Willow Creek is a small town located in the Palto Region, bordering the towns of Spruceville and Folltrum. The town is drenched in culture, often standing in remembrance of the native peoples who resided in the grounds of the town long ago before they died off, leaving the land empty for new settlers and travelers. The town has become a packed yet sustainable breeding ground for all walks of person and lives. On the eastern side of Willow Creek, the Iron Oak Gated Community houses those wealthy enough to afford one of the many mansions. On the west of the town, factories and business thrive, all of which provide the citizens of Willow Creek with steady jobs as well. At the towns core, all of the essentials can be found. Restaurants, the hospital, police office, the Ballmart Supercenter and the Grey Neon Inn all fill the space, along with many houses and homes. The lives of youth are bolstered up at Willow Creek Elementary and Molly Ivy Secondary School, both located near the eastern end of town. On the western end, coated in the greenery of the Denver Cotton Forest, the Willow Creek Orphanage can be found. Currently it is home to 14 children, the number wavers often due to the many newlyweds who move into town. Through the western end of Willow Creek, the 757 cuts through town, providing easy access to the freeway. Notable small businesses that we'd like to recognize are: Crunchy Shale's, Tenacity's Diner and the Northcloud Hotel. Each of the three businesses were founded by residents of the town, and stand as proof of the ingenuity that lives within Willow Creek's borders. Willow Creek, a jam packed community that thrives in unity. Excerpt: Willow Creek Town Hall

As a town, Willow Creek did mean a lot to me, not necessarily in a good way. I try to steer my thoughts clear of the hellhole that was the orphanage. That place stomped the idea into my head that adults don't care about children, and that a kid without a parent is as good as garbage. Maybe I should have stayed there and played it out to the end, I regret those I had to leave behind there but I'll be damned if I ever set foot in that place again. Then there was Sanae's old factory, I had a few friends who lost fingers in that place. I'm lucky I have my full hands, all things considered. I guess most of my memories in that town were bad after I was fired because of that bastard Ethan himself, though I did have my share of good times, with Rem of course. I was lucky we met at that coffee shop when we did, I just barely managed to land that job and keeping it wasn't so easy, not for a kid like me. After I met Rem though, my time in Willow didn't last much longer. From then on we moved on to Remeia and never looked back until Cory was born. I'm glad I finally started writing these old memory diary things, even if nobody will read them it's nice getting my thoughts out in a place where they could be revisited someday. It's better than rambling to Scythe anyway, its always in one ear and out the other with that goof. ~ Excerpt: Memories Volume 1 by Cessa Somnium

In Universe Map of Willow Creek:
thetownofwillowcreek1.jpgWillow Creek is the main Neutralplane location where each Dreamleaper lives within The Twisted Reality. The town is small but packed with many citizens who all carry a friendly demeanor to them. The unspoken arrangement of the town is that Sarrossa Road separates the poorer and more run down western region from the eastern region of the town, which ranges from middle class to filthy rich.

Lore Relevant Map of Willow Creek:
Spook Somnium and Tombstone Morris at a bridge overlooking Sarrossa Road:75366759-CF68-444D-9BEB-5AE5493E600A_4.p

Characters originating from this location:
Spook Somnium
Fido Tenacity
Tombstone Morris
Cessa Somnium
Corydon Somnium

Characters inhabiting this location:
Spook Somnium
Fido Tenacity
Tombstone Morris
Cessa Somnium
Rem Sanae
Corydon Somnium


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