Grimoire Foundation

A folder containing subjects and employees of the Grimoire Foundation 

The Grimoire Foundation, located in Ghostwood California, is an organization founded by Casper Grimoire in 1991 with the intention of helping monsters. The Grimoire Foundation offers a variety of services, first and foremost being housing to monsters displaced from their homes. Other services include medical treatment and research and rehabilitation services. 

Monster classifications 

H, Humanoid: Monsters who can be described as having mostly recognizable human features to the point where it is possible to mistake them for humans at a glance (Ex: Sawyer) Think: If a human could replicate their appearance effectively with makeup and costume alone, they are humanoid 

SH, Semi Humanoid: Monsters wherein they could not be mistaken for humans, but do share some basic physical similarities, such as general body structure, facial features, etc. (Ex: Apophis) Think: If a human would need special effects to replicate their appearance effectively, they are semi-humanoid 

B, Beast: Monsters who are fully nonhuman and generally more closely resemble animals in body structure or features but are still distinguishable from actual animals (Ex: Pannacotta

A, Amorphous: Monsters who do not have any recognizable human nor animal features whatsoever (Ex: A sentient ball of slime) 

SS, Shapeshifting: Monsters who can change their form, either on command or on a natural cycle, and thus cannot be pinned down to any of the above (Ex: Fenris

Disclaimer: While some popular media and old folklore may be used as a basis for these stories or characters, a lot will be changed and the details about the monsters and their origins won't exactly line up with the pre-existing myths and stories about them