
Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by iinkt

The 28th is the last day for the Lovely event!

Make sure to spend or convert your remaining Rose Petals to Scales, if you would like to. You can convert them by filling out the form on your Rose Petal Collection, so long as you have a Treasury Account! We'll round up for odd numbers.

As an additional reminder, here are the shops you can purchase from!

Lacey's Parlor - MYO Shop
Penrose's Market - Treasury/Item Shop
Sebastian's Gallery - Art Shop

Also, there's only one more day to enter the Discord Emote Contest!

Lastly, if you have any input for our event, be sure to fill out our Lovely Event Feedback form to receive 5 Lovely Remnants! Any and all input helps us out, so be sure to leave a comment!


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