazed, deformed, delusional woman living in the woods. Addison immedietely ignored everything she said, brushing it off as mad ramblings. They were frustrated and not sure why. 
Despite this, Addison gladly accepted Iyalahs gift to them - a long black spear she herself used to fight with.
In the following week, Addison was begrudgingly impressed by Iyalahs knowledge as she lended her assistance when Addison met a potentially dangerous situation. 
After this, they began carrying around the talkie she gave them - having very complicated and conflicted feelings about the strange woman.
Addison took a lot longer than the other two to warm to Iyalah, and perhaps didn't have the connection to her that they did. But all the same, Addison has a deep respect for Iyalah, and certainly looks up to her in many ways, including as a motherly figure.
Charlie Navarro: (Met May 2016)
Addison knows Charlie, and they could maybe be called acquaintances. Addison finds Charlie insultingly stupid, but gets a strange sense of amusement from talking to the man. They almost find his unconventional ways quite endearing. Addison grew a lot more fond of Charlie over time.
Dakota Laney: (Met June 2019)
Addison likes Dakota a lot. They feel almost protective of her - which is a very unusual feeling for Addison to have towards somebody other than Martha. They always try to give her the same advice they would give themself, even if it usually seems harsh. Dakota finds Addison and their advice frightening, and doesn't tend to speak back to them a lot - but they're both good friends.
Kai London: (Met November 2012)
Addison had a crush on Kai the moment they met him - which, at that time of their life, was horrifying to Addison. Addison found the idea of finding someone attractive humiliating and a sign of weakness, and they tried to avoid him as much as possible as a result of this. However, next thing Addison knew, their concentration had lapsed and suddenly they were going out of their way to see him - hanging out with everyone a lot more often because they knew Kai would be there. They would even compliment his guitar skills from time to time, and while this wasn't too unusual to him, the others noticed - especially Sylvi, who could spot Addisons attraction a mile away. Kai found Addison mysterious and a little frightening - but more than anything else, he found them interesting.
Then Keystone happened, and while he was absent, Addison managed to distract themself with the more pressing matters at hand.
But afterwards, the feelings were back stronger than ever, spending only more and more time together, now considering each other a good friend. Kai would try to teach Addison bass on the weekends - while Addison attempted to stop themself blushing as his large hands caressed their own.
Eventually, Addison confessed their feelings to Kai - with a lot of strong encouragement from Sylvi and Martha. Kai responded positively and they've been a couple ever since.
G: (Met December 2013)
When Addison met G, it was in the midst of a quite grave situation - but Addison still couldn't help but be surprised and fascinated by them. It was at this moment they fully came to terms with the situation that they were all in, fully knowing it as truth.
But more so that that, Addison was interested about G's clear lack of gender and their appearance in general - as they came from a race entirely sexless and totally separate from any concepts of gender, Addison was desperate to know more.
Addison and G had many long, rambling conversations long into the night during the 2 weeks they and Martha stayed with them. G liked to talk, and Addison was more than inclined to listen. Addison especially, felt a deep connection to G - and even after they and Martha left, Addison had long conversations over their talkie. G told Addison everything they could possibly want to know.
However, this all came to an abrupt end when Addison was taken by Ananke.
During the rescue mission, G was killed by him, and Addison was left mourning, and stricken by guilt. They were affected severely by it - both from their experience and G's death.
Of course, due to Addisons nature, this was something they didn't show - really, the only one who could tell how much Addison was hurting was Martha.
Due to everything that happened, Addison was incredibly, incredibly close to abandoning the trio and living secluded by themself - the most, if not the only time they'd seriously considered the idea.
Ananke: (Met July 2015)
The first time Addison actually met Ananke, he knocked them out and kidnapped them, keeping them chained to a wall underneath his base in Iceland.
It was the most horrifying experience of Addison's life, and one that haunted them for years after. They were in a horribly weak mental state, and Ananke would mock and patronise them, occasionally turning to physical violence in his useless attempts to turn them over to his side.
Eventually, Addison was freed by the others, but not without a huge cost.
Later on in the story, Addison kills Ananke - mere seconds longer and Martha would probably have met the same fate as Ananke did - stabbed and thrown off the edge of a rocky cliff, crashing into the canyon below.
They're not friends.
Iona Jacobs:  (Met January 2013)
Addison doesn't know her that well, but can't stand her. They don't consider her to have a single positive quality...and they're probably right.
Addison has played violin and the occasional very amateur bass for her band, but they never become a permanent member.

