May 2023: Wake Up

Posted 1 year, 21 days ago by Celest

What prompt reward system do people prefer?

3 Votes The current system, where you get a flat reward for a clean halfbody sketch, then a flat bonus for doing extra. (No math needed, consistent rewards)
7 Votes A more Art Fight style reward system, where each level of "finish" nets you a different reward. (More complex, but greater rewards for higher effort.) (View the proposed scaling in the bulletin.)
0 Votes Something else (Leave a comment!)

Illustration.pngArt - makkiatokun 

Desire Spread Like Whispers

The dream that had Enchiron in a chokehold seems to have faded as senselessly as it began. Many have revived memories of places they once forgot, regrettably or not, and many have ached, waking with yearning in their heart. 

A precious few, however, have found their way somewhere else.

They followed the voice that promised them a reprieve from the darkness; they made it out of the forest; and they found themself standing before a singular theriad caravan, alone in a clearing. The harnesses to pull it were empty, rigid in the merciless air. It was plain, for a caravan: all natural, unpainted wood, with only accents painted in accenting silver swirls. The wood creaked as the dreamers approached, and then the mahogany shutters opened. An assortment of items hung from hooks--a fading rose, a tarnished locket, a crumbling snakeskin, a rusted mirror, and a perfect, flawless blank mask--and you could see even more things, countless piles of things, piled up in the empty space around the figure that came to fill the window.

A lion theriad smiled--though a silvery glint of scales slithered in the air behind them.

"So, you found me. How was the journey, was it far? Was it long? Ah, don't give me that look. I know why you're here. Come, take a look, and tell me: what's been haunting you?"


Erstwhile's shop is now open.

Ianthina Launch Coming Soon

Our next major event is coming up! If all goes well, you can expect it within the next week. We'll announce the launch here too, of course, but check out the interest check to help support the launch and get an extra ticket into the free raffles we'll be running! You can also get a first look at the trait sheet and what activities we'll be having!

Special Prompts + Poll

There was no May prompt so efforts could be focused on the shop opening and ianthina launch, but we do have two special prompts now open:

Wiki Submissions: Draw or write something for our wiki to receive double the reward.

Free Choice: Any art/writing you do, even if it doesn't fit a prompt, now earns a reward for half the Memories of an active prompt.

We are also considering updating the way prompts are compensated. Currently, you receive a flat 2 Memories as a base submission, with an optional +3 for a little extra level of finish. The proposed system is more gradated, akin to Art Fight, and can be viewed here.

Please vote on the poll at the top of the bulletin and leave any further thoughts on this in the comments of this bulletin for our consideration.

(Also, reminder that our prompts never fully close. You can always submit to previous prompts after the fact for half the Memories.)

World Updates

Our People page now features a beautiful scene of a Sayilan marketplace courtesy of flickermouse. As Sayil is our melting pot, the place where you can find every species, it will showcase each species as they're released, and you can currently see both caelians and humans within it, preparing for the day.

You also may have noticed, we've updated the world code! All the text is the same, but we've removed the CSS (as some folks were having trouble with it) and completely rehauled the front page. Check it out!

Lore Updates

Over the past month, the lore has been steadily growing. You can now read about international relations in Dolsia and see how Dolsians typically relate to others in this world.

If there's any lore topic you want to see more on sooner, feel free to ask in the comments below!

Open Adopts

These adopts remain available for adoption! Comment on the profiles to arrange a claim! 



$20 | $20 

                                   Syunthia_Base_-_GA_Chibi_1.png Syunthia_Base_-_GA_Chibi_2.png

$30 | $30



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