Sunken District

Sunken District

Baby's First Campaign


Noachis is a self-contained city by the Sea of Fallen Stars perched at the edge of a ragged cliff.  At the very edge of town there once was a temple for the Mysticeti, an entity of immense power that exists on the Material Plane as a whale with limited land mobility.  It resided in Noachis for thousands of years, giving its energy to the people in exchange for their protection and prayers.  As the University grew in prestige it began to overstep its boundaries, taking more from the Mysticeti than it could give back.  The Worship of Mysticeti priestesses approached the University and demanded they dial back their experiments.  Not only did the University rebuff their requests, they sent the Guard to seize the Mysticeti from the protection of the Worship.  The Worship was quickly overpowered, not suited for battle.  In a desperate attempt of self-preservation, the Mysticeti broke the Temple off of the cliff and plunged it into the water, creating a protective barrier around it and relocating it under the ocean.

The Sunken District has been hidden away deep under the ocean for almost a hundred years and its resources are beginning to dwindle.  As time goes on the Mysticeti, using its powers to keep its people alive, gets weaker and weaker, and time is running out.


University President

Professor Cetus E. Rafferty

A determined man who is good at spinning things into working in his favor thanks to his amicable nature and excellent debate skills. Despite his nefarious roots Cetus genuinely does want to use his power and knowledge to help people... he just finds it very easy to justify his wrongs.


Selah Sheehan

While she is generally congenial because it is convenient when dealing with others, she can be extremely blunt and come across as rude and condescending to those who don’t know her personality. She hopes to cultivate her powers enough to be noticed by the Great Old Ones from whom she draws her power.

Gang Leader


An old and influential gang leader. Notorious didn’t get where he is on luck. He knows how to manipulate weak-minded folk and has the skill with weapons to enforce his position. He knows everything that goes on in Noachis and doesn’t like when people encroach on his territory.

Supporting Characters



Barnaby Bastion Bartholomew Brook

A young and excitable new Wizard, Barnaby holds great potential but lacks focus. He hopes to gather the world’s knowledge within himself and inspire a love of learning in others. Because he is new to the town, Barnaby is unaware of the true nature of the University. He studies under Rafferty but works better under his assistant Selah who tempers both Rafferty’s snippy nature and Barnaby’s excitability.


August Sorrell

A little brash and very jovial, she adores her job and loves helping people. Cuts a break for poorer folk by healing off the books. Married to the blacksmith, niece of her former Master. She was a bit of a rascal as a child and, in an attempt to rein her in, her parents apprenticed her to a florist in her hometown of Ft. Orbyn. She became more interested in the healing properties of plants rather than their beauty.


Estefany Sorrell

Most reputable blacksmith in the upper district of Noachis. Her wife runs the apothecary. Quiet and diligent, she is a worker who goes out of her way to make sure customers are satisfied. She came from the humble city of Ft. Orbyn on the edges of King’s Forest, and learned her craft arming soldiers purging the forest of orcs. Her skill with metal-working led her to the up-and-coming technological wonder of the country.



Sophronia is extremely dedicated to her work but doesn't let it overtake her. She is amiable and bubbly, though she finds it hard to connect to other beings either due to her race or her hyperfixations. She enjoys Noachis for its wealth of opportunities and resources. She often works herself a bit too hard but will always make time to see old friends or help out a colleague.

Gang Leader


Knuckles, once the crime boss of a large port town, fled to the nearby city of Noachis to scrape out a new living after being ousted by a newly reinvigorated Guard. He possesses immense physical strength and uses this to command respect from people beneath him - this is all he has to work with, however. Scheming and planning is not his forte, and this gives him trouble going up against the much more conniving and experienced mob boss Notorious.

Gang Leader


She is extremely cunning and stealthy and has zero impulse control. She uses her cute charms and quick wit to get in and out of trouble. She is utterly incapacitated by her greed and will do anything to make a quick buck, morality be damned. That being said, she will repay favors done unto her (if she’s in a good enough mood). She acts as the “brains” of Knuckles’ operation, but her immaturity can be a hindrance to her own plans.

Sunken District

High Priestess


Alba is one of the younger priestesses of the Worship and is steadily losing faith in the power of the Mysticeti. She feels as if the Mysticeti does not possess power sufficient to raising them again and they must seek help from another source, or abandon the Mysticeti altogether and find a way to escape themselves.

High Priestess


The High Priestess of the Worship, Aubade is the closest thing to an authority in the Sunken District besides the spirit of the Mysticeti. Aubade spends most of her time meditating or praying by the remains of the Mysticeti in hopes that it will provide guidance to solve their predicament under the waves.




Once a humble river fisherman, Clam found it more profitable to sell the trinkets he dredged up from the river. Once that ran dry he took to pickpocketing and eventually stealing. After a run-in with a terrifying sea monster wrecked his ship and killed his crew, Clam found a strange city under the waves with plenty of interesting artifacts to pawn at the coastal cities. With his makeshift dinghy Clam paddles in to shore, sells his wares, and hides out in a cavern just beyond the sunken city.



A fool-hardy and extroverted swashbuckler who is all about the flair and heroism of pirating. He became a pirate more for the romance of it all rather than the riches... but the riches aren't a bad side effect. He is a strong swordfighter but tends to rush in without thinking ahead.



A young adult who finds herself ousted from society where ever she goes, thus finally deciding to live on the seas as a pirate amongst other misfits. She is very sharp-witted and acts as the level-headed one of the group more often than not.  She is not very adept at fighting.

Coding by celestiials