Comments on Sinfonia personality quiz 2.0 All Comments

I GOT JET and that desc seems apt... good quiz!!

also thank you for introducing me to quotev bc omg i was using uquiz before and quotev actually lets you use enter spaces on the results page?! the text size isn't massive so it doesn't make two-sentence answers look like textwalls?! it lets you see ties and whatnot (this is a SOLID iso round-up of good boys) without having to go through your results page and tally things up manually?!?! i'll have to see if it has limitations compared to uquiz but it seems so good...

Thank YOU for taking the test!! AND YES I VASTLY PREFER QUOTEV especially bc of the tie thing, sometimes it makes all the difference to see which other result you might have gotten. In this quiz's case a lot of people have gotten a tie between walter-claude and thomas-jet bc they're super similar people but also have some key differences that might click better than the automatically given result.