Matthew Navarro: (Known since birth)
Charlie cares very deeply for his younger brother. He gets a lot of satisfaction from irritating him, but knows he's never seriously annoyed. Nevertheless, Charlie sometimes worries that Matthew doesn't care for Charlie the way he does for him (He's wrong).
Above all else, Charlie is very defensive over him. He wouldn't hesitate to punch a transphobe in the face (And yes, he has).
Other than that, they have a pretty typical jokey brotherly relationship. They argued more as kids, but nowadays, their relationship is relaxed and a little bit silly.
Martha Anderson: (Met February 2013)
The first time Charlie met Martha, he thought she was Matthews girlfriend. He was swiftly corrected.
Martha and Charlie are actually quite good friends - while he probably wouldn't meet her separate of Matthew, he always gets on with her and they have a lot of good memories together.

Addison Ellis: (Met May 2016)
Charlie knows Addison, and they could maybe be called acquaintances. Both are very clearly opposite kinds of people. Charlie is kinda scared of Addison, but never lets on. Similarly to Sylvi, he's amused by their reactions to the things he says.
Sylvi Dee: (Met May 2013)
Charlie hardly knows Sylvi, but he finds her quite spooky and fascinating. He's amused by her reactions to the things he says.
Scott 'Scoot' Palmer: (Met July 2005)
Charlie and Scoot are very close. They met at school and begun hanging out together, both feeling a little like outcasts. Neither of them acted in a particularly conventional way, and this was a big thing they managed to bond over. Charlie and Scoots relationship has developed over the years, and they now feel bonded for life. They're definitely friends with benefits, but it could easily turn into something more...
Dakota Laney: (Met June 2019)
Charlie likes Dakota a lot - he thinks she's perfect for Matthew and finds her shy demeanour sweet and likeable. They always get on, even if Dakota is a little intimidated by Charlie at first. Charlie is nothing but completely open and friendly to Dakota, and later on, views her in quite a sisterly way.
Kai London: (Met July 2004)
Charlie and Kai are friends - they've both known each other a long time, but both feel a little awkward around each other - their personalities aren't very compatible. Charlie has had a crush on Kai as long as he can remember, and is always just a little shy in his presence.
Iona Jacobs: (Met August 2007)
She's just the singer of his brothers band to him. Doesn't really know her. Doesn't want to. She's goddamn scary.
Lisa Navarro: (Known since birth)
Jodie Navarro: (Known since birth)

Martha Anderson
(Met August 2013)
Iyalah is very protective over Martha. Her being the leader of her cycles trio means that Iyalah feels dutiful towards her - both because of the rules she's been following, and because she projects her feelings about Eeilai onto Martha, to a certain extent. However, over time, Iyalah begins to respect Martha as her own person as well, realising just how unique a human being she is. 
Martha shows Iyalah a completely new way of living, making Iyalah feel like a person again - something she almost forgot how to do.  They have a mentor-student-like relationship. Iyalah feels as though she owes so much to Martha - for everything she did for the world, and for everything she did for Iyalah, personally.
Even after Iyalah leaves, hardly a day goes by without her thinking of Martha and everything she did.
Addison Ellis:  (Met August 2013)
Iyalah didn't have the most ideal first encounter with Addison. In fact, their opinions of each other were rather low until a good few months of knowing each other. Iyalah, initially, saw Addison as a reckless fool, with their heart in the right place, but doomed for failure. Addison was the first to really consider Iyalah a motherly figure, mostly due to their lack of one during their teenage years - something they were looking for, so found it.
Iyalah didn't quite bond with Addison the way she did the other two, but all the same, the two are very close.
Matthew Navarro:  (Met August 2013)
Iyalah's relationship with Matthew started as a very negative one. She hated him, the moment they met
Ananke: (Known an incredibly long time)
G: (Known an incredibly long time)


Posted 6 years, 7 months ago by cumuluscrow

Charlie: 15th of February 1991 ♒

Dakota:  19th of April 1997 ♈

Martha: 12th of May 1996 ♉

Addison: 6th of June 1996 ♊

Sylvi: 29th of June 1996 ♋

Kai: 14th of September 1993 ♍

Matthew: 29th of October 1995 ♏