hiatus info

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by sugarvamgar

about the cyllenian's future, i've been considering bringing them back with some fundamental changes, but it'll take a while for me to actually get around to it due to personal events.
most likely what would happen is an entire overhaul on;

1. how it's run
2. maybe no longer having it be a closed species
3. loosening up the group rules in general
4. reworking how the species itself works, along with adding more worldbuilding
5. redrawing the guide rule sheet
6. ...maybe making it so they don't need to be transmasc.

as much as i loved how the cyllenians functioned, along with slightly using them as an experiment of sorts, it'd be better to be realistic about this - them requiring being transmasc was not doing them any favours. i made them trans to encourage the creation of transmasc ocs and being more creative in making them, as most people make transmasc characters as a Cis Guy with a Binder/Top Surgery Scars or a scruffy emo kid in a hoodie. While those character designs are by no means bad, they're certainly.. significantly overdone?
in all honesty, i got quite a bit of people contacting me about that.
they did not like that i wanted the characters to be trans. frankly, it was half the reason i went on hiatus. it didn't feel great to get yelled at about something as harmless as this. unfortunate naivety on my part, i guess.

although i will admit, i certainly didn't actually give the cyllenians enough of a chance before shutting down, but half of that can be blamed on a mental health dip that i didn't recognize was happening before it was too late.

tldr; cyllenians will most likely come back at some unspecified point, albeit with significant changes.
thanks for being here, still.


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