LotL: Ion

LotL: Ion

【Land of the Lustrous Spinoff】

Made by TheClockworkKid



This place is a message... and part of a system of messages... pay attention to it!

Sending this message was important to us. We considered ourselves to be a powerful culture.

This place is not a place of honor... no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here... nothing valued is here.

What is here was dangerous and repulsive to us. This message is a warning about danger.

The danger is in a particular location... it increases towards a center... the center of danger is here... of a particular size and shape, and below us.

The danger is still present, in your time, as it was in ours.

The danger is to the body, and it can kill.

The form of the danger is an emanation of energy.

The danger is unleashed only if you substantially disturb this place physically. This place is best shunned and left uninhabited.


LotL: Ion is a fan made spinoff of the Land of the Lustrous series, taking place on an island much separate and isolated from the canon one. The island features much more hostile terrain, with harsher weather conditions. To the West is a protected forested area, unexplored. To the East is the wasteland where the Gems live. The ground is heavily toxic in the East, due to the remains of a nuclear power plant. Because of this, all the Gems are on some level radioactive.

The land

The island that the Gems live on is more star or sun shaped, with the Eastern side being where the Gems reside. The Eastern half of the island is mainly desert and harsher terrain with rugged mountains trailing from the west, while the Western half has high sharper mountains around the coast that protect it from the harsh weather so that it can prosper a little more. Most of the Gems are too dangerous to venture into the Western half as they’ve realized that they damage organic life more than it already is if they get too close or touch it. Only Blue Topaz and Green Diamond are capable of spending limited amount of time there without causing damage, and usually only venture there to gather resources not available in the desert or dry beds. Not much of it is explored or known in detail because of this, but it is known that the Valley is overgrown with plant life and some smaller creatures.

The Eastern half is well known surface wise, and ruined structures from humans can be seen emerging from the ground. Although their original purposes are unknown to the Gems, they refer to several structures by name such as the Residence (three square boxed buildings arranged in a U shape that the Gems live in), the Towers (large cylindrical structures with high vantage points that tend to gather the rainwater at the bottom), the Heavens Observatory (a building close to Residence that contains Astrocyanite’s work with the storage housing in the bottom levels where Ianthinite can be found), along with other structures and landmarks.

The weather can become extreme, and rainy weather is considered dangerous to the Gems as it is mainly acid rain. High winds can severely impact work so are scheduled as off days. Although the summers can become severely warm and bright, the only one to have ill effect to this is Chernobylite who has to maintain a cooler temperature. Winters are strange as it is also an extreme with temperatures dropping very low and winds continuing to be high, but the radiation kept up in the Residence is able to keep it from otherwise freezing over inside. Curite has tried on many occasions to have work continue during these months but has been unsuccessful. Only Chernobylite is able to stay up as their molten core keeps them warm and gives off light.

The radiation from the island and extreme weathers are often too dangerous for Sky Guardians (Lunarians) which is why they appear less frequently. This has also allowed the Radioactive Gems to focus on advancement.

Clothing And Technology

Unlike the canon Gems, these Gems only have one outfit style. They don’t have shoes or gloves or any accessories except in their hair generally. The outfit is made of (beige) hemp cloth and is rather thick. The outfits are closed by crossing them over the chest and tying it on the right side. This is all due to the Gems not having a fashion centred Gem like Red Beryl so opt for simplicity.

The Radioactive Gems are a bit more advanced in technology than the canon Gems, as their science is. Their physics and chemistry are probably the most advanced. This is seen in their weaponry, with momentum and far range weapons are used like bow and arrows. They have discovered fire and are in the beginning stages of electricity. This is mainly due to artifacts that Pitchblende has discovered and pieced together.

Unlike the canon Gems, their biological knowledge is lacking mainly due to not being able to go near it. They are unaware that they contain microorganisms. They are partially aware of a life and death cycle, but biological functions such as eating is foreign to them.

They are currently attempting to decode the ancient creatures’ texts and why the symbols vary so much, and eventually learning to know what it means in hopes of answers to the meaning of their existence and where they came from.


Mother is what her name suggests, a mother figure to the Gems. She is currently dormant and has been for quite a while with no signs of waking up. This leaves the Gems to fend for themselves and find their own answers.


The beginning history is blurry at best as the oldest one (Trinitite) has impurities that cause their memory to falter greatly. The second oldest (Chernobylite) was too dangerous to even be in the same room as and was in isolation for centuries in an unstable mess before finally cooling down.

