

By using any of the codes posted on this account, you agree to follow these Terms of Use. If you violate the terms, you may be blocked and have your access to the codes revoked.

  1. Do not use these codes for commercial purposes.
  2. Do not remove the credit. You may move it, but don't remove it entirely or make it impossible to find.
  3. Do not redistribute. This means do not take the raw code, re-upload it somewhere else, send it to a friend via DM, etc. if you want to show the code to someone else, link my original upload.
  4. You may edit these codes and combine them with other codes as you like, but the result is still subject to these terms unless you only used one or two lines.

need help?

Sorry, I don't provide support for my F2U codes anymore. If you've bought a P2U code from me, though, feel free to DM for assistance.

If you can't get a code working, try:

html f2u code bootstrap colors coders quarters safehouse tabs custom colors collapse p2u pwyw character profile pokemon tvtropes rp meme