Sinfonia personality quiz 2.0

Posted 4 years, 19 days ago by Caine


NEW AND IMPROVED with 18 questions and 11 results!

This one includes characters from Claude’s inner circle who will play a bigger role in the full version of the game!! Laurent sadly doesn't have his bio up here yet but the rest do!


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Thank you for taking it !!! < 3 

And I'm happy to hear that; I tried really hard to make the kind of test that would be kind of universal to take and what would really reflect the characters themselves!! I also noticed that checking your top three and what they all have in common is in most cases fitting for people too, so I highly recommend checking the top three out of your test! That, or alternately checking if you got a tie between characters bc that often happens especially with Claude-Walter and Jet-Thomas :3c

I GOT JET and that desc seems apt... good quiz!!

also thank you for introducing me to quotev bc omg i was using uquiz before and quotev actually lets you use enter spaces on the results page?! the text size isn't massive so it doesn't make two-sentence answers look like textwalls?! it lets you see ties and whatnot (this is a SOLID iso round-up of good boys) without having to go through your results page and tally things up manually?!?! i'll have to see if it has limitations compared to uquiz but it seems so good...

Thank YOU for taking the test!! AND YES I VASTLY PREFER QUOTEV especially bc of the tie thing, sometimes it makes all the difference to see which other result you might have gotten. In this quiz's case a lot of people have gotten a tie between walter-claude and thomas-jet bc they're super similar people but also have some key differences that might click better than the automatically given result. 

Got Jonathan! Very accurate too. ^^

Glad to hear that!! :3c

Got Thomas Acker!! This is pretty accurate haha

I also want to make personality quizzes with my ocs!! Just struggling with what question I should put in them.   

I'm glad to hear that!! >:3c

Personally I always love asking questions that reflect how the characters (and the people taking the quiz) would act or think in different situations, especially when it comes to moral questions or how they choose to socialize! They tend to reflect people more than the more trivial stuff like favorite color, although those simple little things are a fun sprinkle among the other stuff to not make it too tedious! But that's just how I personally like to do it haha!

Thanks for the help!     

Hopefully, some people will take my quiz haha

I'm sure they will!! People LOVE personality quizzes :3c

Can I link it to you when it's done?   

Of course!! 

1 Replies

I'm so weak for personality tests, I couldn't resist. I got Jonathan! I'd say that's pretty accurate overall. Thanks for making this!

You and me both omg I'm a sucker for tests. And thank YOU for taking it!! `v´9 

Turns out I'm Jet! My emotional intelligence is nonexistent, but otherwise pretty close.

The test also shows your other results so chances are if you don't necessarily ~ vibe ~ with the one you got you might have a tie/close second! 

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Thank YOU for taking your time to take it!! It always makes me happy when people tell me their results are spot on hehe 

I got Richard and honestly.... it's accurate :'D

You both have the powerful "catch these hands" aura.........

I MEAN you're very right 

Rick and I are the sharp blade of the sword tbh 😔🤙

i got Jonathan, pretty interesting 😯

I definitely consider him one of the best possible results one can get hehe 

i get........ kennith and it SUITS me

Ooh I'm glad if the test hit you right! >:3c