From what can be gathered however,

• Mother found the Gems (Trinitite and Chernobylite) and created a residence for them out of the ruined structures that exist on the island. Only Trinitite was kept in there as Chernobylite was too dangerous at the time. Mother teaches Trinitite speech and discovers that Trinitite is radioactive.

•Monazite emerges. Sky Guardians have appeared but only in passing. Mother begins teaching the Gems more than speech.

•Thorianite emerges. Sky Guardians have appeared to become more aggressive at this point. Mother protects the Gems from them.

•Pitchblende emerges, quickly befriending Thorianite as the two display more playfulness and curiosity than previous Gems. Mother begins teaching chemistry.

•Sky Guardians are attacking the island. Most of the Gems are capable of taking up arms and attempt to assist Mother in fending them off. Thorianite and Pitchblende have started digging up artifacts which Mother mentions that it belonged to the creatures that used to reside on the land.

•Curite and Autunite emerge. Mother sees how fragile Autunite is and attempts to develop better weapons to protect them.

•During down times, Mother tells the Gems what jobs they could pick up to help each other and figure things out. She emphasizes helping.

•Ianthinite emerges. Another fragile Gem. Chernobylite is finally cooled down enough to be safe around others.

•Green Diamond emerges. Mother comments that they are made up of the hardest material and that Green will be able to protect the others.

•Monazite is abducted. Partially due to Green Diamond’s negligence.

•Mother doesn’t wake up and the Gems are left to figure things out on their own suddenly. There is chaos and panic in attempts to wake her up but all attempts up to the present for them have failed and Mother continues to rest in silence in a kneeling position in her room. Curite takes up the lead and begins to give orders to stop the chaos.

•Verrite emerges. The Gems are left to teach Verrite how to speak and other things.

•Thorianite and Pitchblende are able to focus heavily into science and history, theories begin developing on how things work. Texts are found.

•Autunite becomes greatly upset over Mother and towards others, mainly for not being able to do anything. Their consequent impulsivity leads to them being shattered and abducted. Verrite becomes engrossed in protecting other Gems from shattering.

•Thorianite’s focuses lean towards the Sky Guardians now while Pitchblende continues to figure out the creatures of the past. Thorianite theorizes that the Sky Guardians may have something to do with the ancient creatures. They figure out how their weapons work and design their own weapons for the Gems using similar methods. Thorianite recalls Mother saying the Sky Guardians are lost souls.

•Blue Topaz emerges. The second hardest Gem who is able to place the egotistical Green Diamond down.

•Thorianite decides that speaking with the Sky Guardians to figure out what they want and why they’re attacking might have better results than constantly attacking.

•Thorianite is abducted.

•Cygnusite emerges. The Gems have a hard time keeping track of them.

•Astrocyanite emerges. Shows a fascination with the sky, especially the nighttime. Others fear that Astro will become the next Thorianite and be abducted, but Astro’s interest is mainly in the science of the universe. Along with Pitchblende, they develop a telescope prototype that eventually improves over time with each new design.

•Ekanite emerges. Quickly learns speech but otherwise proves hard to control.

•Vicanite emerges. Is the youngest currently and has currently mastered speech. Curite is trying to find them a job and get them learning other things but Vicanite may be more difficult than Ekanite as the two bicker.

The history might change if other Gems are added (and could be added) it’s a rough estimate.



Hardness: N/A

Leader and caretaker, she is currently dormant.



Hardness: 5.5

Eldest Gem with memory issues due to impurities.



Hardness: 7.5

Second eldest with a highly unstable body and molten core.



Hardness: 5.5

They were born without legs and were made prosthetic ones out of neodymium. Abducted.



Hardness: 7

Inventor and scientist who likes styling their hair. They were abducted.



Hardness: 6

Inventor, archeologist, and scientist.



Hardness: 5

Self declared leader while Mother is dormant. They are very strict.



Hardness: 2.5

An incredibly weak Gem that eventually snapped when Mother went dormant and got abducted.



Hardness: 3

Another weak Gem, they're often forgotten about in the archives.


Green Diamond

Hardness: 10

An overconfident Gem due to their high hardness.



Hardness: 4

Nervous about losing others and ends up overprotective.


Blue Topaz

Hardness: 8

The only who can stand up to Green Diamond's cockiness.



Hardness: 6.5

They're calm over panicky things and panic over calm things.



Hardness: 2.5

An astronomer, they need to be escorted around due to their weak nature.



Hardness: 4.5

Enjoys chaos and disorder.



Hardness: 6

Youngest, they seem to ignore consequences and choose violence.

Code by Aurorean

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