
When the Chained Oblivion threatens to drag all of reality to void and ruin, only those blessed by the wills of the gods themselves stand a chance at stopping him. Or in kicking down the very gates that hold him back. Tharizdun has his Chosen in play too after all. And not every soul touched by the gods wants to listen to their call.

[ The Chosen OCs are all currently active or heavily tied to the campaign DND:Chosens ft. in QDND ]

DND AAA paladin warlock tiefling human bard rogue NPC triton elf aasimar sorcerer artificer druid fighter monk cleric half elf dnd blood hunter drow Sona hexblood mystic Cloki dhampir marvel tabaxi warforged barbarian genasi vampire CoG goliath changeling aarakocra wizard