Update : Feburary 11

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by AmkiTakk

I've decided to make new bulletins summarizing the changes I make to characters. Why? Because I felt like my current system doesn't let people know when I make significant changes to my characters and lore, and it's a good way to let people know that 1) there was a change and 2) what was changed.

Also I just really like changelogs, sue me.

10.02.23 changelog :

Corrupted Land :

- Sec : redesigned, edited the color palette to match new design, new image

11.02.23 changelog :

Unspecified :

- Added species tags to most characters (currently missing : tags for the Kitsunes, who I'm debating whether to tag as "spirit" or "canine")


- Added species tags

- Moved Shô (was previously in the "Unspecified" folder, actual character sheet still needs to be redone)

Corrupted Land :

- Added species tags

- Kellerys, Korall, Ruo'lian : revamped CSS and bio


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