May 2024: Theriad Revelry! 🎉

Posted 30 days, 18 hours ago by Celest



Enchiron is a world made up of seven lands. First, we introduced you to caelians, residing in the Dolsian caverns. Then, you met the ianthina, of the icy waters of Olitskur, and in January, you learned of the masters of the mountaintops: the ignii. This month, the theriads arrive, a people of the fringes, always on the road.

Theriads have no homeland. Many still see them as little more than the descendants of scum, of people so hateful that even the World-Eater itself couldn't bear the sight of them and turned them into monsters, so their outside would match their in. But to far many more, theriads are family. They know the truth: the ancestors of theriads were blessed by the Life-Bringer, given the power to survive, thrive, and see all the wonders the world has to offer.

To this day, many theriads live as nomads. They travel in family clans in carved and painted caravans, and the thrum of their wheels form the pulse of the Heartstone Road, a well-trod path that connects all the countries of Enchiron. These theriads are merchants, messengers, shepherds, and weavers. They live among their flocks, and spin yarns from both wool and words.

Some, though, tire of life on the road. Theriad settlements fill borderlands. Some dare to eke out a living on the wild edges of Kimarel's untamed forests, while others brave the Frozen Wastes side by side with ianthina. No matter where these chimera settle, they make it their own.

Once a year, nomadic theriads celebrate Wealcan's Rest. The holiday is marked by the flight of Faerdem, one of Enchiron's oldest dragons, from her den in the Honeyed Valley. Without the Valley's ferocious guardian, the theriads are given a few weeks to gather and enjoy its bounty. This is the end of all theriad journeys, where they can celebrate each other and be together at last, before the cycle begins anew.

Wealcan's Rest is a time of reunion. Theriad caravans are small and movement between them is a common occurrence, so most theriads have friends, family, and even lovers spread across the land that they finally, finally get to see in person. It's a time of affection, adoration, indulgence, and many, many shared meals. The Honeyed Valley is full of delights for every sense, and resting theriads savor every moment in it.

This year, the highlight of the Rest is Sir Ana's Circus, an entertainment troupe of curiosities and acrobats exploding in popularity. Look for the circus tent in the center of the grounds, and join them for letter writing, bracelet weaving, and performances galore.

#lore heavy
#multi species
welcome myo giveaway

Follow the instructions in the link above to claim a FREE MYO slot to make an Enchiron character.

art writing prompt

The Honeyed Valley is full of every kind of treasure. How does your character indulge?

sale adopt design

Check out the lovely adopt we have for flatsale in the link above! Look here to see what other designs we have on offer.

game mad libs poetry

Legend holds theriads, rulers of romance, invented the love letter. Help bring new life to tired verse in this mad libs game.

game crafting art

Popular among children, these bracelets are said to hold magic in their weaving. Design one for someone you love.

raffle cute free

Suggest an outfit for our little guy to enter this free raffle! Expect more to happen as the month goes on.


This species is a labor of love, and I appreciate each and every one of you who joins us on this adventure!

Icons from FontAwesome 6
Artwork by Shikisei
Species and Lore by Celest


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